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 * Notifications module. Queue processing.
 * Callbacks for queue processing. They may be implemented by other modules
 *    _load_user()
 *    _user_allowed()
 *    _process_send()
 * @ TO DO: Support different languages for message localization

// Number of users to process for each step

// Minimum amount of seconds the process will need for clean-up tasks
// Just to make sure that after exhausting cron assigned time we'll have a few spare seconds for some cleanup

 * Function to be called on cron by the main notifications_cron
 * It will call each subscription_process for each interval a number of times
 * This should send out messages starting with immediate delivery. We send first immediate delivery
 * because the other ones can be added up for each period. 
 * Assumption: The bigger the interval, the longer delay it may admit (?) I.e. sending hourly email 
 * after 1 hour 15 mins may be ok if the system is overloaded.
function notifications_process_run($cron = TRUE) {
  notifications_log('Starting notifications process');

  // There may be special time adjustments for cron
  if ($cron) {
  $stop = FALSE;
  $send_intervals = _notifications_send_intervals();
  if ($max_sqid = notifications_process_prepare()) {
    foreach ($send_intervals as $interval => $name) {
      notifications_log('Processing queue', array(
        'send interval' => $name,
      while (notifications_process_queue($interval, $max_sqid)) {
        $stop = !notifications_process('check');
      if ($stop) {
        notifications_log('Process stopped, reached processing limits');
      else {
        notifications_log('Process finished', array(
          'send interval' => $name,
  else {
    notifications_log('No rows in queue');

 * Prepare subscriptions queue
 * This is intended to avoid race conditions where new rows are added while the process is running
 * @return
 *   Max $sqid that will be processed this cron
function notifications_process_prepare() {

  // Clean up expired logs from queue if logging enabled
  if ($keep = variable_get('notifications_log', 0)) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {notifications_queue} WHERE cron = 0 AND sent < %d", time() - $keep);

  // Clean up event table. As events are created sequentially, we use this fact to speed up the query
  // This expiretime will prevent some race condition that occurs when the event is saved but the subs queue not yet populated
  $expiretime = time() - 60;
  db_query("DELETE FROM {notifications_event} WHERE counter = 0 AND created < %d", $expiretime);
  db_query("DELETE FROM {notifications_event} WHERE created < %d AND eid < (SELECT MIN(eid) FROM {notifications_queue})", $expiretime);

  // This will get the latest notification in queue so we don't mess with new ones being created during cron run
  // It will also prevent clashes with the immediate sending feature
  return db_result(db_query("SELECT max(sqid) FROM {notifications_queue}"));

 * Controls and checks limits for queue processing
 * It can be used by other modules to add their own limits here, like number of sms sent, etc...
 * @param $op
 *   'start' => Start the counters
 *   'cron' => Special time adjustment for cron operations
 *   'init' => Start a new counter with $value limit
 *   'option' => Sets /gets options
 *      - debug
 *      - output Enables output for admin page
 * @return
 *   TRUE if we are yet under the processing limits
function notifications_process($op = 'check', $name = NULL, $value = NULL) {
  static $limit = array(), $options = array();
  static $current = array(
    'message' => 0,
    'step' => 0,
  switch ($op) {
    case 'start':
      $defaults = variable_get('notifications_process_limit', array(
        'time' => 0,
        'message' => 0,
        'row' => 0,
        'percent' => 0,
      foreach ($defaults as $name => $value) {
        if ($value && !isset($limit[$name])) {
          $limit[$name] = $value;
    case 'cron':

      // Calculate time limit. We get the smaller of all these times in seconds
      // There's an issue with poormanscron not setting the cron semaphore so it will default to current time
      $timelimit = array();
      $cronstart = variable_get('cron_semaphore', time());

      // Max execution time may be zero meaning no limit, then no limits based on this
      if ($maxtime = ini_get('max_execution_time')) {
        $timelimit[] = $cronstart + $maxtime - NOTIFICATIONS_TIME_MARGIN;
        if (!empty($limit['percent'])) {
          $timelimit[] = time() + $maxtime * $limit['percent'] / 100;

      // This is an absolute limit, applies always if set
      if (!empty($limit['time'])) {
        $timelimit[] = time() + $limit['time'];
      if ($timelimit) {
        $limit['time'] = min($timelimit);
    case 'init':
      $current[$name] = 0;
      $limit[$name] = $value;
    case 'count':
      $value = $value ? $value : 1;
      isset($current[$name]) ? $current[$name] += $value : ($current[$name] = $value);
    case 'option':
      if (isset($value)) {
        $options[$name] = $value;
      return isset($options[$name]) ? $options[$name] : FALSE;
  $current['time'] = time();

  // Check all limits till we find a false one
  foreach ($limit as $name => $value) {
    if ($value && !empty($current[$name]) && $current[$name] >= $value) {
      watchdog('notifications', 'Reached processing limit on queue processing: %name = %value', array(
        '%name' => $name,
        '%value' => $value,
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Process rows given query conditions
 * This is used by the immediate sending feature
 * @see notifications_queue_query()
 * @param $conditions
 *   Array of query conditions
function notifications_process_rows($conditions) {
  notifications_log('Processing queue rows', $conditions);
  $account = NULL;
  $subscriptions = $events = $processed = array();
  $send_method = $send_interval = NULL;

  // Build query and fetch rows from queue
  $query = notifications_queue_query($conditions);
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM {notifications_queue} ";
  $sql .= " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $query['where']);
  $sql .= " ORDER BY uid, send_method, send_interval";
  $result = db_query($sql, $query['args']);

  // Group rows by user, send_method, send_interval before sending
  // This loop has to run a final time after all rows have been fetched
  while (($queue = db_fetch_object($result)) || $processed) {
    if (!$account || !$queue || $queue->uid != $account->uid || $queue->send_method != $send_method || $queue->send_interval != $send_interval) {

      // New user or sending method, send if not the first row and reset
      if ($account && $events && $subscriptions) {
        notifications_process_send($account, $events, $subscriptions, $send_method, $send_interval);
        notifications_update_sent($account->uid, $send_method, $send_interval, time());
      if ($processed) {
          'sqid' => $processed,
      $subscriptions = $events = $processed = array();
      if ($queue) {
        $account = notifications_load_user($queue->uid);
        $send_method = $queue->send_method;
        $send_interval = $queue->send_interval;
    if ($queue) {
      if ($event = notifications_load_event($queue->eid)) {
        notifications_event_tracker('count', $event);
        if (notifications_user_allowed('event', $account, $event)) {
          $events[$queue->eid] = $event;
          $subscriptions[$queue->eid][] = $queue->sid;
        $processed[] = $queue->sqid;

 * Process subscriptions queue
 * The subscriptions queue has the following fields
 * sqid, uid, eid, sid, digest
 * This function should be able of splitting the whole processing in several steps.
 * It will be called multiple times for each send interval
 * Messages will be processed for each send interval, send_method, user
 * @param $send_interval
 *   Send interval to process
 * @param $max_sqid
 *   Max queue id to process
 * @return Number of rows processed
 * @ TODO Review time conditions
 * @ TODO Per module queue processing
function notifications_process_queue($send_interval, $max_sqid) {
  notifications_log('Starting queue processing', array(
    'send interval' => $send_interval,
    'max squid' => $max_sqid,
  $test = notifications_process('option', 'test');
  $count = 0;

  // This is the time from which stored rows will be sent
  $timelimit = time() - $send_interval;

  // Get users to process messages for, with this time interval and ordered by squid
  // Order by last sent for this send interval
  // Note: If we get the users with more messages pending first this may save some time
  $sql = "SELECT q.uid, q.module, q.send_method, count(*) AS count FROM {notifications_queue} q ";
  $sql .= " LEFT JOIN {notifications_sent} su ON q.uid = su.uid AND q.send_interval = su.send_interval AND q.send_method = su.send_method ";
  $sql .= " WHERE q.cron = 1 AND q.send_interval = '%d' AND q.sqid <= %d";
  $sql .= " AND (su.uid IS NULL OR su.sent < %d) ";

  // Note: the group by su.sent seems to be needed by pgsql
  $sql .= " GROUP BY q.uid, q.module, q.send_method, su.sent ORDER BY su.sent";
  $result = db_query_range($sql, $send_interval, $max_sqid, $timelimit, 0, NOTIFICATIONS_STEP_USERS);
  $sqid = 0;

  // @ TODO Add time conditions
  while (($user = db_fetch_object($result)) && notifications_process('check')) {
    notifications_log('Queue processing', array(
      'user' => $user->uid,
      'rows' => $user->count,
      'send method' => $user->send_method,
    $module = $user->module;
    $events = $subscriptions = $processed = array();
    $send_method = $user->send_method;

    // Users may be handled by a different module
    $account = notifications_callback($module, 'load_user', $user->uid);

    // Process all rows for this user. With some hard limit to prevent process lock ups.
    $result_subs = db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {notifications_queue} WHERE cron = 1 AND send_interval = '%d' AND uid = %d AND sqid <= %d ORDER BY send_method, sqid", $send_interval, $account->uid, $max_sqid, 0, NOTIFICATIONS_STEP_ROWS);
    while (($queue = db_fetch_object($result_subs)) && notifications_process('count', 'row')) {
      $processed[] = $sqid = $queue->sqid;

      // Load event, check it exists and check the user has access to the event objects
      if ($event = notifications_load_event($queue->eid, TRUE)) {
        notifications_event_tracker('count', $event);
        notifications_log('Processing queued', array(
          'queue sid' => $queue->sid,
          'event' => $queue->eid,
          'type' => $event->type,
          'action' => $event->action,
          'send method' => $send_method,
        if (notifications_callback($module, 'user_allowed', 'event', $account, $event)) {

          // This will take care of duplicated events
          $events[$queue->eid] = $event;

          // We keep track also of subscriptions originating this event
          $subscriptions[$queue->eid][] = $queue->sid;
        else {
          notifications_log('Access denied for event', array(
            'account' => $user->uid,
            'event' => $queue->eid,
            'type' => $event->type,
            'action' => $event->action,
      else {
        notifiations_log('Cannot load event', array(
          'eid' => $queue->eid,
          'queue sid' => $queue->sid,
    if ($events) {
      notifications_process_send($account, $events, $subscriptions, $send_method, $send_interval);
      if (!$test) {
        notifications_update_sent($user->uid, $send_method, $send_interval, time());
    if ($processed && !$test) {
        'uid' => $user->uid,
        'send_interval' => $send_interval,
        'send_method' => $send_method,
        'max_sqid' => $sqid,

  // Update event counter
  if (!$test) {

  // If doing a test run, return 0 so we don't go through this again
  return $test ? 0 : $count;

 * Keep track of events and update event counter with processed rows eids
 * @param $op
 *   count, reset, update
 * @param $event
 *   event object to track
function notifications_event_tracker($op, $event = NULL) {
  static $events = array();
  switch ($op) {
    case 'count':
      $events[$event->eid] = array_key_exists($event->eid, $events) ? $events[$event->eid] + 1 : 1;
    case 'update':
      foreach ($events as $eid => $count) {
        db_query('UPDATE {notifications_event} SET counter = counter - %d WHERE eid = %d', $count, $eid);

    // Intentional no break (update will also reset)
    case 'reset':
      $events = array();

 * Update user last time sent for each sending method / interval
function notifications_update_sent($uid, $method, $interval, $time) {
  db_query("UPDATE {notifications_sent} SET sent = %d WHERE uid = %d AND send_interval = '%d' AND send_method = '%s'", $time, $uid, $interval, $method);
  if (!db_affected_rows()) {
    db_query("INSERT INTO {notifications_sent}(uid, send_interval, send_method, sent) VALUES(%d, '%d', '%s', %d)", $uid, $interval, $method, $time);

 * Message delivery.
 * Processes everything, included digestion and sends message/s.
 * Adds some more information into $message['notifications'] that may be used by other modules
 * @param $account
 *   User account to send the notification to
 * @param $events
 *   Array of loaded event objects to be processed
 * @param $subscriptions
 *   Array of arrays of subscription ids (sids) for each event(eid)
function notifications_process_send($account, $events, $subscriptions, $send_method, $send_interval) {
  notifications_log('Processing for sending', array(
    'method' => $send_method,
    'interval' => $send_interval,
    'events' => count($events),

  // Digest if send_interval > 0 (not immediate sending)
  if ($digest = notifications_digest_method($send_interval)) {
    $function = $digest['digest callback'];

    // It can be digested in more than one message by some other digest plug-in
    $messages = $function($account, $events, $subscriptions, $send_interval, $send_method);
  else {
    $sender_option = variable_get('notifications_sender', 0);
    foreach ($events as $event) {
      $message = notifications_process_message($account, $event, $subscriptions[$event->eid], $send_method);

      // We pass on the full information so it can be used by modules implementing some of the hooks
      $message['notifications'] = array(
        'events' => array(
        'subscriptions' => $subscriptions,

      // Optional sender, if chosen will be the user account who produced the event
      // It will be up to the sending method modules what to do with this information.
      if ($sender_option) {
        $sender = notifications_load_user($event->uid);
        $message['sender_name'] = $sender->name;
        if ($sender_option == 2) {
          $message['sender_account'] = $sender;
      $messages[] = $message;

  // Now send messages, not if testing enabled
  $test = notifications_process('option', 'test');
  foreach ($messages as $message) {
    notifications_process('count', 'send');
    notifications_log('Sending out', array(
      'method' => $send_method,
      'message' => $message,
    if (!$test) {
      notifications_message_send($account, $message, $send_method);
  return $messages;

 * Creates a single message for a single event
 * @param $account
 *   Destination user account
 * @param $event
 *   Event object which caused this notification
 * @param $subscriptions
 *   Array of subscription ids
 * @return
 *   Message array 
function notifications_process_message($account, $event, $subscriptions, $send_method) {
  $info = notifications_event_text($event);

  // Create message. Do all this in one replacemente
  $text = array(
    'subject' => notifications_message_part('event', 'subject', $send_method, $event),
    'header' => notifications_message_part('event', 'header', $send_method, $event),
    'event' => notifications_message_part('event', 'main', $send_method, $event),
    'footer' => notifications_message_part('event', 'footer', $send_method, $event),

  // We pass only the first subscription, which is at least something
  // @ TODO Handle nicely the case where there are more than one subscription
  if ($sid = array_shift($subscriptions)) {
    $subscription = notifications_load_subscription($sid);
  else {
    $subscription = NULL;
  $objects = array(
    'user' => $account,
    'event' => $event,
    'subscription' => $subscription,
  $objects = array_merge($objects, $event->objects);
  $text = messaging_text_replace($text, $objects);

  // Get subject out of text and build the message array
  $subject = $text['subject'];
  return array(
    'subject' => $subject,
    'body' => $text,

/**** Retrieving and replacing text parts, interfacing with tokens and messaging module ****/

 * Get message part
 * It searches for optional message group keys for options defaulting to $type
 * 1. $type-[$event->type]-[$event->action]
 * 2. $type-[$event->type]
 * 3. $type
 * @param $type
 *   Message type to send, either 'event' or 'digest'
 * @param $key
 *   Id of message part, ie 'header'
 * @param $method
 *   Method by which message will be sent. Normally 'mail'
 * @param $event
 *   Event data
 * @return
 *   Part of the message.
function notifications_message_part($type, $key, $method, $param = NULL) {

  // If event passed check for predefined text or get optional keys from event
  if ($type == 'event' && is_object($param)) {
    if (isset($param->text[$key])) {
      return $param->text[$key];
    else {
      $options = array(
  elseif ($method == 'test') {

    // Little trick for this to be testable
    return "{$type} {$key} [type-name] [title] [site-name]";
  else {
    $options = is_array($param) ? $param : array();
  $keyparts = array_merge(array(
    'notifications-' . $type,
  ), $options);

  // Output some debugging info in case we dont find a suitable message part
  $output = "[UNDEFINED type = {$type}, method = {$method}, key = " . implode('-', $keyparts) . ']';
  while ($keyparts) {
    $groupkey = implode('-', $keyparts);
    if ($text = messaging_message_part($groupkey, $key, $method)) {
      $output = $text == MESSAGING_EMPTY ? '' : $text;

    // If no text trim out latest part of the key and retry
  return $output;

 * Message sending
function notifications_message_send($account, &$message, $send_method) {
  $message['type'] = 'notifications';
  notifications_process('count', 'message');
  messaging_message_send_user($account, $message, $send_method);

 * Get texts for event
 * @ TODO Support for configurable texts
function notifications_event_text($event) {
  $info = notifications_event_types($event->type, $event->action);
  return $info;

 * Get users with static caching
function notifications_load_user($uid) {
  return messaging_load_user($uid);

 * Get events with static caching
function notifications_load_event($id) {
  static $cache = array();
  if (!array_key_exists($id, $cache)) {
    $event = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {notifications_event} WHERE eid = %d", $id));
    $event->params = unserialize($event->params);

    // Load aditional objects for the event
    $event->objects = array();
    notifications_module_invoke('event load', $event);
    $cache[$id] = $event;
  return $cache[$id];

 * Mark queue rows as done
 * Either log, if logging enabled, or delete
function notifications_queue_done($params) {
  if (variable_get('notifications_log', 0)) {
    notifications_queue_update($params, array(
      'cron' => 0,
      'sent' => time(),
  else {

 * Update queue rows with defined values
 * @arg $params
 *   Parameters to select the queue rows for updating. Array of field => value pairs
 * @arg $update
 *   Fields values to update. Array of field => value pairs
function notifications_queue_update($params, $updates) {
  $values = _messaging_query_conditions('notifications_queue', $updates);
  $where = notifications_queue_query($params);
  $args = array_merge($values['args'], $where['args']);
  return db_query('UPDATE {notifications_queue} SET ' . implode(', ', $values['conditions']) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where['where']), $args);

 * Delete rows from subscriptions queue
 * @see notifications_queue_query()
 * Note: Handle with care if no params may delete all rows
function notifications_queue_delete($params) {
  $query = notifications_queue_query($params);
  db_query("DELETE FROM {notifications_queue} WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $query['where']), $query['args']);

 * Build query conditions for queue queries
 * @param $params
 *   Array of parameters, field => value form
 *   Special parameters
 *     'max_squid' => max squid to delete
 *     'rows' => array of squid values to delte
 * @return
 *   Array with 'where' and 'args' elements. Each of them is an array
function notifications_queue_query($params) {
  $where = $args = array();

  // Special condition max_sqid
  if (isset($params['max_sqid'])) {
    $where[] = "sqid <= %d";
    $args[] = $params['max_sqid'];

  // User generic query builder for the rest of fields
  $values = _messaging_query_conditions('notifications_queue', $params);
  $where = array_merge($where, $values['conditions']);
  $args = array_merge($args, $values['args']);
  return array(
    'where' => $where,
    'args' => $args,

/** Digest functions **/

 * Get digest information for an event.
function nofitications_digest_event_info($event) {
  $info = notifications_event_types($event->type, $event->action);
  $type = $info['digest'][0];
  $field = $info['digest'][1];

  // Check object and values
  $object = !empty($event->objects[$type]) ? $event->objects[$type] : NULL;
  $value = $object && isset($object->{$field}) ? $object->{$field} : 0;
  return array(
    'type' => $type,
    'field' => $field,
    'value' => $value,
    'object' => $object,

 * Digest multiple events in a single message, short format.
 * @return array with messages ready to be sent
function notifications_process_digest_short($account, $events, $subscriptions, $send_interval, $send_method) {

  // Compile list of events for each object
  $list = array();

  // Build up the digested list with text replacement
  // We need text replacement for each line because it depends on different objects
  foreach ($events as $event) {
    notifications_log('Digesting short format', array(
      'event' => $event,
    $sid = is_array($subscriptions[$event->eid]) ? array_shift($subscriptions[$event->eid]) : 0;
    $subscription = $sid ? notifications_load_subscription($sid) : NULL;
    $objects = $event->objects + array(
      'user' => $account,
      'subscription' => $subscription,

    // $info = notifications_event_types($event->type, $event->action);
    $digest = nofitications_digest_event_info($event);
    $digest_type = $digest['type'];
    $digest_value = $digest['value'];
    if (!isset($list[$digest_type][$digest_value]['group'])) {
      $group = array(
        'title' => notifications_digest_group($digest, 'title', $send_method),
        'footer' => notifications_digest_group($digest, 'footer', $send_method),

      // The objects passed here for tokens will be the ones from the first event only
      $list[$digest_type][$digest_value]['group'] = messaging_text_replace($group, $objects);
      notifications_log('Digesting object', array(
        'type' => $digest_type,
        'value' => $digest_value,

    // Check duplicate notifications for the same event so we do some deduping
    if (!isset($list[$digest_type][$digest_value]['line'][$event->eid])) {
      $line = notifications_digest_line($event, $send_method, $objects);
      $list[$digest_type][$digest_value]['line'][$event->eid] = messaging_text_replace($line, $event->objects);

  // Create message. Do all this in one replacement, then strip out the subject
  $text['subject'] = notifications_message_part('digest', 'subject', $send_method);
  $text['header'] = notifications_message_part('digest', 'header', $send_method);
  $text['footer'] = notifications_message_part('digest', 'footer', $send_method);

  // We dont pass a subscription object here, won't be too much use anyway
  $text = messaging_text_replace($text, array(
    'user' => $account,
    'subscription' => NULL,

  // Compose body. All these lines have been text replaced
  $body = theme('notifications_digest_short_body', $text, $list);

  // Build the final digested message, and return in an array
  $message = array(
    'subject' => $text['subject'],
    'body' => $body,
    'events' => $events,
    'subscriptions' => $subscriptions,
    'digest' => 'short',
  return array(

 * Digest multiple events in a single message, long format.
 * @return array with messages ready to be sent
function notifications_process_digest_long($account, $events, $subscriptions, $send_interval, $send_method) {

  // Build the message body as an array of event notifications
  $body = array();

  // Build up the digested list with text replacement, body as big array
  // We need text replacement for each line because it depends on different objects
  foreach ($events as $event) {
    notifications_log('Digesting long format', array(
      'event' => $event,

    // We use the regular template for the events
    $part = notifications_message_part('event', 'main', $send_method, $event);

    // Pass only the first subscription here
    $sid = is_array($subscriptions[$event->eid]) ? array_shift($subscriptions[$event->eid]) : 0;
    $subscription = $sid ? notifications_load_subscription($sid) : NULL;
    $objects = $event->objects + array(
      'user' => $account,
      'subscription' => $subscription,
    $body[] = messaging_text_replace($part, $objects);

  // Create message. Do all this in one replacement, then strip out the subject
  $text['subject'] = notifications_message_part('digest', 'subject', $send_method);
  $text['header'] = notifications_message_part('digest', 'header', $send_method);
  $text['footer'] = notifications_message_part('digest', 'footer', $send_method);

  // We dont pass a subscription object here, won't be too much use anyway
  $text = messaging_text_replace($text, array(
    'user' => $account,
    'subscription' => NULL,

  // Compose body. All these lines have been text replaced
  $body = theme('notifications_digest_long_body', $text['header'], $body, $text['footer']);

  // Build the final digested message, and return in an array
  $message = array(
    'subject' => $text['subject'],
    'body' => $body,
    'events' => $events,
    'subscriptions' => $subscriptions,
    'digest' => 'long',
  return array(

 * Get text parts for digests.
 * Useful to get the group title and footer given some kind of digesting
function notifications_digest_group($digest, $part, $method) {
  static $texts = array();
  $type = $digest['type'];
  $value = $digest['value'];
  if (!isset($texts[$type][$value][$part][$method])) {
    if ($line = notifications_message_part('digest', $part, $method, array(
    ))) {
      $output = $line;
    else {
      $output = '';
    $texts[$type][$value][$part][$method] = $output;
  return $texts[$type][$value][$part][$method];

 * Digest each line, with some caching for performance
function notifications_digest_line($event, $method) {
  static $digest = array();
  if (!isset($digest[$event->eid][$method])) {

    // The event may have an specific digest line, otherwise use template if present or even information
    if (!empty($event->text['digest'])) {
      $line = $event->text['digest'];
    elseif ($part = notifications_message_part('event', 'digest', $method, $event)) {
      $line = $part;
    else {

      // Get it from event information
      $info = notifications_event_types($event->type, $event->action);
      $line = $info['line'];
    $digest[$event->eid][$method] = $line;
  return $digest[$event->eid][$method];

/** Themeable functions **/

 * Theme notifications digest
 * @param $text
 *   Array with message parts, currently only 'header' and 'footer'
 * @param $list
 *   Structured array with list of digested items. For each object type
 *   'type' => (  // Type may be node, user, etc...
 *      'oid' => ( // One for each object, may be nid, uid...
 *        'group' => Group title and footer 
 *        'line' => Array of lines, one for each related event
 *       )
 *   )   
 * @return
 *   Structured array with 'header', 'footer', and multiple text lines
function theme_notifications_digest_short_body($text, $list) {
  $body['header'] = $text['header'];
  foreach ($list as $type => $objects) {
    foreach ($objects as $oid => $data) {
      $body['content'][] = $data['group']['title'];
      foreach ($data['line'] as $line) {
        $body['content'][] = theme('notifications_digest_short_line', $line, $data['group']);
      $body['content'][] = $data['group']['footer'];
  $body['footer'] = $text['footer'];
  return $body;

 * Single line of text
function theme_notifications_digest_short_line($line, $group) {
  return '- ' . $line;

 * Build the message body for long digests. 
 * Actually we do nothing here, but it will be themeable.
function theme_notifications_digest_long_body($header, $content, $footer) {
  return array(
    'header' => $header,
    'content' => $content,
    'footer' => $footer,


Namesort descending Description
nofitications_digest_event_info Get digest information for an event.
notifications_digest_group Get text parts for digests.
notifications_digest_line Digest each line, with some caching for performance
notifications_event_text Get texts for event
notifications_event_tracker Keep track of events and update event counter with processed rows eids
notifications_load_event Get events with static caching
notifications_load_user Get users with static caching
notifications_message_part Get message part
notifications_message_send Message sending
notifications_process Controls and checks limits for queue processing It can be used by other modules to add their own limits here, like number of sms sent, etc...
notifications_process_digest_long Digest multiple events in a single message, long format.
notifications_process_digest_short Digest multiple events in a single message, short format.
notifications_process_message Creates a single message for a single event
notifications_process_prepare Prepare subscriptions queue
notifications_process_queue Process subscriptions queue
notifications_process_rows Process rows given query conditions
notifications_process_run Function to be called on cron by the main notifications_cron
notifications_process_send Message delivery.
notifications_queue_delete Delete rows from subscriptions queue
notifications_queue_done Mark queue rows as done
notifications_queue_query Build query conditions for queue queries
notifications_queue_update Update queue rows with defined values
notifications_update_sent Update user last time sent for each sending method / interval
theme_notifications_digest_long_body Build the message body for long digests.
theme_notifications_digest_short_body Theme notifications digest
theme_notifications_digest_short_line Single line of text
