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public function NodeRevisionDelete::getPreviousRevisions in Node Revision Delete 8

Get all revision that are older than current deleted revision.

The revisions should have the same language as the current language of the page.


int $nid: The node id.

int $currently_deleted_revision_id: The current revision.

Return value

array An array with the previous revisions.

Overrides NodeRevisionDeleteInterface::getPreviousRevisions


src/NodeRevisionDelete.php, line 242


Class NodeRevisionDelete.




public function getPreviousRevisions($nid, $currently_deleted_revision_id) {

  // @TODO check if the method can be improved.
  // Getting the node storage.
  $node_storage = $this->entityTypeManager

  // Getting the node.
  $node = $this->entityTypeManager

  // Get current language code from URL.
  $langcode = $this->languageManager

  // Get all revisions of the current node, in all languages.
  $revision_ids = $node_storage

  // Creating an array with the keys equal to the value.
  $revision_ids = array_combine($revision_ids, $revision_ids);

  // Adding a placeholder for the deleted revision, as our custom submit
  // function is executed after the core delete the current revision.
  $revision_ids[$currently_deleted_revision_id] = $currently_deleted_revision_id;
  $revisions_before = [];
  if (count($revision_ids) > 1) {

    // Ordering the array.

    // Getting the prior revisions.
    $revision_ids = array_slice($revision_ids, array_search($currently_deleted_revision_id, array_keys($revision_ids)) + 1, NULL, TRUE);

    // Loop through the list of revision ids, select the ones that have.
    // Same language as the current language AND are older than the current
    // deleted revision.
    foreach ($revision_ids as $vid) {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionableInterface $revision */
      $revision = $node_storage

      // Only show revisions that are affected by the language
      // that is being displayed.
      if ($revision
        ->hasTranslation($langcode) && $revision
        ->isRevisionTranslationAffected()) {
        $revisions_before[] = $revision;
  return $revisions_before;