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notifications_content.module in Notifications 6

Subscriptions to content events


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 * @file
 * Subscriptions to content events

// Max number of elements per page for user account tabs

// Include notifications node API
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'notifications') . '/';

 * Implementation of hook_menu_()
function notifications_content_menu() {
  $items['admin/messaging/notifications/content'] = array(
    'title' => 'Content subscriptions',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',

  // User pages, will be disabled by default
  $items['user/%user/notifications/thread'] = array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'access callback' => FALSE,
    'access arguments' => FALSE,
    'title' => 'Thread',
    'page callback' => 'notifications_content_page_thread',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'weight' => 10,
    'file' => '',
  $items['user/%user/notifications/nodetype'] = array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'access callback' => FALSE,
    'title' => 'Content type',
    'page callback' => 'notifications_content_page_nodetype',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'weight' => 10,
    'file' => '',
  $items['user/%user/notifications/author'] = array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'access callback' => FALSE,
    'title' => t('Author'),
    'page callback' => 'notifications_content_page_author',
    'pàge arguments' => array(
    'weight' => 10,
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Menu access callback
function notifications_content_access($account, $perm) {
  global $user;
  return $account->uid && $account->uid == $user->uid && user_access($perm) || user_access('administer notifications') && user_access($perm, $account);

 * Implementation of hook_perm()
function notifications_content_perm() {
  return array(
    'subscribe to content',
    'subscribe to content type',
    'subscribe to author',
    'skip notifications',

 * Implementation of hook_help()
function notifications_content_help($path, $arg) {
  if ($path == 'admin/messaging/notifications/content') {
    $output .= '<p>' . t('To determine the available subscription types for each content type you can also use the !content-type-settings', array(
      '!content-type-settings' => l(t('content types settings page'), 'admin/content/types'),
    )) . '</p>';
    return $output;
  elseif (array(
  ) == array(
  ) && ($group = $arg[4])) {
    switch ($group) {
      case 'notifications-digest-node-nid':
      case 'notifications-digest-node-type':
        $help = '<p>' . t('This is the format for each digest group. A message may consist on one or many of these groups:') . '</p>';
        $help .= '<small><pre>';
        $help .= t('Group title') . "\n";
        $help .= '- ' . t('Digest line.') . "\n";
        $help .= '- ' . t('Digest line.') . "\n";
        $help .= '-  ...' . "\n";
        $help .= t('Group footer') . "\n";
        $help .= '</pre></small>';
        return $help;

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
function notifications_content_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  switch ($form_id) {
    case 'comment_form':

      // Load the node which is possibly cached to get the node type
      $node = node_load($form['nid']['#value']);
      if (notifications_content_type_enabled($node->type)) {
        $form['notifications']['notifications_content_disable'] = array(
          '#type' => 'checkbox',
          '#title' => t('Do not send notifications for this comment.'),
          '#default_value' => 0,
          '#access' => user_access('skip notifications'),
    case 'node_type_form':
      if (isset($form['identity']['type'])) {

        // Hack for modules with different weights to add options here
        if (!isset($form['notifications'])) {
          $form['notifications'] = array();
        $form['notifications'] += array(
          '#type' => 'fieldset',
          '#title' => t('Subscription settings'),
          '#collapsible' => TRUE,
          '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        $form['notifications']['notifications_content_type'] = array(
          '#type' => 'checkboxes',
          '#title' => t('Allowed subscription types'),
          '#default_value' => notifications_content_type_enabled($form['#node_type']->type),
          '#options' => _notifications_content_type_options(),
          '#description' => t('Enable different subscription options for this content type.'),
          '#weight' => -10,
        if (!variable_get('notifications_content_per_type', 0)) {
          $form['notifications']['notifications_content_type']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
          $form['notifications']['notifications_content_type']['#description'] .= ' <strong>' . t('To enable these options check the <a href="@notifications-settings">Notifications content settings</a>', array(
            '@notifications-settings' => url('admin/messaging/notifications/content'),
          )) . '</strong>';

      // Node form. Option to disable notifications
      if (isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node']) && $form['type']['#value'] . '_node_form' == $form_id) {
        $types = notifications_content_types(NULL);
        if (notifications_content_type_enabled($node->type)) {
          $noprevious = !isset($form['notifications']);
          $form['notifications']['#type'] = 'fieldset';
          $form['notifications']['#title'] = t('Notifications');
          $form['notifications']['#collapsible'] = TRUE;
          $form['notifications']['#weight'] = 1;

          //don't want to hide/change access on modules that already used the notifications fieldset for something
          if ($noprevious) {
            $form['notifications']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;
            $form['notifications']['#access'] = user_access('skip notifications');
          $form['notifications']['notifications_content_disable'] = array(
            '#type' => 'checkbox',
            '#title' => t('Do not send notifications for this update.'),
            '#default_value' => 0,
            '#access' => user_access('skip notifications'),

 * Implementation of hook_theme()
function notifications_content_theme() {
  return array(
    'notifications_content_type_settings' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'element' => NULL,
      'file' => '',

 * Implementation of hook_notifications()
function notifications_content_notifications($op, &$arg0, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'names':
      $subs =& $arg0;
      if ($subs->event_type == 'node') {
        $subs->type_name = t('Content');
        if (!empty($subs->fields['type'])) {
          $subs->names['type'] = t('Content type: @type', array(
            '@type' => node_get_types('name', $subs->fields['type']),
        if (!empty($subs->fields['author']) && ($author = user_load(array(
          'uid' => $subs->fields['author'],
        )))) {
          $subs->names['author'] = t('Author: @name', array(
            '@name' => $author->name,
        if (!empty($subs->fields['nid']) && ($node = node_load($subs->fields['nid']))) {
          $subs->names['thread'] = t('Thread: @title', array(
            '@title' => $node->title,
    case 'subscription types':
      $types['thread'] = array(
        'event_type' => 'node',
        'title' => t('Thread'),
        'access' => 'subscribe to content',
        'page callback' => 'notifications_content_page_thread',
        'user page' => 'user/%user/notifications/thread',
        'fields' => array(
        'description' => t('Subscribe to all changes and comments for a thread.'),
      $types['nodetype'] = array(
        'event_type' => 'node',
        'title' => t('Content type'),
        'access' => 'subscribe to content type',
        'page callback' => 'notifications_content_page_nodetype',
        'user page' => 'user/%user/notifications/nodetype',
        'fields' => array(
        'description' => t('Subscribe to all content of a given type.'),
      $types['author'] = array(
        'event_type' => 'node',
        'title' => t('Author'),
        'access' => 'subscribe to author',
        'page callback' => 'notifications_content_page_author',
        'user page' => 'user/%user/notifications/author',
        'fields' => array(
        'description' => t('Subscribe to all content submitted by a user.'),

      // This is a complex type, combining two fields
      $types['typeauthor'] = array(
        'event_type' => 'node',
        'title' => t('Content type and Author'),
        'access' => 'subscribe to content type and author',
        //'page callback' => 'notifications_content_page_author',
        'fields' => array(
        'description' => t('Subscribe to all content of a given type submitted by a user.'),
      return $types;
    case 'subscription fields':

      // Information about available fields for subscriptions
      // - format callback => will be used to convert the value into a displayable output
      // - value callback => will be used to convert autocomplete name into field value
      // - autocomplete path => path for autocomplete field
      // - options callback / arguments => used to produce a drop down field
      $fields['nid'] = array(
        'name' => t('Node'),
        'field' => 'nid',
        'type' => 'int',
        'autocomplete path' => 'notifications/autocomplete/node/title',
        'autocomplete callback' => 'notifications_node_nid2autocomplete',
        'format callback' => 'notifications_node_nid2title',
        'value callback' => 'notifications_node_title2nid',
      $fields['author'] = array(
        'name' => t('Author'),
        'field' => 'author',
        'type' => 'int',
        'autocomplete path' => 'user/autocomplete',
        'autocomplete callback' => 'notifications_content_author_name',
        'format callback' => 'notifications_content_author_name',
        'value callback' => 'notifications_content_author_uid',
      $fields['type'] = array(
        'name' => t('Node type'),
        'field' => 'type',
        'type' => 'string',
        'options callback' => 'notifications_content_types',
      return $fields;
    case 'query':

      // $arg2 is $event array.
      if ($arg0 == 'event' && $arg1 == 'node' && ($node = $arg2->node) || $arg0 == 'user' && $arg1 == 'node' && ($node = $arg2)) {
        $query[]['fields'] = array(
          'nid' => $node->nid,
          'type' => $node->type,
          'author' => $node->uid,
        return $query;
    case 'node options':

      // Subscription options for a node, args will be account and node
      return _notifications_content_node_options($arg0, $arg1);
    case 'user options':

      // Subscription options for a user account, args will be account and author
      return _notifications_content_user_options($arg0, $arg1);
    case 'event load':

      // $arg0 is event
      $event =& $arg0;
      $load = array();
      if ($event->type == 'node') {
        if (!empty($event->params['nid'])) {
          $event->objects['node'] = node_load($event->params['nid']);
        if (!empty($event->params['cid'])) {
          $event->objects['comment'] = notifications_content_comment_load($event->params['cid']);
    case 'event objects':
      return array(
        'node' => t('Node'),
    case 'event types':

      // Node inserts are not grouped by node but all together. The digest will look like:
      //   New content has been submitted
      //   - Story Title1 by Author1
      //   - Event Title2 by Author2
      $types[] = array(
        'type' => 'node',
        'action' => 'insert',
        'name' => t('New content of type [type-name] has been submitted'),
        'line' => t('[type-name] [title] by [author-name]'),
        'digest' => array(
        'description' => t('Node creation'),

      // These other events are grouped for each node. The digest will look like:
      //   Story: Title of the story
      //   - The story has been updated
      //   - New comment by User: Comment title
      $types[] = array(
        'type' => 'node',
        'action' => 'update',
        'name' => t('[type-name]: [title]'),
        'line' => t('The [type-name] has been updated'),
        'digest' => array(
        'description' => t('Node update'),
      $types[] = array(
        'type' => 'node',
        'action' => 'comment',
        'name' => t('[type-name]: [title]'),
        'line' => t('New comment by [comment-author-name]: [comment-title]'),
        'digest' => array(
        'description' => t('Node comment'),
      return $types;
    case 'access':

      // Return an array with some TRUE value if the user has access to this event objects or subscription type
      $type = $arg0;
      $account =& $arg1;
      $object =& $arg2;
      $access = TRUE;

      // For events we check that node and comment are allowed
      if ($type == 'event' && $object->type == 'node') {
        if (!empty($object->objects['node'])) {
          $access = notifications_content_node_allow($account, $object->objects['node']);

        // If no access to node, we don't check more
        if ($access && !empty($object->objects['comment'])) {
          $access = $access && notifications_content_comment_allow($account, $object->objects['comment']);

        // For node subscriptions we check that user can view the node
      elseif ($type == 'subscription') {
        $access = TRUE;
        if (!empty($object->fields['nid'])) {
          if ($node = node_load($object->fields['nid'])) {
            $access = notifications_content_node_allow($account, $node);
          else {
            $access = FALSE;
        if (!empty($object->fields['type'])) {
          $access = $access && array_key_exists($object->fields['type'], notifications_content_types());

      // We return an array that will be merged with the ones from other modules
      return array(

 * Field name callback, author uid to user name
function notifications_content_author_name($uid, $html = FALSE) {
  if ($account = user_load($uid)) {
    return $html ? theme('username', $account) : check_plain($account->name);
function notifications_content_author_uid($name, $field = NULL) {
  if ($account = user_load(array(
    'name' => $name,
  ))) {
    return $account->uid;
  elseif ($field) {
    form_set_error($field, t('User name not found.'));

 * Implementation of hook_messaging()
function notifications_content_messaging($op, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL, $arg3 = NULL, $arg4 = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'message groups':
      $help = t('The <em>Header</em> and <em>Footer</em> will be taken from Notification events.');
      $help_digest = $help . ' ' . t('The <em>Digest line</em> will be used when composing Short digests on which each event will be just a line.');

      // Generic notifications event
      $info['notifications-event-node'] = array(
        'module' => 'notifications_content',
        'name' => t('Notifications for node events'),
        'description' => t('Defaults for all notifications related to node events.'),
        'help' => $help_digest,
        'fallback' => 'notifications-event',
      $info['notifications-event-node-insert'] = array(
        'module' => 'notifications_content',
        'name' => t('Notifications for node creation'),
        'description' => t('Notifications produced when a new node is created.'),
        'help' => $help_digest,
        'fallback' => 'notifications-event-node',
      $info['notifications-event-node-update'] = array(
        'module' => 'notifications_content',
        'name' => t('Notifications for node updates'),
        'description' => t('Notifications produced when a node is updated.'),
        'help' => $help_digest,
        'fallback' => 'notifications-event-node',
      $info['notifications-event-node-comment'] = array(
        'module' => 'notifications_content',
        'name' => t('Notifications for node comments'),
        'description' => t('Notifications produced when a comment is posted to a node.'),
        'help' => $help_digest,
        'fallback' => 'notifications-event-node',

      // Node group digests, will have specific help text in hook_help()
      $info['notifications-digest-node-nid'] = array(
        'module' => 'notifications-content',
        'name' => t('Groups digests per node'),
        'description' => t('Group of events digested for each node.'),
        'fallback' => 'notifications-digest',
      $info['notifications-digest-node-type'] = array(
        'module' => 'notifications-content',
        'name' => t('Groups digests per node type'),
        'description' => t('Group of events digested for each node type.'),
        'fallback' => 'notifications-digest',
      return $info;
    case 'message keys':
      $type = $arg1;
      switch ($type) {
        case 'notifications-event-node':
        case 'notifications-event-node-insert':
        case 'notifications-event-node-update':
        case 'notifications-event-node-comment':

          // Some parts will be re-used from 'notifications-event' group
          // So we specify only subject and main message
          return array(
            'subject' => t('Subject'),
            'main' => t('Content'),
            'digest' => t('Digest line'),
        case 'notifications-digest-node-nid':
        case 'notifications-digest-node-type':
          $parts['title'] = t('Group title');
          $parts['footer'] = t('Group footer');
          return $parts;
    case 'messages':
      $type = $arg1;

      // Event notifications
      switch ($type) {
        case 'notifications-event-node':
        case 'notifications-event-node-update':
          return array(
            'subject' => t('Update for [type-name]: [title]'),
            'main' => array(
              t('Read more [node-url]'),
            'digest' => array(
              'Read more [node-url]',
        case 'notifications-event-node-insert':
          return array(
            'subject' => t('New [type-name]: [title]'),
            'main' => array(
              t('Read more [node-url]'),
            'digest' => array(
              'Read more [node-url]',
        case 'notifications-event-node-comment':
          return array(
            'subject' => t('Comment for [type-name]: [title]'),
            'main' => array(
              t('Comment by [comment-author-name]: [comment-title]'),
              t('Read more [comment-url]'),
            'digest' => array(
              t('New Comment on [title] by [comment-author-name] titled [comment-title]'),
              t('Read more [comment-url]'),
        case 'notifications-digest-node-nid':
          return array(
            'title' => t('Updates for [type-name]: [title]'),
            'footer' => t('Read more [node-url]'),
        case 'notifications-digest-node-type':
          return array(
            'title' => t('New content of type [type-name] has been submitted'),
            'footer' => '<none>',
    case 'tokens':
      $type = explode('-', $arg1);
      $tokens = array();

      // These are the token groups that will be used for this module's messages
      if ($type[0] == 'notifications' && $type[2] == 'node') {
        if ($type[1] == 'event') {
          $tokens[] = 'node';
          if ($type[3] == 'comment') {
            $tokens[] = 'comment';
        elseif ($type[1] == 'digest') {
          if ($type[3] == 'nid') {
            $tokens[] = 'node';
          elseif ($type[3] == 'type') {

            // Special format for isolated tokens: array('token type', 'token id').
            // In this case, as messages are digested by node type the only common element will be node-type
            $tokens[] = array(
      return $tokens;

 * Subscribe / unsubscribe options to specific node.
function _notifications_content_node_options($account, $node) {
  $options = array();

  // Thread
  if (notifications_content_type_enabled($node->type, 'thread')) {
    $options[] = array(
      'name' => t('This post'),
      'type' => 'thread',
      'fields' => array(
        'nid' => $node->nid,

  // Content type
  if (notifications_content_type_enabled($node->type, 'nodetype')) {
    $options[] = array(
      'name' => t('Posts of type @type', array(
        '@type' => node_get_types('name', $node->type),
      'type' => 'nodetype',
      'fields' => array(
        'type' => $node->type,

  // Author
  if (notifications_content_type_enabled($node->type, 'author')) {
    $options[] = array(
      'name' => t('Posts by @name', array(
        '@name' => $node->name,
      'type' => 'author',
      'fields' => array(
        'author' => $node->uid,
  return $options;

 * Subscribe / unsubscribe options for specific user
 * @param $account
 *   User who is subscribing / unsubscribing to
 * @param $author
 *   User we are subscribing too
function _notifications_content_user_options($account, $author) {
  $options = array();

  // All posts by author
  $options[] = array(
    'name' => t('All posts by @name', array(
      '@name' => $author->name,
    'type' => 'author',
    'fields' => array(
      'author' => $author->uid,

  // Content types with author subscriptions
  foreach (notifications_content_types('name', 'typeauthor') as $type => $name) {
    $options[] = array(
      'name' => t('@type posts by @name', array(
        '@name' => $author->name,
        '@type' => $name,
      'type' => 'typeauthor',
      'fields' => array(
        'author' => $author->uid,
        'type' => $type,
  return $options;

 * List subscription options for content types
function _notifications_content_type_options() {
  return _notifications_subscription_types('long', array(
    'event_type' => 'node',

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
function notifications_content_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $arg = 0) {
  global $user;
  switch ($op) {
    case 'load':

      // Store current status for later reference
      $node->old_status = $node->status;
    case 'update':
    case 'insert':

      // Notifications just for published nodes. If we don't have any option enabled for this content type, skip the event
      if ($node->status && empty($node->notifications_content_disable) && notifications_content_type_enabled($node->type)) {
        $event = array(
          'module' => 'node',
          'uid' => $node->uid,
          'oid' => $node->nid,
          'type' => 'node',
          'action' => $op,
          'node' => $node,
          'params' => array(
            'nid' => $node->nid,
        if ($op == 'update') {

          // If the node has been published the 'update' will become a 'insert' (first post)
          if (!isset($node->old_status)) {

            // We try to find out previous status with the cached node.
            $oldnode = node_load($node->nid);
            $node->old_status = $oldnode->status;
          if (!$node->old_status) {
            $event['action'] = 'insert';

          // If immediate sending is active, need to reset the node cache so we don't send old versions of the node
          if (variable_get('notifications_send_immediate', 0)) {
            node_load(0, NULL, TRUE);
    case 'delete':

      // Remove all subscriptions for this node
        'event_type' => 'node',
      ), array(
        'nid' => $node->nid,
      ), FALSE);

 * Implementation of hook_comment().
function notifications_content_comment($comment, $op) {

  // $comment can be an object or an array.
  $comment = (object) $comment;
  if (($op == 'update' || $op == 'publish') && empty($comment->notifications_content_disable) && empty($comment->status)) {
    $node = node_load($comment->nid);
    if (notifications_content_type_enabled($node->type)) {
      $event = array(
        'module' => 'node',
        'uid' => $comment->uid,
        'type' => 'node',
        'action' => 'comment',
        'node' => $node,
        'comment' => $comment,
        'params' => array(
          'nid' => $comment->nid,
          'cid' => $comment->cid,

 * Implementation of hook node_type
function notifications_content_node_type($op, $info) {
  if ($op == 'delete') {

    // Remove all subscriptions for this node type
      'event_type' => 'node',
    ), array(
      'type' => $info->type,

 * Load comments with caching
 * @ TODO See if this may be some use, or drop
function notifications_content_comment_load($cid) {
  static $cache;
  if (!isset($cache[$cid])) {
    $comment = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT c.*, u.uid, AS registered_name, FROM {comments} c INNER JOIN {users} u ON c.uid = u.uid WHERE c.cid = %d', $cid));
    $comment = drupal_unpack($comment);
    $comment->name = $comment->uid ? $comment->registered_name : $comment->name;
    $cache[$cid] = $comment;
  return $cache[$cid];

 * Get content types available for subscriptions to content type
 * @param $field
 *   Optional field to return as array value. If none it will return the full objects.
function notifications_content_types($field = 'name', $subs_type = 'nodetype') {

  // Get list of available node types, all of them will be allowed by default
  $types = array();
  foreach (node_get_types() as $key => $data) {
    if (notifications_content_type_enabled($key, $subs_type)) {
      $types[$key] = $data;
  if ($field) {
    foreach (array_keys($types) as $type) {
      $types[$type] = $types[$type]->{$field};
  return $types;

 * Get subscription options for this content type
 * - All enabled options if ($option = NULL)
 * - TRUE / FALSE for a given $option
function notifications_content_type_enabled($type = NULL, $option = NULL) {
  $defaults = variable_get('notifications_content_type', array());
  if ($type && variable_get('notifications_content_per_type', 0)) {
    $settings = variable_get('notifications_content_type_' . $type, $defaults);
  else {
    $settings = $defaults;
  if ($option) {
    return in_array($option, $settings, TRUE);
  else {
    return $settings;

 * Implementation of hook_token_list(). Documents the individual
 * tokens handled by the module.
function notifications_content_token_list($type = 'all') {
  $tokens = array();
  if ($type == 'node' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens['node']['node-teaser'] = t('The node teaser.');
    $tokens['node']['node-body'] = t('The node body.');
    $tokens['node']['node-url'] = t('The node view url for read more links.');
    $tokens['node']['node-teaser-raw'] = t('Unfiltered node teaser. WARNING - raw user input.');
    $tokens['node']['node-body-raw'] = t('Unfiltered node body. WARNING - raw user input.');
  if ($type == 'comment' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens['comment']['comment-url'] = t('The comment view url.');
    $tokens['comment']['comment-reply-url'] = t('The comment reply url.');
  return $tokens;

 * Implementation of hook_token_values()
function notifications_content_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) {
  switch ($type) {
    case 'node':
      if ($node = $object) {
        $values['node-teaser'] = $node->teaser ? check_markup($node->teaser, $node->format, FALSE) : '';
        $values['node-body'] = $node->body ? check_markup($node->body, $node->format, FALSE) : '';
        $values['node-url'] = url('node/' . $node->nid, array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $values['node-teaser-raw'] = $node->teaser ? $node->teaser : '';
        $values['node-body-raw'] = $node->body ? $node->body : '';
        return $values;
    case 'comment':
      if ($comment = (object) $object) {
        $values['comment-url'] = url('node/' . $comment->nid, array(
          'fragment' => 'comment-' . $comment->cid,
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $values['comment-reply-url'] = url('comment/reply/' . $comment->nid . '/' . $comment->cid, array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        return $values;

 * Determine whether the specified user may view the specified node.
 * Does a user switching and checks for node permissions. Looking for a better way
 * but it seems that all the node_access hooks cant be invokes without this.
function notifications_content_node_allow($account, $node) {
  static $access;
  if (!$node) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!isset($access[$account->uid][$node->nid])) {
    $access[$account->uid][$node->nid] = node_access('view', $node, $account);
  return $access[$account->uid][$node->nid];

 * Determine whether the specified user may view the specified comment.
 * Does a user switching and checks for node permissions. Looking for a better way
 * but it seems that all the node_access hooks cant be invokes without this.
function notifications_content_comment_allow($account, $comment) {
  static $access;
  $comment = is_object($comment) ? $comment : db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {comments} WHERE cid = %d", $comment));
  if (!isset($access[$account->uid][$comment->cid])) {
    if (($account->uid == $comment->uid || $comment->status == COMMENT_PUBLISHED) && user_access('access comments', $account) || user_access('administer comments', $account)) {
      $access[$account->uid][$comment->cid] = TRUE;
    else {
      $access[$account->uid][$comment->cid] = FALSE;
  return $access[$account->uid][$comment->cid];


Namesort descending Description
notifications_content_access Menu access callback
notifications_content_author_name Field name callback, author uid to user name
notifications_content_comment Implementation of hook_comment().
notifications_content_comment_allow Determine whether the specified user may view the specified comment.
notifications_content_comment_load Load comments with caching @ TODO See if this may be some use, or drop
notifications_content_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter().
notifications_content_help Implementation of hook_help()
notifications_content_menu Implementation of hook_menu_()
notifications_content_messaging Implementation of hook_messaging()
notifications_content_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
notifications_content_node_allow Determine whether the specified user may view the specified node.
notifications_content_node_type Implementation of hook node_type
notifications_content_notifications Implementation of hook_notifications()
notifications_content_perm Implementation of hook_perm()
notifications_content_theme Implementation of hook_theme()
notifications_content_token_list Implementation of hook_token_list(). Documents the individual tokens handled by the module.
notifications_content_token_values Implementation of hook_token_values()
notifications_content_types Get content types available for subscriptions to content type
notifications_content_type_enabled Get subscription options for this content type
_notifications_content_node_options Subscribe / unsubscribe options to specific node.
_notifications_content_type_options List subscription options for content types
_notifications_content_user_options Subscribe / unsubscribe options for specific user
