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README.txt in No Referrer 7

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  1. 8 README.txt

The rel="noreferrer" link type[1] indicates that no referrer information is to
be leaked when following the link. It enhances privacy by allowing users to
avoid leaking referrer information when they click on (or prefetch) links to
external sites. It also enhances security by preventing the linked page from
gaining access to the linking page via the window.opener object.

This module adds a rel="noreferrer" link type to all external links generated by
code (e.g. menu module). It also adds the rel="noopener" link type to links with
a target. You can toggle both link types on and off if, for example, you want
only the security protections of rel="noopener" without the privacy protections
of rel="noreferrer".

This module also provides a filter which, if enabled for a text format, adds the
rel="noopener" and rel="noreferrer" link types to links in user-generated
content. You will probably want to enable the 'Add rel="noopener" and/or
rel="noreferrer" to links' filter on all of your text formats.

Whitelisted domains can be defined, to which referrer URLs will be sent. If
desired, you may also publish your list of whitelisted domains as a JSON file,
to which other sites can subscribe. Alternately, you may subscribe to another
site's list of whitelisted domains.

If metatag module[2] is installed, you may also want to enable the meta referrer
element[3] to set a referrer policy[4] for the page.



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  2. ===========
  3. The rel="noreferrer" link type[1] indicates that no referrer information is to
  4. be leaked when following the link. It enhances privacy by allowing users to
  5. avoid leaking referrer information when they click on (or prefetch) links to
  6. external sites. It also enhances security by preventing the linked page from
  7. gaining access to the linking page via the window.opener object.
  8. This module adds a rel="noreferrer" link type to all external links generated by
  9. code (e.g. menu module). It also adds the rel="noopener" link type to links with
  10. a target. You can toggle both link types on and off if, for example, you want
  11. only the security protections of rel="noopener" without the privacy protections
  12. of rel="noreferrer".
  13. This module also provides a filter which, if enabled for a text format, adds the
  14. rel="noopener" and rel="noreferrer" link types to links in user-generated
  15. content. You will probably want to enable the 'Add rel="noopener" and/or
  16. rel="noreferrer" to links' filter on all of your text formats.
  17. Whitelisted domains can be defined, to which referrer URLs will be sent. If
  18. desired, you may also publish your list of whitelisted domains as a JSON file,
  19. to which other sites can subscribe. Alternately, you may subscribe to another
  20. site's list of whitelisted domains.
  21. If metatag module[2] is installed, you may also want to enable the meta referrer
  22. element[3] to set a referrer policy[4] for the page.
  23. [1]
  24. [2]
  25. [3]
  26. [4]