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htmlmail.tpl.php in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Template for HTML emails.

$body - The message body text. $module - The first argument to drupal_mail(), which is, by convention, the machine-readable name of the sending module. $key - The second argument to drupal_mail(), which should give some indication of why this email is being sent. $message - The message object. Not always available. $message_id - The email message id, which should be equal to "{$module}_{$key}". $headers - An array of email (name => value) pairs. $from - The configured sender address. $to - The recipient email address. $to_user - User object for the recipient's user. Not always available. $to_user_details - Array of details about recipient's user. Not always available. $subject - The message subject line. $body - The formatted message body. $language - The language object for this message. $params - Any module-specific parameters. $template_name - The basename of the active template. $template_path - The relative path to the template directory. $template_url - The absolute URL to the template directory. $theme - The name of the Email theme used to hold template files. If the Echo module is enabled this theme will also be used to transform the message body into a fully-themed webpage. $theme_path - The relative path to the selected Email theme directory. $theme_url - The absolute URL to the selected Email theme directory. $debug - TRUE to add some useful debugging info to the bottom of the message.


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 * @file
 * Template for HTML emails.
 * $body - The message body text.
 * $module - The first argument to drupal_mail(), which is, by convention, the
 *           machine-readable name of the sending module.
 * $key - The second argument to drupal_mail(), which should give some indication
 *        of why this email is being sent.
 * $message - The message object. Not always available.
 * $message_id - The email message id, which should be equal to "{$module}_{$key}".
 * $headers - An array of email (name => value) pairs.
 * $from - The configured sender address.
 * $to - The recipient email address.
 * $to_user - User object for the recipient's user. Not always available.
 * $to_user_details - Array of details about recipient's user. Not always available.
 * $subject - The message subject line.
 * $body - The formatted message body.
 * $language - The language object for this message.
 * $params - Any module-specific parameters.
 * $template_name - The basename of the active template.
 * $template_path - The relative path to the template directory.
 * $template_url - The absolute URL to the template directory.
 * $theme - The name of the Email theme used to hold template files. If the Echo
 *          module is enabled this theme will also be used to transform the
 *          message body into a fully-themed webpage.
 * $theme_path - The relative path to the selected Email theme directory.
 * $theme_url - The absolute URL to the selected Email theme directory.
 * $debug - TRUE to add some useful debugging info to the bottom of the message.


// Styles
$table_style = 'width: 100%;
background: #fbfbfb;
border: 1px solid #E3E3E3;
border-radius: 4px;';
$subject_style = 'font-size: 20px;';
$user_badge_style = 'width: 170px;
background-color: #f9f9f9;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
border-radius: 4px;
text-align: right;
padding: 10px;';
$body_style = 'padding: 10px;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 20px;
color: #333;';

<h2 style="<?php

print $subject_style;

print $subject;
<table style="<?php

print $table_style;
    <td style="<?php

print $user_badge_style;

if (!empty($to_user->uid)) {
      <a href="<?php

  print url('user/' . $to_user->uid);

  print $to_user_details['realname'];

  print $to_user_details['picture'];

    <td style="<?php

print $body_style;

print $body;