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namespace Drupal\oauth2_server in OAuth2 Server 8

Same name in other branches
  1. 7 Drupal\oauth2_server
  2. 2.0.x Drupal\oauth2_server
Classsort descending Location Description
AuthorizationCodeInterface src/AuthorizationCodeInterface.php Defines the interface for token entities.
ClientInterface src/ClientInterface.php Defines the interface for client entities.
ClientListBuilder src/ClientListBuilder.php Builds a listing of oauth2 server client entities.
OAuth2Storage src/OAuth2Storage.php Provides Drupal OAuth2 storage for the library.
OAuth2StorageInterface src/OAuth2StorageInterface.php Interface OAuth2 Storage Interface.
ScopeInterface src/ScopeInterface.php Defines the interface for scope entities.
ScopeListBuilder src/ScopeListBuilder.php Builds a listing of oauth2 server entities.
ScopeUtility src/ScopeUtility.php Provides a scope-checking utility to the library.
ServerInterface src/ServerInterface.php Defines the interface for server entities.
ServerListBuilder src/ServerListBuilder.php Builds a listing of oauth2 server entities.
TokenInterface src/TokenInterface.php Defines the interface for token entities.
Utility src/Utility.php Contains utility methods for the OAuth2 Server.