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noreqnewpass.test in No Request New Password 6


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class NoreqnewpassMenuTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Check menu changes'),
      'description' => t('Check if all changes at menu are working well.'),
      'group' => t('No Request New Password'),
  function setUp() {
  function testLinkRequestPassFrontPageCheck() {
    $link = l(t('Request new password'), 'user/password');
      ->assertNoRaw($link, t('Make sure a link dont appears to "Request new password" on front page.'));
  function testLinkRequestPassUserPageCheck() {
    $link = l(t('Request new password'), 'user/password');
      ->assertNoRaw($link, t('Make sure a link dont appears to "Request new password" on the user register page.'));

