nodejs.config.yml in Node.js integration 8
4 string references to 'nodejs.config'
- NodejsConfigForm::buildForm in src/
Form/ NodejsConfigForm.php - Form constructor.
- NodejsConfigForm::getEditableConfigNames in src/
Form/ NodejsConfigForm.php - Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
- NodejsConfigSettingsForm::buildForm in nodejs_config/
src/ Form/ NodejsConfigSettingsForm.php - Form constructor.
- NodejsConfigSettingsForm::submitForm in nodejs_config/
src/ Form/ NodejsConfigSettingsForm.php - Form submission handler.
config/install/nodejs.config.ymlView source
- service_key: '__FIXME__'
- log_http_errors: true
- auth_get_token_callback: 'nodejs_auth_get_token_callback'
- auth_check_callback: 'nodejs_auth_check_callback'
- enable_userchannel: true
- pages: '*'
- authenticated_users_only: false
- nodejs:
- scheme: 'http'
- host: 'localhost'
- port: 8080
- client:
- scheme: 'http'
- host: 'localhost'
- port: 8080
- socket_io:
- path: 'http://localhost:8080/'
- type: 'external'