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6 calls to NodeImportAPITestCase::readFromFile() in Node import 6

NodeImportAPITestCase::testEmptyLastColumn in tests/node_import.test
Test reading from files with empty last column. See #532182.
NodeImportAPITestCase::testLineEndingsDOS in tests/node_import.test
Test reading from CSV files with DOS line endings (\r\n).
NodeImportAPITestCase::testLineEndingsMac in tests/node_import.test
Test reading from CSV files with MacIntosh line endings (\r).
NodeImportAPITestCase::testLineEndingsUnix in tests/node_import.test
Test reading from CSV files with Unix line endings (\n).
NodeImportAPITestCase::testMultipleLines in tests/node_import.test
Test reading from files with multiple lines in quoted field.
NodeImportAPITestCase::testNoEscapeCharacter in tests/node_import.test
Test reading from files without an escape character. See #739786.