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public static function Notifications_Subscription::build in Notifications 6.4

Build for a subscription type


$template: Template object or subscription type

Overrides Messaging_Object::build

4 calls to Notifications_Subscription::build()
notifications_anonymous_page_subscribe in notifications_anonymous/
Menu callback add subscription
notifications_build_subscription in ./notifications.module
Build subscription object properly
Notifications_Custom_Subscription::build in notifications_custom/
Build for a subscription type
notifications_load_subscription in ./notifications.module
Get an individual subscription.
1 method overrides Notifications_Subscription::build()
Notifications_Custom_Subscription::build in notifications_custom/
Build for a subscription type


includes/, line 111
Drupal Notifications Framework - Default class file


Message destination class


public static function build($template, $default_class = 'Notifications_Subscription') {
  if (is_array($template)) {
    $type = NULL;
    $template = (object) $template;
  if (is_object($template)) {
    $object = $template;
    $type = $template->type;
  else {
    $type = $template;
    $object = array(
      'type' => $type,

  // The type may define its own class
  if ($type && ($class = notifications_subscription_types($type, 'class'))) {
    return new $class($object);
  else {
    return new $default_class($object);