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Nodehierarchy theming functions.

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 * @file
 * Nodehierarchy theming functions.

 * Display a list of nodes with nodehierarchy actions.
function theme_nodehierarchy_node_list($nodes, $expandable = FALSE) {
  $out = "";
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    if (node_access('view', $node)) {
      $row = array(
        "class" => "nodehierarchy_child",
        "id" => 'nh-' . $node->nid,
        'data' => theme("nodehierarchy_actions", $node),
      if ($expandable) {
        $row['data'] .= _nodehierarchy_toggle_expand_link($node->title, $node->nid);
      else {
        $row['data'] .= l($node->title, "node/" . $node->nid);
      if ($expandable && _nodehierarhcy_is_expanded($node->nid)) {
        $row['data'] .= _nodehierarchy_display_children_list($node, TRUE);
        $row['class'] .= " expanded";
      elseif ($expandable && variable_get('nh_parent_' . $node->type, FALSE)) {
        $row['class'] .= " collapsed";
      $rows[] = $row;
  if ($rows) {
    $out .= theme("node_hierarchy_item_list", $rows, array(
      "class" => "nodehierarchy_outline menu",
  return $out;

 * Display links to create new children nodes of the given node.
function theme_nodehierarchy_new_child_links($node) {
  $out = "";
  $create_links = array();
  if (user_access('create child nodes') && node_access('update', $node)) {
    foreach (node_get_types() as $key => $type) {
      if (node_access('create', $key) && variable_get('nh_child_' . $key, FALSE)) {
        $key = str_replace('_', '-', $key);
        $create_links[] = l($type->name, "node/add/{$key}", array(
          'title' => t('Add a new %s.', array(
            '%s' => $type->name,
        ), drupal_get_destination() . "&edit[parent]={$node->nid}");
    if ($create_links) {
      $out = '<div class="newchild">' . t("Create new child !s", array(
        '!s' => implode(" | ", $create_links),
      )) . '</div>';
  return $out;

 * Display node hierarchy action links (view, edit, move up, move down, etc.).
function theme_nodehierarchy_actions($node) {
  global $user;
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'nodehierarchy') . '/nodehierarchy.css');
  $actions = array();
  $actions[] = theme('nodehierarchy_action', url("node/{$node->nid}"), 'view', node_access('view', $node));
  $actions[] = theme('nodehierarchy_action', url("node/{$node->nid}/edit", drupal_get_destination()), 'edit', node_access('update', $node));
  $actions[] = theme('nodehierarchy_action', url("node/{$node->nid}/delete", drupal_get_destination()), 'delete', node_access('delete', $node));
  if (user_access('reorder children')) {
    $actions[] = theme('nodehierarchy_action', url("hierarchy/{$node->nid}/up", drupal_get_destination()), 'up');
    $actions[] = theme('nodehierarchy_action', url("hierarchy/{$node->nid}/down", drupal_get_destination()), 'down');
  return "<div class='nodehierarchy_actions'>" . implode("", $actions) . '</div>';

 * Display a single node hierarchy action link.
function theme_nodehierarchy_action($url, $name, $active = TRUE) {
  $img_path = base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'nodehierarchy') . "/images/{$name}.gif";
  if ($active) {
    return '<a href="' . $url . '" class="nodehierarchy_action nodehierarchy_action_' . $name . '" title="' . t($name) . '"><span class="nodehierarchy_icon"><img src="' . $img_path . '" height="16" width="16" /></span><span class="label">' . t($name) . '</span></a>';
  else {
    return '<span class="nodehierarchy_action"><span class="nodehierarchy_icon disabled"><img src="' . $img_path . '" height="16" width="16" /></span><span class="label">' . t($name) . '</span></span>';

 * Theme a link to the given sibling.
function theme_nodehierarchy_sibling_link($node) {
  return l($node->title, "node/" . $node->nid);

 * Return a themed list of items.
function theme_node_hierarchy_item_list($items = array(), $attributes = NULL) {
  if (!empty($items)) {
    $output .= "<ul" . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>';
    foreach ($items as $item) {
      $attributes = array();
      if (is_array($item)) {
        foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
          if ($key == 'data') {
            $data = $value;
          elseif ($key == 'children') {
            $children = $value;
          else {
            $attributes[$key] = $value;
      else {
        $data = $item;
      $output .= '<li' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . $data . '</li>';
    $output .= "</ul>";
  return $output;

 * Return a themed list of items.
function theme_nodehierarchy_children_list($node, $children, $show_create_links = TRUE) {
  $output = "";
  if (!empty($children)) {
    $output .= '<ul class="nodehierarchy_outline menu">';
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($children as $nid => $item) {
      $children_list = "";
      $attributs = array();
      $title = check_plain($item['node']->title);
      if ($item['url']) {
        $title = '<a href="' . $item['url'] . '" class="' . ($item['expandable'] ? "expand_widget" : "non_expandable") . ($item['expanded'] ? " expanded" : " collapsed") . '" title="' . $item['tooltip'] . '">' . $title . '</a>';
      $attributes['id'] = "nodehierarchy_child-" . $item['node']->nid;
      $attributes['class'] = "nodehierarchy_child";
      if ($item['expandable']) {
        $attributes['class'] .= " expandable";
        $attributes['class'] .= $item['expanded'] ? " expanded" : " collapsed";
      if (!nodehierarchy_previous_sibling_nid($item['node'])) {
        $attributes['class'] .= " first";
      if (!nodehierarchy_next_sibling_nid($item['node'])) {
        $attributes['class'] .= " last";
      $actions = theme("nodehierarchy_actions", $item['node']);
      $grandchildren = "";
      if ($item['expanded']) {
        $grandchildren = theme("nodehierarchy_children_list", $item['node'], $item['children']);
      $output .= '<li' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '><div class="item">' . $actions . $title . '</div><div class="children">' . $grandchildren . '</div></li>';
    $output .= "</ul>";
  else {
    $output .= t("This node has no children");
  if ($show_create_links) {
    $output .= theme("nodehierarchy_new_child_links", $node);
  return $output;

 * Return a themed list of items.
function theme_nodehierarchy_children_list_more_link($node, $num_displayed, $total) {
  $output = "";
  if ($num_displayed < $total) {
    $output .= '<div class="nodehierarchy_children_more_link">';
    $output .= t("%num out of %total displayed. ", array(
      "%num" => $num_displayed,
      "%total" => $total,
    $output .= l(t("See more..."), "node/" . $node->nid . "/children", array(), 'page=1');
    $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;


Namesort descending Description
theme_nodehierarchy_action Display a single node hierarchy action link.
theme_nodehierarchy_actions Display node hierarchy action links (view, edit, move up, move down, etc.).
theme_nodehierarchy_children_list Return a themed list of items.
theme_nodehierarchy_children_list_more_link Return a themed list of items.
theme_nodehierarchy_new_child_links Display links to create new children nodes of the given node.
theme_nodehierarchy_node_list Display a list of nodes with nodehierarchy actions.
theme_nodehierarchy_sibling_link Theme a link to the given sibling.
theme_node_hierarchy_item_list Return a themed list of items.