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6 calls to _nodehierarchy_get_node_menu_links() in Node Hierarchy 6.2

nodehierarchy_get_node_parent in ./nodehierarchy.module
Get the primary parent node for the given node.
nodehierarchy_get_node_parents in ./nodehierarchy.module
Get the parent nodes for the given node.
nodehierarchy_get_node_parent_nids in ./nodehierarchy.module
Get the parent nodes for the given node.
nodehierarchy_load_node in ./nodehierarchy.module
Load a node's menu links when the node is loaded.
_nodehierarchy_get_node_ancestor_menu_links in ./nodehierarchy.module
Get the menu links of each of a node's ancestors.
_nodehierarchy_get_node_menu_link in ./nodehierarchy.module
Get the primary menu link for the given node.