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Hacks for includes/ in Node import 6

The problem node_import has by design - where the design is that we want to use the normal form validation - is that when a form is submitted more then once, the validation of the form is not done correctly by the core includes/

This file tries to lift this limitation. The solution is based (or rather copied) from sites/all/modules/views/includes/ of the views module which needs to do the same crappy stuff (and even more).

Short explanation: instead of

  drupal_execute($form_id, $form_state, ...);


  node_import_drupal_execute($form_id, $form_state, ...);

whenever the form you want to execute can be executed more than once in the same page request.

For the core bug, see : Static caching: cannot call drupal_validate_form on the same form more than once.

Note that another bug for multiple form validation and submission (one that could not be lifted) was fixed in Drupal 6.5, see : No way to flush form errors during iterative programatic form submission.

Many, many thanks to merlinofchaos!!


./, line 2012
Public API of the Node import module.


Namesort descending Location Description
node_import_drupal_execute ./ The original version of drupal_execute() calls drupal_process_form(). The modified version sets $form_state['must_validate'] = TRUE and calls node_import_drupal_process_form() instead.
node_import_drupal_process_form ./ The original version of drupal_process_form() calls drupal_validate_form(). The modified version calls node_import_drupal_validate_form() instead.
node_import_drupal_validate_form ./ The original version of drupal_validate_form() keeps a static array of validated forms. The modified version checks $form_state['must_validate'] to see if the form needs validation. If set and TRUE, validation is forced even if it was…