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7 calls to nodequeue_check_token() in Nodequeue 5.2

nodequeue_admin_add_node in ./nodequeue.module
Page callback to add a node to a queue.
nodequeue_admin_back in ./nodequeue.module
Page callback to move an item to the back of a queue. This will be used only if javascript is disabled in the client, and is a fallback technique.
nodequeue_admin_down in ./nodequeue.module
Page callback to move an item down in a queue. This will be used only if javascript is disabled in the client, and is a fallback technique.
nodequeue_admin_front in ./nodequeue.module
Page callback to move an item to the front of a queue. This will be used only if javascript is disabled in the client, and is a fallback technique.
nodequeue_admin_remove in ./nodequeue.module
Page callback to remove an item from a queue. This will be used only if javascript is disabled in the client, and is a fallback technique. This differs from nodequeue_admin_remove_node in that it removes a specific position, which is necessary in case…
nodequeue_admin_remove_node in ./nodequeue.module
Page callback to remove a node from a queue.
nodequeue_admin_up in ./nodequeue.module
Page callback to move an item up in a queue. This will be used only if javascript is disabled in the client, and is a fallback technique.