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nodewords.api.php in Nodewords: D6 Meta Tags 6

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  1. 6.3 nodewords.api.php
  2. 6.2 nodewords.api.php

. Nodewords hooks.


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 * @file.
 * Nodewords hooks.

 * The hook is used from nodewords.module to know which API is supported by the
 * the module.
 * @return
 * An array containing the following indexes:
 *   - version - the API version used by the module; basing on this value
 *     Nodewords will take the necessary steps to assure to keep the module
 *     compatible with Nodewords, The minimum API currently supported by the
 *     module is contained in the constant NODEWORDS_MINIMUM_API_VERSION, and
 *     the current API version is contained in the constant
function hook_nodewords_api() {
  return array(
    'version' => '1.14',

 * This hook declares the meta tags implemented by the module.
 * @return
 *   A nested array containing the following values:
 *  - attributes - the tag attributes used when outputting the tag.
 *  - callback - the string used to built the name of the functions called for 
 *    any meta tags operations.
 *  - context - the contexts in which the meta tags are allowed (and denied).
 *  - label - the label used as title in the fieldset for the form field
 *    shown in the form to edit the meta tags values.
 *  - multiple - if set to TRUE, splits the tag value on each line break and
 *    outputs each item as a fully separate copy of the tag; best used when the
 *    form uses a textarea instead of a textfield.
 *  - permission - the permission associated with the form fields used to
 *    edit the meta tags values; this permission is used only when the meta tag
 *    edit form fields are shown in a form that is accessible not only from the
 *    administrators users (in example, in the node edit form, or in the user
 *    profile form).
 *  - templates - the templates used when the meta tag is output.
 *  - weight - the weight used to order the meta tags before to output them;
 *    the lighter meta tag will be output first. See API.txt for a list of the
 *    weights of all included meta tags.
function hook_nodewords_tags_info() {
  $tags = array(
    'dcterms.title' => array(
      'callback' => 'nodewords_extra_dc_title',
      'context' => array(
        'denied' => array(
      'label' => t('Dublin Core title'),
      'permission' => 'edit meta tag Dublin Core TITLE',
      'templates' => array(
        'head' => array(
          'dcterms.title' => NODEWORDS_META,
    'location' => array(
      'callback' => 'nodewords_extra_location',
      'label' => t('Location'),
      'permission' => 'edit location meta tag',
      'templates' => array(
        'geo.position' => NODEWORDS_META,
        'icbm' => NODEWORDS_META,
  return $tags;

 * The hook is used to alter the metatags content.
 * @param &$output
 *  The array of meta tags values.
 * @param $parameters
 *  An array of parameters. The currently defined are:
 *   * type - the type of object for the page to which the meta
 *     tags are associated.
 *   * ids - the array of IDs for the object associated with the page.
 *   * output - where the meta tags are being output; the parameter value can
 *     'head' or 'update index'.
function hook_nodewords_tags_alter(&$output, $parameters) {
  if (empty($output['abstract']) && $parameters['type'] == NODEWORDS_TYPE_PAGE) {
    $output['abstract'] = t('Node content');

 * The hook is used to alter the string containing the metatags output.
 * @param &$output
 *  The string to alter.
 * @param $parameters
 *  An array of parameters. The currently defined are:
 *   * type - the type of object for the page to which the meta
 *     tags are associated.
 *   * ids - the array of IDs for the object associated with the page.
 *   * output - where the meta tags are being output; the parameter value can
 *     'head' or 'update index'.
function hook_nodewords_tags_output_alter(&$output, $parameters) {
  $bool = variable_get('nodewords_add_dc_schema', FALSE) && isset($parameters['output']) && $parameters['output'] == 'head';
  if ($bool) {
    $output = '<link rel="schema.dc" href="" />' . "\n" . $output;

 * The hook is used from the module to determinate the type of the object
 * associated with the currently viewed page (node, user, taxonomy term), and
 * the ID of the object.
 * @param &$result
 *   the array used to write the result.
 * @param $arg
 *   the array as obtained from arg().
function hook_nodewords_type_id(&$result, $arg) {
  if ($arg[0] == 'user') {

    // User page paths: user/$uid.
    if (isset($arg[1]) && is_numeric($arg[1])) {
      $result['type'] = NODEWORDS_TYPE_USER;
      $result['id'] = $arg[1];

 * @} End of "addtogroup Nodewords hooks" .


Namesort descending Description
hook_nodewords_api The hook is used from nodewords.module to know which API is supported by the the module.
hook_nodewords_tags_alter The hook is used to alter the metatags content.
hook_nodewords_tags_info This hook declares the meta tags implemented by the module.
hook_nodewords_tags_output_alter The hook is used to alter the string containing the metatags output.
hook_nodewords_type_id The hook is used from the module to determinate the type of the object associated with the currently viewed page (node, user, taxonomy term), and the ID of the object.