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12 calls to Notifications_Subscription::get_type() in Notifications 6.4

Notifications_Custom_Subscription::get_default in notifications_custom/
Get default value for a possible checkbox
Notifications_Custom_Subscription::get_description in notifications_custom/
Get description
Notifications_Custom_Subscription::get_name in notifications_custom/
Get subscription short name.
Notifications_Custom_Subscription::get_title in notifications_custom/
Notifications_Custom_Subscription::is_visible in notifications_custom/
Check visibility of this subscription type
Notifications_Subscription::format_long in includes/
Format as long text
Notifications_Subscription::format_name in includes/
If the subscription type has a name, like custom subscriptions have, that will be the name Otherwise we build the name using fields and values
Notifications_Subscription::format_short in includes/
Format as short text
Notifications_Subscription::form_info in includes/
Subscription information field for several forms
Notifications_Subscription::get_description in includes/
Get description
Notifications_Subscription::get_title in includes/
Notifications_Subscription::get_type_fields in includes/
Get fields from subscription type as normalized array of objects