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10 calls to notifications_load_subscription() in Notifications 6.4

NotificationsBasicTests::testNotificationsBasicAPI in tests/notifications_api.test
Play with creating, retrieving, deleting a pair subscriptions
notifications_digest_build_long in notifications_digest/notifications_digest.module
Digest multiple events in a single message, long format.
notifications_digest_build_short in notifications_digest/notifications_digest.module
Digest multiple events in a single message, short format.
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form in ./
Administer user subscriptions
Notifications_Message::build_simple_message in includes/
Creates a single message for a single event
notifications_multiple_delete_confirm in ./
Form for multiple delete. When account passed check that all subscriptions belong to the user account
notifications_page_unsubscribe in ./
Menu callback for unsubscribe page
notifications_query_subscriptions in includes/
Run query for subscriptions table with field conditions
notifications_subscription_load in ./notifications.module
Menu loading, subscription
_notifications_subscriptions_mass_update_helper in ./