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16 calls to nodequeue_load_queues() in Nodequeue 5.2

action_nodequeue_add in ./
Old-style action to add a node to a queue.
action_nodequeue_remove in ./
Old-style action to remove a node from a queue.
nodequeue_add_action in ./
Action to add a node to a queue.
nodequeue_add_action_form in ./
Configuration form for Add to Node Queues action.
nodequeue_generate_form in ./nodequeue_generate.module
nodequeue_generate_form_submit in ./nodequeue_generate.module
nodequeue_generate_rehash in ./nodequeue_generate.module
Rebuild all smartqueue_taxonomy queues. Useful after a data migration has wiped your terms. When more smartqueue modules arrive, revisit this function.
nodequeue_handler_queuelist in ./
Generate a list of queues for use in handlers.
nodequeue_load in ./nodequeue.module
Load a nodequeue.
nodequeue_load_queues_by_type in ./nodequeue.module
Fetch a list of available queues for a given location. These queues will be fully loaded and ready to go.
nodequeue_remove_action_form in ./
Configuration form for Remove from Node Queues action.
nodequeue_views_default_views in ./
nodequeue_views_tables in ./
Implementation of hook_views_tables()
nodequeue_view_queues in ./nodequeue.module
Display a list of queues and their status for the administrator.
nodequeue_workflow_ng_action_load_nodequeue in ./
_nodequeue_workflow_ng_action_get_nodequeue in ./