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node-registration.tpl.php in Node registration 7

Prints a themeable Node registration. This file exists to be overridden!

Available variables:

  • object $node -- the 'owner' of this registration
  • object $registration -- the registration details
  • array $content -- the renderable display mode result
  • array $node_content -- the renderable content for the $node
  • array $cancel -- a renderable link to the cancel page

All of the shite that was here before, has moved to NodeRegistrationEntityClass::buildContent() into $content below.


View source

 * @file
 * Prints a themeable Node registration. This file exists to be overridden!
 * Available variables:
 * - object $node -- the 'owner' of this registration
 * - object $registration -- the registration details
 * - array  $content -- the renderable display mode result
 * - array  $node_content -- the renderable content for the $node
 * - array  $cancel -- a renderable link to the cancel page
 * All of the shite that was here before, has moved to
 * NodeRegistrationEntityClass::buildContent() into $content below.

<div class="<?php

print $classes;
?>" <?php

print $attributes;


print render($content);
