You are here in Node Revision Delete 7.3

Helper functions.


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 * @file
 * Helper functions.

 * Get the available nodes to generate revisions.
 * Returns the ids of the available nodes to generate the revisions and the
 * next date (Unix timestamp) of the revision to be generated for that node.
 * @param array $bundles
 *   An array with the selected content types to generate node revisions.
 * @param int $revisions_age
 *   Interval in Unix timestamp format to add to the last revision date of the
 *   node.
 * @return array
 *   Returns the available nodes ids to generate the revisions and its next
 *   revision date.
function _node_revision_generate_get_available_nodes_for_revisions(array $bundles, $revisions_age) {

  // Variable with the placeholders arguments needed for the expression.
  $interval_time = array(
    ':interval' => $revisions_age,
    ':current_time' => REQUEST_TIME,
  $query = db_select('node', 'n');

  // Get/check the last revision (vid).
    ->leftJoin('node_revision', 'r', 'n.vid = r.vid');

  // Get the node id to generate revisions.
    ->fields('n', array(

  // Get timestamp to calculate the number of revisions.
    ->fields('r', array(

  // Get nodes with title to avoid some error on save it.

  // Get nodes of selected content types (bundles).
    ->condition('n.type', $bundles);

  // Get only the published nodes.
    ->condition('n.status', 1);

  // Check the next date to generate the revision be <= current date.
    ->where('r.timestamp + :interval <= :current_time', $interval_time);

  // Return the available nodes ids and its next revision date, as array.
  return $query


Namesort descending Description
_node_revision_generate_get_available_nodes_for_revisions Get the available nodes to generate revisions.