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notifications_templates.test in Notifications 6.3


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require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'notifications') . '/tests/';

 * Class for testing notifications templates and message composition.
class NotificationsTemplatesTests extends NotificationsTestCase {
  function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Notifications Templates',
      'group' => 'Notifications',
      'description' => 'Notifications templates and message composition',
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('token', 'autoload', 'messaging', 'messaging_debug', 'messaging_template', 'notifications', 'notifications_content', 'notifications_digest');

    // Set some defaults
    // Default send interval will be: immediately
    variable_set('notifications_default_send_interval', 0);
    variable_set('notifications_default_send_method', 'debug');

    // Set fake site name for comparison after token replacement
    variable_set('site_name', 'Test Site');
    require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'notifications') . '/';

   * Play with creating, retrieving, deleting a pair subscriptions
  function testNotificationsTemplates() {

    // Create user to subscribe and get notifications
    $user = $this
    $send_method = 'debug';
    $site_name = 'Test Site';

    // Create content types for test nodes
    $ctype1 = $this
    $ctype2 = $this

    // Author and node for testing, will be admin
    $author = $this
    $node1 = $this
      'title' => 'Title 1',
      'body' => 'Body 1',
      'type' => $ctype1->type,
      'uid' => $author->uid,
      'status' => 1,
    $node2 = $this
      'title' => 'Title 2',
      'body' => 'Body 2',
      'type' => $ctype2->type,
      'uid' => $author->uid,
      'status' => 1,

    // Add name to nodes to avoid annoying notifices
    $node1->name = $node2->name = $author->name;

    // Build some fake objects
    $event1 = $this
      ->notificationsCreateNodeEvent('insert', $node1);
    $event2 = $this
      ->notificationsCreateNodeEvent('update', $node2);

    // Basic api, text parts and info functions
    variable_set('notifications_build_methods', array(
      1 => 'short',
      2 => 'long',
    $digest = notifications_build_method(1);
      ->assertEqual($digest['type'], 'short', 'Get information about intervals and digest methods.');
    $info = notifications_event_types($event1->type, $event1->action);
      ->assertEqual($info['digest'], array(
    ), 'Get event information about digest fields');
    $info = nofitications_digest_event_info($event1);
      ->assertEqual($info, array(
      'type' => 'node',
      'field' => 'type',
      'value' => $node1->type,
      'object' => $node1,
      'module' => 'notifications',
    ), 'Get digest information for first event.');

    //$this->printObject('digest information', $info);
    $info = nofitications_digest_event_info($event2);
      ->assertEqual($info, array(
      'type' => 'node',
      'field' => 'nid',
      'value' => $node2->nid,
      'object' => $node2,
      'module' => 'notifications',
    ), 'Get digest information for second event.');

    //$this->printObject('digest information', $info);

    // Text parts, text replacement, etc...
    $event1->text['test'] = 'Text part';
    $event1->text['body'] = '[title] [type-name] [site-name]';
    $template = Notifications_Template::create_event_template($event1, 'test');

    //$part = notifications_message_part('event', 'test', 'test', $event1);
      ->set_object('node', $node1);
    $part = $template
      ->assertEqual($part, 'Text part', 'Retrieved message part from event');
    $part = $template
      ->assertEqual($part, 'type key [type-name] [title] [site-name]', 'Retrieved testing message part: ' . $part);
    $text = messaging_template_text_replace('[title] [type-name] [site-name]', array(
      'node' => $node1,
      ->assertEqual($text, "{$node1->title} {$node1->type} Test Site", 'Text replacement for node object');

    // Now lets get into the scary part, events and event digesting
    $text = array(
      'subject' => 'Subject [title]',
      'header' => 'Update for [type-name] [title]',
      'main' => 'The body is [node-body-raw]',
      'footer' => 'My site is [site-name]',
      'digest' => 'Digest line [title]',
    $target = array(
      'subject' => "Subject {$node1->title}",
      'body' => array(
        'header' => "Update for {$ctype1->name} {$node1->title}",
        'event' => "The body is {$node1->body}",
        'footer' => 'My site is Test Site',
    $event1->text = $event2->text = $text;

    // Build event and subscriptions array
    $event_list = array(
    $subscriptions = array_fill(1, count($event_list), array());
    $messages = notifications_process_compose(NULL, $event_list, $subscriptions, 'test', 0);
      ->assertEqual($messages[0], $target, 'Message composition for single event' . $this
      ->compareTexts($messages[0], $target));

    // Test digesting, prepare events and build event list
    $node3 = $this
      'title' => 'Title 3',
      'body' => 'Body 3',
      'type' => $ctype1->type,
      'uid' => $author->uid,
      'status' => 1,
    $node3->name = $author->name;

    // This should be digested by node type with the first one
    $event3 = $this
      ->notificationsCreateNodeEvent('insert', $node3);

    // This should be digested by node with the second one, it's the same node update
    $event4 = $this
      ->notificationsCreateNodeEvent('update', $node2);

    // Set known event texts
    $event3->text = $event4->text = $text;
    $event_list = array(
      1 => $event1,
      2 => $event2,
      3 => $event3,
      4 => $event4,

    // This should produce a short digest, build the target to compare
    $items = array();
    $items['subject'] = "[site-name] subscription update for [user]";
    $items['header'] = "Greetings, [user].\n\nThese are your messages";
    $items['footer'] = "This is an automatic message from [site-name]\nTo manage your subscriptions, browse to [subscriptions-manage]";
    $objects = array(
      'user' => $user,
      'subscription' => NULL,
    $texts = messaging_template_text_replace($items, $objects);

    // Node post events are digested by node type
    $lines = array();
    $lines['node'][$ctype1->type] = array(
      'group' => array(
        'title' => "New content of type {$ctype1->name} has been submitted",
        'footer' => "",
      'line' => array(
        1 => "Digest line {$node1->title}",
        //"$node1->title\nRead more " . url('node/' . $node1->nid, array('absolute' => TRUE)),
        2 => "Digest line {$node3->title}",

    // Node updates and comments are digested by nid
    $lines['node'][2] = array(
      'group' => array(
        'title' => "Updates for {$ctype2->name}: {$node2->title}",
        'footer' => "Read more " . url('node/' . $node2->nid, array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
      'line' => array(
        1 => "Digest line {$node2->title}",
        //"$node2->title\nRead more " . url('node/' . $node2->nid, array('absolute' => TRUE)),
        2 => "Digest line {$node2->title}",
    $target = array(
      'subject' => $texts['subject'],
      'body' => theme('notifications_digest_short_body', $texts, $lines),

    // Build fake subscriptions array
    $subscriptions = array_fill(1, count($event_list), array());
    $params = new Stdclass();
    $params->account = $user;
    $params->events = $event_list;
    $params->subscriptions = $subscriptions;
    $params->send_method = $send_method;
    $params->send_interval = 1;
    $digest = notifications_digest_build_short($params);
    $message = array(
      'subject' => $digest[0]->subject,
      'body' => $digest[0]->body,
      ->assertEqual($message, $target, 'Message composition for short digest.' . $this
      ->compareTexts($message, $target));

    //$this->printObject($target, 'Target');

    //$this->printObject($message, 'Message');

    // This should be a long digest, interval 2, build target to compare
    $event_list = array(
      1 => $event1,
      2 => $event2,
    $body = array(
      "Subject {$node1->title}",
      "The body is {$node1->body}",
      "Subject {$node2->title}",
      "The body is {$node2->body}",
    $target = array(
      'subject' => $texts['subject'],
      'body' => theme('notifications_digest_long_body', $texts['header'], $body, $texts['footer']),
    $subscriptions = array_fill(1, count($event_list), array());
    $digest = notifications_process_compose($user, $event_list, $subscriptions, $send_method, 2);
    $message = array(
      'subject' => $digest[0]['subject'],
      'body' => $digest[0]['body'],
      ->assertEqual($message, $target, 'Message composition for long digest.' . $this
      ->compareTexts($message, $target));

    //$this->printObject($target, 'Target');

    //$this->printObject($message, 'Message');

  // Notifications helper functions
  function notificationsCreateNodeEvent($action, $node) {
    static $eid = 0;
    return (object) array(
      'eid' => ++$eid,
      'type' => 'node',
      'action' => $action,
      'node' => $node,
      'params' => array(
        'nid' => $node->nid,
      'objects' => array(
        'node' => $node,

  // Helper function to compare two text arrays and print the differences side by side
  function compareTexts($text1, $text2) {
    if ($diff = $this
      ->diffTexts($text1, $text2)) {
      return theme('table', array(), $diff);
    else {
      return '';

  // Diff two text arrays and return rows key, value1, value2
  function diffTexts($text1, $text2) {
    $diff = array();
    foreach ($text1 as $key => $value) {
      if (!isset($text2[$key])) {
        $diff[] = array(
          str_replace("\n", '\\n', $value),
      elseif (is_array($value)) {
        if ($compare = $this
          ->compareTexts($value, $text2[$key])) {
          $diff[] = array(
              'data' => $compare,
              'colspan' => 2,
      elseif ($value != $text2[$key]) {
        $diff[] = array(
          str_replace("\n", '\\n', $value),
          str_replace("\n", '\\n', $text2[$key]),
    return $diff;

  // Helper option for debugging
  function printDebug($data) {
    $string = is_array($data) || is_object($data) ? print_r($data, TRUE) : $data;
      ->assertTrue(TRUE, 'DEBUG: ' . $string);



Namesort descending Description
NotificationsTemplatesTests Class for testing notifications templates and message composition.