function NotificationsContentTests::testNotificationsContent in Notifications 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.4 tests/notifications_content.test \NotificationsContentTests::testNotificationsContent()
- 6.2 tests/notifications_content.test \NotificationsContentTests::testNotificationsContent()
- 6.3 tests/notifications_content.test \NotificationsContentTests::testNotificationsContent()
- 7 tests/notifications_content.test \NotificationsContentTests::testNotificationsContent()
Play with creating, retrieving, deleting a pair subscriptions
- tests/
notifications_content.test, line 87
- NotificationsContentTests
- Class for testing notifications module. Tests basic API functions
function testNotificationsContent() {
// Create a new content-type for subscribing to
$ctype = $this
// Enable this content type for thread/author/type subscriptions
variable_set('notifications_content_type', array(
// Enable all UI pages
// Author and node for testing, will be admin
$author = $this
$node = $this
'title' => 'Notifications ' . $this
'body' => 'This is a test node for content subscriptions.',
'type' => $ctype->type,
'uid' => $author->uid,
'status' => 1,
$subs_thread = new Stdclass();
$subs_thread->type = 'thread';
$subs_thread->event_type = 'node';
$subs_thread->fields['nid'] = $node->nid;
// Check generic info hooks with some random values
->assertEqual(notifications_subscription_types('thread', 'event_type'), 'node', 'Types hook retrieves right value.');
$event_type = notifications_event_types('node', 'update');
->assertEqual($event_type['digest'], array(
), 'Event types hook retrieves right value.');
// Try permissions with anonymous user
$user = drupal_anonymous_user();
->assertEqual(notifications_user_allowed('subscription', $user, $subs_thread), FALSE, 'Subscription not allowed for anonymous user');
// Create an authorized user and try permissions
$user = $this
->assertEqual(notifications_user_allowed('subscription', $user, $subs_thread), TRUE, 'Subscription is allowed for user with the right permissions');
// Check unsubscribe page, no subscriptions yet
->drupalGet('notifications/unsubscribe/uid/' . $user->uid);
->assertText("You don't have any subscription on this site.", 'Unsubscribe page showing no subscriptions');
// Check content type page before and after enabling this content type
$allowed = notifications_content_types();
->assertEqual(isset($allowed[$ctype->type]), TRUE, 'Subscriptions are allowed for the new content type');
$allowed[$ctype->type] = 0;
// Enable this content type for thread/author subscriptions
variable_set('notifications_content_type', array(
->drupalGet('user/' . $user->uid . '/notifications/nodetype');
->assertNoText($ctype->name, 'User account subscriptions doesn\'t show content type.');
$allowed[$ctype->type] = $ctype->type;
// Enable this content type for thread/author/type subscriptions
variable_set('notifications_content_type', array(
->drupalGet('user/' . $user->uid . '/notifications/nodetype');
->assertText($ctype->name, 'User account subscriptions shows content type.');
// Create a real thread subscription for a user
$link = notifications_get_link('subscribe', array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'type' => 'thread',
'fields' => array(
'nid' => $node->nid,
->drupalGet($link['href'], $link['options']);
->assertText('Confirm your subscription', 'Thread subscription: Subscriptions confirmation page is shown');
->assertRaw(t('Thread: @title', array(
'@title' => $node->title,
)), 'Confirmation page parameters are ok');
->drupalPost($link['href'], array(), 'Subscribe');
->assertText('Your subscription was activated', 'Confirmation message is displayed');
// Retrieve the subscription from the database
$subs = notifications_user_get_subscriptions($user->uid, 'node', $node->nid, $node);
->assertEqual(count($subs), 1, 'The thread subscription has been actually created.');
$subscription = array_shift($subs);
// Try unsubscribe & subscribe again with signed links
$link = notifications_get_link('unsubscribe', array(
'sid' => $subscription->sid,
'confirm' => FALSE,
->drupalGet($link['href'], $link['options']);
->assertText(t('Your subscription has been removed.'), 'Thread subscription successfully removed with signed link');
$link = notifications_get_link('subscribe', array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'type' => 'thread',
'fields' => array(
'nid' => $node->nid,
'confirm' => FALSE,
->drupalGet($link['href'], $link['options']);
->assertText(t('Your subscription was activated.'), 'Created thread subscription with signed link');
// Retrieve the subscription from the database
$subs = notifications_user_get_subscriptions($user->uid, 'node', $node->nid, $node, TRUE);
->assertEqual(count($subs), 1, 'The thread subscription has been actually created.');
$subscription = array_shift($subs);
// Create content type subscription
$link = notifications_get_link('subscribe', array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'type' => 'nodetype',
'fields' => array(
'type' => $node->type,
->drupalGet($link['href'], $link['options']);
->assertText(t('Confirm your subscription'), 'Content type: Subscriptions confirmation page is shown');
->assertRaw(t('Content type: @type', array(
'@type' => $ctype->name,
)), 'Confirmation page parameters are ok');
->drupalPost($link['href'], array(), 'Subscribe');
->assertText(t('Your subscription was activated'), 'Confirmation message is displayed');
// Create subscription for content posted by author
$link = notifications_get_link('subscribe', array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'type' => 'author',
'fields' => array(
'author' => $author->uid,
->drupalGet($link['href'], $link['options']);
->assertText(t('Confirm your subscription'), 'Author: Subscriptions confirmation page is shown');
->assertRaw(t('Author: @name', array(
'@name' => $author->name,
)), 'Confirmation page parameters are ok');
->drupalPost($link['href'], array(), 'Subscribe');
->assertText(t('Your subscription was activated'), 'Confirmation message is displayed');
// Check subscriptions actually being created
$subs = notifications_user_get_subscriptions($user->uid, 'node', $node->nid, $node, TRUE);
->assertEqual(count($subs), 3, 'The 3 subscriptions have actually been created');
// Check user account pages
->drupalGet('user/' . $user->uid . '/notifications');
->assertText(t('Thread'), 'User account overview shows threads.');
->assertText(t('Content type'), 'User account overview shows content type.');
->assertText(t('Author'), 'User account overview shows author.');
->drupalGet('user/' . $user->uid . '/notifications/thread');
->assertText($node->title, 'User account subscriptions shows threads.');
->drupalGet('user/' . $user->uid . '/notifications/author');
->assertText($author->name, 'User account subscriptions shows author.');
//$this->assertTrue(FALSE, $this->drupalGetContent());
// Make sure we have some queueing before going on
variable_set('notifications_send_immediate', 0);
variable_set('notifications_sendself', 1);
// Enable for update events, disble for comments
$events['node']['update'] = 1;
variable_set('notifications_events', $events);
// Trigger a node update event
$node = node_load($node->nid, NULL, TRUE);
$node->body .= 'Updated.';
// Check queued notifications. We should have three queued notifs at the end
$count = db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {notifications_queue} WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid));
->assertEqual($count, 3, 'We have the right number of rows in queue: ' . $count);
// Disable notifications for updates and try again
$events['node']['update'] = 0;
variable_set('notifications_events', $events);
// Trigger a node update event
$node = node_load($node->nid, NULL, TRUE);
$node->body .= 'Updated.';
// Check queued notifications. We should have three queued notifs at the end
$count = db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {notifications_queue} WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid));
->assertEqual($count, 3, 'Disabling notifications for node updates worked, we have the right number of rows in queue: ' . $count);
// Check queued events, these should be cleaned at the end
$count = db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {notifications_event}"));
->assertEqual($count, 1, 'The right number of events are stored:' . $count);
// Get messages from queue. After de-duping there should be only one.
include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'notifications') . '/';
$send_method = notifications_user_setting('send_method', $user);
$send_interval = notifications_user_setting('send_interval', $user);
// Update this part of the test, pull function is obsolete
//$queued = notifications_process_pull($send_method, array($user->uid));
//$this->assertEqual(count($queued), 1, 'Messages for this event have been queued.');
// Simulate real queue processing and check queue has been cleaned.
$max_sqid = notifications_process_prepare();
->assertEqual($max_sqid > 0, TRUE, 'Cleanup and queue prepare.');
// Dirty trick for processing only these rows
db_query("UPDATE {notifications_queue} SET module = 'notificationstesting' WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid);
notifications_process_queue($send_interval, $max_sqid, 'notificationstesting');
$count = db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {notifications_queue} WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid));
->assertEqual($count, 0, 'All rows in queue have been processed.');
// Check event counters
$count = db_result(db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {notifications_event} WHERE counter = 0"));
->assertEqual($count, 1, 'The event counters have been updated:' . $count);
// Check unsubscribe from all page, with confirmation and with direct link
$link = notifications_get_link('unsubscribe', array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
->drupalGet($link['href'], $link['options']);
->assertText('Are you sure you want to remove all your subscriptions on this site?', 'Unsubscribe all page showing up.');
$link = notifications_get_link('unsubscribe', array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'confirm' => FALSE,
->drupalGet($link['href'], $link['options']);
->assertText('All your subscriptions have been removed.', 'Subscriptions removed with signed url.');
->countUserRows('notifications', $user->uid), 0, 'The subscriptions have been actually removed.');