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16 calls to Notifications_Subscription::get_fields() in Notifications 7

Notifications_Subscription::check_fields in ./
Check all fields are there and they have a value
Notifications_Subscription::fields_edit_elements in ./
Get elements to edit fields. Subscription can override the fieldset
Notifications_Subscription::fields_edit_fieldset in ./
Get a subform to edit field elements.
Notifications_Subscription::format_fields in ./
Format all fields
Notifications_Subscription::form_info in ./
Subscription information field for several forms
Notifications_Subscription::form_view in ./
Get view only form for this subscription
Notifications_Subscription::get_conditions in ./
Get fields as array of field => value pairs
Notifications_Subscription::get_field in ./
Get a field for a given position
Notifications_Subscription::get_form in ./
Get form for this subscription
Notifications_Subscription::get_instance_fields in ./
Get instance fields that don't have a value set for this type
Notifications_Subscription::get_link_options in ./
Get default link options
Notifications_Subscription::get_objects in ./
Get objects associated to this subscription's fields
Notifications_Subscription::get_unique_fields in ./
Get unique field per type.
Notifications_Subscription::load_instances in ./
Get all existing instances form the db
Notifications_Subscription::load_single_instance in ./
Get single instance form the db
Notifications_Subscription::save_fields in ./
Save condition fields to db