7 calls to OAuth2ServerTest::passwordGrantRequest() in OAuth2 Server 8
- OAuth2ServerTest::testBlockedUserTokenFails in tests/
src/ Functional/ OAuth2ServerTest.php - Test that access is denied when using a token for a blocked user.
- OAuth2ServerTest::testCryptoTokens in tests/
src/ Functional/ OAuth2ServerTest.php - Tests crypto tokens.
- OAuth2ServerTest::testOpenIdConnectNonDefaultSub in tests/
src/ Functional/ OAuth2ServerTest.php - Tests that the OpenID Connect 'sub' property affects user info 'sub' claim.
- OAuth2ServerTest::testPasswordGrantType in tests/
src/ Functional/ OAuth2ServerTest.php - Tests the "User credentials" grant type.
- OAuth2ServerTest::testRefreshTokenGrantType in tests/
src/ Functional/ OAuth2ServerTest.php - Tests the "Refresh token" grant type.
- OAuth2ServerTest::testResourceRequests in tests/
src/ Functional/ OAuth2ServerTest.php - Tests resource requests.
- OAuth2ServerTest::testScopes in tests/
src/ Functional/ OAuth2ServerTest.php - Tests scopes.