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public function OgSubspacesSelectionHandler::countReferencableEntities in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Implements EntityReferenceHandler::countReferencableEntities().

Overrides EntityReference_SelectionHandler_Generic::countReferencableEntities


plugins/entityreference/selection/OgSubspacesSelectionHandler.class.php, line 103
Code for OG Subspaces selection handler


OG Subspaces selection handler for OA.


public function countReferencableEntities($match = NULL, $match_operator = 'CONTAINS') {
  if (!empty($this->instance) && $this->instance['entity_type'] == 'node') {

    // Organic Groups calls this method in og_node_access to determine "create X content" permission.
    // There comment is this:
    // -----
    // We can't check if user has create permissions using og_user_access(), as
    // there is no group context. However, we can check if there are any groups
    // the user will be able to select, and if not, we don't allow access.
    // @see OgSelectionHandler::getReferencableEntities()
    // -----
    // Well, in Open Atrium, we DO know the group context because it's stored in the session
    // So we can just use og_user_access('create X content', $space_id) to determine access
    // Since this method isn't used anywhere else, we'll return a zero or one to determine
    // create X access.
    // ------
    // We directly check session as oa_core_get_space_context checks menu_get_item
    // which checks node_access.
    // ------
    // BEWARE: If you use some other module that relies on the TRUE count, it won't work
    $space_id =& drupal_static('oa_core_count_ref_space_id', NULL);
    if (!isset($space_id)) {
      if (!empty($_SESSION['og_context']['group_type']) && $_SESSION['og_context']['group_type'] == 'node' && ($node = node_load($_SESSION['og_context']['gid'])) && node_access('view', $node)) {
        $space_id = $_SESSION['og_context']['gid'];
      else {
        $space_id = FALSE;
    if ($space_id) {
      $node_type = $this->instance['bundle'];
      return og_user_access('node', $space_id, 'create ' . $node_type . ' content') ? 1 : 0;
  return 0;