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8 calls to oauth2_server_send_response() in OAuth2 Server 7

oauth2_server_authorize_form_submit in ./
Submit callback for oauth2_server_authorize_form.
oauth2_server_authorize_page in ./
Page callback: Authenticates the user and redirect back to the client with an authorization code.
oauth2_server_revoke_page in ./
Page callback: revoke a token.
oauth2_server_services_authenticate_call in includes/
Services authentication "authenticate_call" callback.
oauth2_server_tokens_page in ./
Page callback: Returns information about the provided token.
oauth2_server_token_page in ./
Page callback: exchanges an authorization code for an access token.
oauth2_server_userinfo in ./
Page callback: returns claims about the authenticated end-user.
oauth2_server_verify_access in ./oauth2_server.module
Verifies access for the passed server and scope.