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notify.test in Notify 7

Automated tests for notify.


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* @file
* Automated tests for notify.
class SharedTestFunctions extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected function drupalCreateAdminUser(array $permissions = array()) {
    $roles = user_roles();
    $index = array_search('administrator', $roles);
    $user = $this
    $user->roles[$index] = 'administrator';

    // Subscribe this user to notifications,
      'uid' => $user->uid,
      'status' => 1,
      'node' => 1,
      'teasers' => 0,
      'comment' => 1,
      'attempts' => 0,
    return user_save($user);
  protected function drupalCreateNotifyUsers($numb = 1, array $permissions = array()) {
    for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $numb; $ii++) {
      $user = $this
        'access notify',

      // Subscribe this user to notifications,
        'uid' => $user->uid,
        'status' => 1,
        'node' => 1,
        'teasers' => 0,
        'comment' => 1,
        'attempts' => 0,
    return user_save($user);
  protected function createContent($numb = 1, $author = NULL, $published = TRUE, $date = NULL) {
    for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $numb; $ii++) {

      // Post an article.
      $edit = array();
      $edit['title'] = 'Art: ' . $this
      $edit['body[und][0][value]'] = $this
        ->randomName(7) . ' ' . $this
        ->randomName(9) . '.';
      if ($date) {
        $edit["date"] = $date;
      if (isset($author)) {
        $edit['name'] = $author;
      if (!$published) {
        $edit['status'] = FALSE;
        ->drupalPost('node/add/article', $edit, t('Save'));
        ->assertText(t('Article @title has been created.', array(
        '@title' => $edit['title'],

class TestNotify extends SharedTestFunctions {
  protected $user;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Test Notify single'),
      'description' => t('Various notify test cases for a single run.'),
      'group' => t('Notify'),
  public function setUp() {
    debug('DEBUG setUp: Test Notify single');

    // Enable any modules required for the test. This should be an array of
    // module names.

    // Create and log in our admin user. Give permissions.
    $admin = $this
      'access notify',
      'administer notify',
      'administer notify queue',
      'administer notify skip flags',
      'administer nodes',
      'bypass node access',
      'create article content',
    $user = $this
    $this->user = $user;

    // Login admin user

  // Test notification when cron is set up to never send anything
  public function testCronNever() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', -1);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);

    //variable_set('mail_system', array('default-system' => 'TestingMailSystem'));
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);

    // Last was yesterday.
    $tt = $now + 86400;
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', $tt);

    // Next cron scheduled tomorrow.
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 0, 'No emails are sent.');

  // Tests creation of three nodes to old to send.
  // send_last yesterday
  // send_start and send_cron reset to zero
  // short cron
  public function testOldArticlesShortCron() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 600);

    // every ten minutes
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 8);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // reset
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', 0);

    // reset
    // Content is old
      ->createContent(3, NULL, TRUE, '2014-01-01 01:00:00 +0100');
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 0, 'No emails are sent.');

  // Tests creation of three nodes to old to send.
  // send_last yesterday
  // send_start and send_cron reset to zero
  // long cron
  public function testCreateOldArticlesLongCron() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 86400);

    // every 1 day
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 8);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // reset
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', 0);

    // reset
    // Content is old
      ->createContent(3, NULL, TRUE, '2014-01-01 01:00:00 +0100');
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 0, 'No emails are sent.');

  // Tests notification about three unpublished nodes (only notify admin).
  // Send on first cron.
  public function testCreateOnlyUnpublishedArticles() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 0);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);

    // Last was yesterday.
    $tt = $now + 86400;
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', $tt);

    // Next cron scheduled tomorrow.
      ->createContent(1, '', FALSE);
      ->createContent(1, $this->user->name, FALSE);
      ->createContent(1, NULL, FALSE);
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 1, 'One email are sent.');

  // Test notification of some typical article nodes.
  public function testCreateThreeOrdinaryArticles() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 0);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);

    // Last was yesterday.
    $tt = $now + 86400;
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', $tt);

    // Next cron scheduled tomorrow.
      ->createContent(1, '', FALSE);
      ->createContent(1, $this->user->name);
      ->createContent(1, NULL);
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 3, 'Three emails are sent.');

  // Tests creation of one very old node and two recent ones.
  // send_last yesterday
  // send_start and send_cron reset to zero
  public function testOldAndNewArticles() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 600);

    // every ten minutes
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 8);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // reset
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);

    // yesterday
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', 0);

    // reset
    // Content is: 1 x old, 2 x 5 hour old
    $fivehoursago = format_date($now - 18000, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');
      ->createContent(1, NULL, TRUE, '2014-01-01 01:00:00 +0100');
      ->createContent(2, NULL, TRUE, $fivehoursago);
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 3, 'Three emails are sent.');

class TestSendingHour extends SharedTestFunctions {
  protected $user;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Test Notify sending hour'),
      'description' => t('Various notify test cases for the sending hour being respected.'),
      'group' => t('Notify'),
  public function setUp() {
    debug('DEBUG setUp: Test Notify sending hour');

    // Enable any modules required for the test. This should be an array of
    // module names.

    // Create and log in our admin user. Give permissions.
    $admin = $this
      'access notify',
      'administer notify',
      'administer notify queue',
      'administer notify skip flags',
      'administer nodes',
      'bypass node access',
      'create article content',
    $user = $this
    $this->user = $user;

    // Login admin user

  // Tests whether sending time is respected.
  // send_last yesterday
  // send_hour two hours in the past
  // send_start and send_cron reset to zero
  public function testRespectSendingHour() {
    debug('DEBUG START: testRespectSendingHour');

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 172800);

    // every 2 days

    //variable_set('mail_system', array('default-system' => 'TestingMailSystem'));
    $hour = date('G', REQUEST_TIME);
    if ($hour < 3) {
      return $this
        ->assert('exception', 'Test "testRespectSendingHour" can only be run after 0300 hours.', 'Notify');
    $hour = date('G', REQUEST_TIME - 7200);

    // Two hours ago
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', (int) $hour);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);

    // Set up some times.
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    $yesterday = $now - 87000;

    // yesterday - 10 min
    $hoursago1 = format_date($now - 3600, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');
    $hoursago5 = format_date($now - 18000, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');

    // Content is: 1 x old, 1 x 5 hour old, 1 x 1hour old
      ->createContent(1, NULL, TRUE, '2014-01-01 14:00:00 +0100');
      ->createContent(1, NULL, TRUE, $hoursago5);
      ->createContent(1, NULL, TRUE, $hoursago1);
    $send_hour = variable_get('notify_send_hour', 8);

    //debug($send_hour, 'notify_send_hour (about two hours ago)');
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // reset
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $yesterday);

    //$cron_next = $now + 6000; // +1:40 (future)

    //$_debug = format_date($cron_next, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');

    //debug($_debug, 'notify_cron_next (string) #1');
    debug('DEBUG: Not setting $cron_next.');
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 0, 'No emails are sent.');
    $cron_next = $now - 6000;

    // -1:40 (past)

    //$_debug = format_date($cron_next, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');

    //debug($_debug, 'notify_cron_next (string) #2');
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // reset
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $yesterday);
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', $cron_next);
    $mails = $this
    $firstbatch = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($firstbatch, 3, 'Three emails are sent.');
    $cron_next = variable_get('notify_cron_next', 0);

    //$_debug = format_date($cron_next, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');

    //debug($_debug, 'notify_cron_next (string) #3');

  // Tests whether sending time is respected.
  // send_last yesterday
  // send_hour two hours in the past
  // send_start and send_cron reset to zero
  public function testSendingHourNoneToSend() {
    debug('DEBUG START: testSendingHourNoneToSend');

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 172800);

    // every 2 days
    $hour = date('G', REQUEST_TIME);
    if ($hour < 3) {
      return $this
        ->assert('exception', 'Test "testRespectSendingHour" can only be run after 0300 hours.', 'Notify');
    $hour = date('G', REQUEST_TIME - 7200);

    // Two hours ago
    $hour = '1';
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', (int) $hour);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);

    // Set up some times.
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    $yesterday = $now - 87000;

    // yesterday - 10 min
    $hoursago1 = format_date($now - 3600, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');
    $hoursago5 = format_date($now - 18000, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');

    // Content is: 3 x 1hour old
      ->createContent(1, NULL, TRUE, $hoursago1);
      ->createContent(1, NULL, TRUE, $hoursago1);
      ->createContent(1, NULL, TRUE, $hoursago1);
    $send_hour = variable_get('notify_send_hour', 8);
    debug($send_hour, 'notify_send_hour (about two hours ago)');
    $cron_next = $now + 173000;

    // More than two days in the future
    $_debug = format_date($cron_next, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');
    debug($_debug, 'notify_cron_next (string) #1');
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // reset
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $yesterday);
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', $cron_next);
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 0, 'No emails are sent.');
    $cron_next = $now - 6000;

    // -1:40 (past)
    $_debug = format_date($cron_next, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');
    debug($_debug, 'notify_cron_next (string) #2');
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // reset
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $yesterday);
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', $cron_next);
    $mails = $this
    $firstbatch = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($firstbatch, 3, 'Three emails are sent.');
    $cron_next = variable_get('notify_cron_next', 0);

    //$_debug = format_date($cron_next, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');

    //debug($_debug, 'notify_cron_next (string) #3');

class TestNotifyVariables extends SharedTestFunctions {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Show Notify variables'),
      'description' => t('Demonstrate that Notify variables has no default values.'),
      'group' => t('Notify'),
  public function setUp() {
    debug('DEBUG setUp: Show Notify variables');

    // Enable Notify.

  // Test notification when cron is set up to never send anything
  public function testVars() {
    trigger_error('This will query all variables, and return -2 if it is not set.', E_USER_NOTICE);
    $notify_attempts = variable_get('notify_attempts', -2);
    $notify_include_updates = variable_get('notify_include_updates', -2);
    $notify_reg_default = variable_get('notify_reg_default', -2);
    $notify_period = variable_get('notify_period', -2);
    $notify_batchsize = variable_get('notify_batchsize', -2);
    $notify_send_hour = variable_get('notify_send_hour', -2);
    debug($notify_attempts, 'notify_attempts');
    debug($notify_include_updates, 'notify_include_updates');
    debug($notify_reg_default, 'notify_reg_default');
    debug($notify_period, 'notify_period');
    debug($notify_batchsize, 'notify_batchsize');
    debug($notify_send_hour, 'notify_send_hour');

class TestNotifyBatch extends SharedTestFunctions {
  protected $user;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Test Notify batch'),
      'description' => t('Spread notification over several crons.'),
      'group' => t('Notify'),
  public function setUp() {
    debug('DEBUG setUp: Show Notify batch');

    // Enable any modules required for the test. This should be an array of
    // module names.

    // Create and log in our admin user. Give permissions.
    $admin = $this
      'access notify',
      'administer notify',
      'administer notify queue',
      'administer notify skip flags',
      'administer nodes',
      'bypass node access',
      'create article content',
    $user = $this
    $this->user = $user;

    // Login admin user

  // Test notification to 20 users
  public function testBatchSizeHundred() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 86400);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);

    //variable_set('mail_system', array('default-system' => 'TestingMailSystem'));
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);

    // Last was yesterday.
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', 0);

    // Cron reset
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 20, 'Twenty emails are sent.');

  // Test notification of some typical article nodes.
  public function testBatchSizeThree() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 86400);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 3);
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);

    // Last was yesterday.
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', 0);

    // Cron reset

    //  3
    // Create a race condition, new post during cron.

    //  6

    //  9

    // 12

    // 15

    // 18

    // 20

    // 20

    // 20
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 20, 'Twenty emails are sent.');
    variable_set('notify_period', 0);

    // 20
    $mails = $this

    if ($mails) {
      debug($mails[0], '$mail[0]');
      debug($mails[19], '$mail[19]');
      debug($mails[20], '$mail[20]');
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 23, 'Twentythree emails are sent.');

class TestNotifyPeriods extends SharedTestFunctions {
  protected $user;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Test Notify periods'),
      'description' => t('Test notification with different periods.'),
      'group' => t('Notify'),
  public function setUp() {

    // Enable any modules required for the test. This should be an array of
    // module names.

    // Create and log in our admin user. Give permissions.
    $admin = $this
      'access notify',
      'administer notify',
      'administer notify queue',
      'administer notify skip flags',
      'administer nodes',
      'bypass node access',
      'create article content',
    $user = $this
    $this->user = $user;

    // Login admin user

  // Test notification when period is next cron, last is reset.
  public function testPeriodNextCron() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 1);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 0);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);

    //variable_set('mail_system', array('default-system' => 'TestingMailSystem'));

    // $now = REQUEST_TIME; $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    variable_set('notify_send_last', 0);

    // Last reset
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', 0);

    // Cron reset
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 3, 'Three emails are sent.');

  // Test notification when period is next cron, last yesterday.
  public function testPeriodNextCronLastYd() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 1);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 0);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);
    $yd = REQUEST_TIME - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $yd);

    // Last reset
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', 0);

    // Cron reset
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 3, 'Three emails are sent.');

  // Test notification when period is 1 hour cron, last is reset.
  public function testPeriodOneHour() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 1);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 3600);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);

    // $now = REQUEST_TIME; $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    variable_set('notify_send_last', 0);

    // Last reset
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', 0);

    // Cron reset
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 3, 'Three emails are sent.');

class TestNotifyMailSystem extends SharedTestFunctions {
  protected $user;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Test Notify mailsystem'),
      'description' => t('Simple test of sending mail.'),
      'group' => t('Notify'),
  public function setUp() {
    debug('DEBUG setUp: Test Notify mailsystem');

    // Enable any modules required for the test. This should be an array of
    // module names.

    // Create and log in our admin user. Give permissions.
    $admin = $this
      'access notify',
      'administer notify',
      'administer notify queue',
      'administer notify skip flags',
      'administer nodes',
      'bypass node access',
      'create article content',
    $user = $this
    $this->user = $user;

    // Login admin user

  // Tests notification about one unpublished nodes (only notify admin).
  // Send on first cron.
  // Function name was dupe,  Was this the bug?
  // public function testCreateOnlyUnpublishedArticles() {
  public function testCreateOneUnpublishedArticle() {

    // Set up notify environment.
    variable_set('notify_attempts', 5);
    variable_set('notify_include_updates', 0);
    variable_set('notify_reg_default', 1);
    variable_set('notify_period', 0);
    variable_set('notify_send_hour', 9);
    variable_set('notify_batchsize', 100);

    //variable_set('mail_system', array('default-system' => 'TestingMailSystem'));
    $now = REQUEST_TIME;
    variable_set('notify_send_start', 0);

    // We haven't started
    $tt = $now - 86400;
    variable_set('notify_send_last', $tt);

    // Last was yesterday.
    $tt = $now + 86400;
    variable_set('notify_cron_next', $tt);

    // Next cron scheduled tomorrow.
      ->createContent(1, $this->user->name, FALSE);
    $mails = $this
    $howmany = count($mails);
      ->assertEqual($howmany, 1, 'One email is sent.');
