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protected function OAuth2ServerTestCase::assertTokenResponse in OAuth2 Server 7

Assert that the given token response has the expected values.


$response: The response (either an object decoded from a json string or the query string taken from the url in case of the implicit flow).

$has_refresh_token: A boolean indicating whether this response should have a refresh token.

9 calls to OAuth2ServerTestCase::assertTokenResponse()
OAuth2ServerTestCase::testAuthorizationCodeGrantType in tests/oauth2_server.test
Tests the "Authorization code" grant type.
OAuth2ServerTestCase::testClientCredentialsGrantType in tests/oauth2_server.test
Tests the "Client credentials" grant type.
OAuth2ServerTestCase::testCryptoTokens in tests/oauth2_server.test
Tests crypto tokens.
OAuth2ServerTestCase::testImplicitFlow in tests/oauth2_server.test
Tests the implicit flow.
OAuth2ServerTestCase::testJwtBearerGrantType in tests/oauth2_server.test
Tests the "JWT bearer" grant type.

... See full list


tests/oauth2_server.test, line 849
OAuth2 tests.


Test basic API.


protected function assertTokenResponse($response, $has_refresh_token = TRUE) {

  // Make sure we have an array.
  $response = (array) $response;
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('access_token', $response), 'The "access token" value is present in the return values');
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('expires_in', $response), 'The "expires_in" value is present in the return values');
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('token_type', $response), 'The "token_type" value is present in the return values');
    ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('scope', $response), 'The "scope" value is present in the return values');
  if ($has_refresh_token) {
      ->assertTrue(array_key_exists('refresh_token', $response), 'The "refresh_token" value is present in the return values');