10 calls to oauth2_server_load() in OAuth2 Server 7
- OAuth2ServerScopeUIController::applyOperation in includes/
oauth2_server.scope_admin.inc - Overrides EntityDefaultUIController::overviewTableRow().
- OAuth2ServerScopeUIController::overviewTable in includes/
oauth2_server.scope_admin.inc - Overrides EntityDefaultUIController::overviewTable().
- OAuth2ServerTestCase::testCryptoTokens in tests/
oauth2_server.test - Tests crypto tokens.
- oauth2_server_authorize_page in ./
oauth2_server.pages.inc - Page callback: Authenticates the user and redirect back to the client with an authorization code.
- oauth2_server_check_access in ./
oauth2_server.module - Check access for the passed server and scope.
- oauth2_server_client_form in includes/
oauth2_server.client_admin.inc - Generates the client editing form.
- oauth2_server_from_request in ./
oauth2_server.module - Loads an OAuth2 server using the request details.
- oauth2_server_scope_access in ./
oauth2_server.module - Access control for oauth2_server_scope entities.
- oauth2_server_scope_form in includes/
oauth2_server.scope_admin.inc - Generates the scope editing form.
- Storage::checkRestrictedGrantType in lib/
Drupal/ oauth2_server/ Storage.php