nodetype_access.module in Nodetype access 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
A new, different kind of node access module made possible by Drupal 7.
This module completely bypasses the node access grants system, and instead uses hook_node_access() and hook_query_alter() to prevent users without proper permissions from viewing nodes.
nodetype_access.moduleView source
* @file
* A new, different kind of node access module made possible by Drupal 7.
* This module completely bypasses the node access grants system, and instead
* uses hook_node_access() and hook_query_alter() to prevent users without
* proper permissions from viewing nodes.
* Implements hook_permission().
* Defines a 'view any $type content' permission. I guess I could've had it
* also define a 'view own $type content' permission, but I'm lazy, and Drupal
* defaults to letting you view your own content anyway...
function nodetype_access_permission() {
$perms = array();
foreach (node_permissions_get_configured_types() as $type) {
$info = node_type_get_type($type);
$perms += array(
nodetype_access_get_permission($type) => array(
'title' => t('View published %type_name content', array(
'%type_name' => $info->name,
return $perms;
* Get permission (sanitized) for a single type
function nodetype_access_get_permission($nodetype) {
$nodetype = check_plain($nodetype);
return "view any {$nodetype} content";
* Get all permissions (sanitized) keyed by nodetype
function nodetype_access_get_permissions() {
$permission_keys =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($permission_keys)) {
$permission_keys = array();
foreach (node_type_get_types() as $nodetype => $info) {
$nodetype = check_plain($nodetype);
$permission_keys[$nodetype] = nodetype_access_get_permission($nodetype);
return $permission_keys;
* Implement hook_node_access().
* This will deny access to nodes accessed via node/X, or otherwise having a
* full node_load() done on them.
function nodetype_access_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
if ($op == 'view') {
if (user_access(nodetype_access_get_permission($node->type), $account)) {
else {
* Implement hook_query_TAG_alter().
* This takes care of nodes in listing pages, sidebar blocks, and so on. These
* do not trigger the full set of hook_node_XXX functions, for performance
* reasons.
function nodetype_access_query_node_access_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query) {
// If we haven't joined on the node table yet, do so.
$tables = $query
$node_exists = FALSE;
foreach ($tables as $alias => $table) {
if ($table['table'] == 'node') {
$node_exists = TRUE;
// $alias is the alias of the node table if $node_exists
// otherwise it is the index of the last table
if (!$node_exists) {
// Assume the primary table has a 'nid' column. Not a safe assumption, but
// it stops Comment module from freaking out.
->join('node', 'n', 'n.nid = ' . key($tables) . '.nid');
$alias = 'n';
// Restrict to showing only what types the user has access to view.
$types = nodetype_access_get_accessible_types();
if ($types) {
// only filter if necessary
if ($types != nodetype_access_get_all_types()) {
// Escape the alias
->where(db_escape_field($alias) . '.type IN (:types)', array(
':types' => $types,
else {
// '1=0' evaluates to a boolean on postgresql as well as on mysql
// Using just '0' wont work on postgresql, and using 'true' might cause issues
// on mysql
* Returns the list of node types that a user can access.
function nodetype_access_get_accessible_types() {
global $user;
$accessible_types =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (!isset($accessible_types)) {
// Those with 'bypass node access' permissions get to see everything.
if (user_access('bypass node access')) {
$accessible_types = array_keys(node_type_get_types());
else {
$user_permissions = array_keys(drupal_array_merge_deep_array(user_role_permissions($user->roles)));
$nodetype_permissions = nodetype_access_get_permissions();
$accessible_types = array_keys(array_intersect($nodetype_permissions, $user_permissions));
return $accessible_types;
* Returns the list of all node types.
function nodetype_access_get_all_types() {
return array_keys(node_type_get_types());
Name![]() |
Description |
nodetype_access_get_accessible_types | Returns the list of node types that a user can access. |
nodetype_access_get_all_types | Returns the list of all node types. |
nodetype_access_get_permission | Get permission (sanitized) for a single type |
nodetype_access_get_permissions | Get all permissions (sanitized) keyed by nodetype |
nodetype_access_node_access | Implement hook_node_access(). |
nodetype_access_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |
nodetype_access_query_node_access_alter | Implement hook_query_TAG_alter(). |