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Functions in Notifications 6.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
notifications_load_subscription ./notifications.module Get an individual subscription. 10 1
notifications_load_user ./notifications.module Get users with static caching for existing users 5 1
notifications_locale ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_locale().
notifications_locale_refresh ./notifications.module Refresh notifications strings 1 1
notifications_log ./notifications.module Short hand for info logs 6 3
notifications_manage_destination_extra ./ Manage destination extra options for administrators 1
notifications_manage_destination_form ./ Manage destination form. Edit subscriptions for a destination 1
notifications_manage_subscriptions_access ./ Check access for current user to manage subscriptions 3
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form ./ Administer user subscriptions 2
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_options ./ Form options 2
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_submit ./ Handle manage form submissions, run batch operations 2
notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_validate ./ Validate notifications_admin_subscriptions form submissions. 2
notifications_manage_user_subscriptions ./ Menu callback: user subscriptions management 1
notifications_menu ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_menu().
notifications_messaging ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_messaging()
notifications_messaging_templates includes/ Implementation of hook_messaging_templates() 1
notifications_multiple_delete_confirm ./ Form for multiple delete. When account passed check that all subscriptions belong to the user account 5
notifications_multiple_delete_confirm_submit ./ Submit multiple delete from 1
notifications_multiple_delete_confirm_validate ./ Validate permissions to delete all the subscriptions 1
notifications_nodetype_enabled notifications_nodetype/notifications_nodetype.module Check if this type of event is enabled for this content type
notifications_nodetype_help notifications_nodetype/notifications_nodetype.module Implementation of hook_help()
notifications_nodetype_notifications notifications_nodetype/notifications_nodetype.module Implementation of hook_notifications()
notifications_nodetype_notifications_event notifications_nodetype/notifications_nodetype.module Implementation of hook notifications_event()
notifications_nodetype_notifications_templates notifications_nodetype/notifications_nodetype.module Implementation of hook_notifications_templates()
notifications_nodetype_template notifications_nodetype/notifications_nodetype.module Build single template 1
notifications_node_autocomplete_title includes/ Menu callback; Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions for existing users 1
notifications_node_autocomplete_type includes/ Menu callback; Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions for existing nodes 1
notifications_node_nid2autocomplete includes/ Generates 'title [nid:$nid]' for the autocomplete field 1
notifications_node_nid2title includes/ Mapping from node nid to title 1
notifications_node_title2nid includes/ Reverse mapping from node title to nid 1
notifications_node_user_access includes/ Check user access to node 1
notifications_notifications ./notifications.module Implementation of hook_notifications()
notifications_notifications_event ./notifications.module Implementation of hook notifications_event()
notifications_notifications_subscription ./notifications.module Implementation of hook notifications_subscription()
notifications_notifications_templates includes/ Implementation of hook_notifications_templates()
notifications_object ./notifications.module Entry point for the object API
notifications_object_access includes/ Check access to an object for user account 2
notifications_object_condition_fields includes/ Get field conditions for this specific object 1
notifications_object_load ./notifications.module Load an object of type defined by notifications 'object types' 7
notifications_object_options_fieldset includes/ Build fieldset with subscription options 2
notifications_object_options_form includes/ Form for object (node, user, term...) subscriptions 1
notifications_object_options_form_submit includes/ Process submission 1
notifications_object_options_subform includes/ Subform with subscription options so it can be reused for a fieldset on a bigger form 1
notifications_object_page_objects includes/ Get objects to which we can subscribe on current page 1
notifications_object_page_subscriptions includes/ Build subscriptions for current user to an array of objects 1
notifications_object_subscribe_links includes/ Build subscribe / unsubscribe options for object 2
notifications_object_subscribe_options includes/ Get subscription options for object, account. Only enabled subscription types 2
notifications_object_type ./notifications.module Get info about object types 7
notifications_object_user_subscriptions includes/ Get list of possible and existing subscriptions for user/object 3
notifications_page_check_access ./ Check access to current page, included signature 2


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