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9 calls to notifications_info() in Notifications 6.4

notifications_build_method in ./notifications.module
Information about digesting method for a send interval.
notifications_content_test_template_form in notifications_content/
Template testing form
notifications_custom_event_actions in notifications_custom/notifications_custom.module
List event actions
notifications_custom_form in notifications_custom/
Edit / create custom subscriptions
notifications_custom_rebuild in notifications_custom/notifications_custom.module
Rebuild list of custom subscriptions from modules and the database
notifications_event_types in ./notifications.module
Get event types. Invoking this function will also load the event API
notifications_object_type in ./notifications.module
Get info about object types
notifications_subscription_fields in ./notifications.module
Get information about subscriptions fields
notifications_subscription_types in ./notifications.module
Get info about subscription types