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node_import.api.php in Node import 6

Explanation of the Node import hooks.


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 * @file
 * Explanation of the Node import hooks.

 * List the available content types.
 * Use this hook to return a list of available types of content.
 * You are not limited to returning node content types, but you
 * can return any type of content you want.
 * @return
 *   Array ($type => $info).
 * @par Content type
 * The key of the returned array is used as internal content type
 * ($type) and will be passed to all other hooks. For example "user",
 * "node:story", ...
 * This last example shows how supported/ handles different
 * content types.
 * \par Content information
 * The value of the returned array is an array with a number of
 * keys that describes how the content type can be created:
 * - \b "title" : Human readable name (required).
 * - \b "can_create" : Either a boolean (TRUE or FALSE) or a
 *   callback function that checks whether the user can create
 *   the specific type of content.
 * - \b "create" : Callback function that creates the object.
 * You may set other data for this content type as well, for example
 * supported/ sets a "vocabulary" key to avoid having to
 * lookup the vocabulary a term belongs to.
 * \par can_create callback
 * @code
 * $can_create = function callback($type);
 * @endcode
 * The callback should return TRUE if the current user can create
 * given content type and FALSE otherwise.
 * \par create callback
 * @code
 * $output = function callback($type, $values, $preview);
 * @endcode
 * In case of $preview == TRUE, $output should be a HTML string that shows
 * a preview of the content the user is trying to import.
 * In case of $preview == FALSE, $output should be an object id of the
 * created object. For example the nid, uid, vid, ...
 * @see node_node_import_types(),
 *      user_node_import_types(),
 *      taxonomy_node_import_types().
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_types() {

 * Change the list of available content types.
 * @param $types
 *   Array of content types as returned by hook_node_import_types().
 * @return
 *   Just like with any Drupal drupal_alter() hook, you need to change the
 *   array passed to this function directly and not return anything.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_types_alter(&$types) {

 * List the available fields for given content type.
 * Use this hook to list the content fields that are available for
 * given content type.
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @return
 *   Array of ($fieldname => $fieldinfo).
 * \par Field name
 * $name is a unique identifier for the field. Normally you would
 * use the same string as the form element.
 * \par Field information
 * $info is an array describing how the field should be handled by
 * Node import. There are a lot of options, and probably you will
 * not need them all. The more you can specify here, the less you
 * have to do in hook_node_import_values_alter().
 * It can have following keys:
 * - \b "title" : Human readable name (required).
 * - \b "tips" : A list of short informative tips for the format
 *   of this field, similar to hook_filter_tips(). The different
 *   tips will be displayed as an itemized list.
 *   Defaults to array().
 * - \b "group" : Human readable group name. May be used to group
 *   fields together such as "Publishing options" or "Revision
 *   information".
 *   Defaults to ''.
 * - \b "module" : String. Module that added the field.
 *   Defaults to ''.
 * - \b "weight" : Integer. Weight of the form elements.
 *   Defaults to 0.
 * - \b "is_mappable" : Boolean. Whether the field can be mapped by
 *   the current user. Rather set this to FALSE then omitting the
 *   field altogether.
 *   Defaults to TRUE.
 * - \b "map_required" : Boolean. Whether the field is required.
 *   For example the "title" field in supported/ needs
 *   to be mapped for each row.
 *   Defaults to FALSE.
 * - \b "input_format" : String. Modules may set this to a string
 *   describing the expected format for the input. Examples
 *   are 'user' (a uid), 'date', 'boolean', ... Other modules
 *   may add preprocessing functions based on this to the
 *   field definition.
 *   Defaults to '' (empty string).
 * - \b "has_multiple" : Boolean. Whether the field can have
 *   multiple values. For example the multiple select
 *   vocabularies in supported/
 *   Node import will allow multiple file columns to be mapped to
 *   this field in this case and will present the user with a
 *   "Multiple values are separated by" option.
 *   Defaults to FALSE.
 * - \b "multiple_separator" : String. There are two ways to
 *   specify multiple values for a field (think taxonomy terms or
 *   any CCK field that has multiple values):
 *   -# either the user maps more than one file column to the same
 *      field,
 *   -# or he maps one file column and wants to split that with a
 *      separator.
 *   By default Node import will present the user with an option
 *   to set the separator, but you may set a suggested separator
 *   here (such as "," for free tagging vocabularies instead of
 *   the default "||").
 *   Defaults to variable_get('node_import:multiple_separator', '||').
 * - \b "is_checkboxes" : Boolean. If "has_multiple" is set
 *   to TRUE, this boolean says how to interpret the multiple
 *   values.
 *   If TRUE, the array of multiple values will be converted to
 *   something a checkboxes form element understands:
 *   ($idx => $value) => ($value => 1). If FALSE this conversion is
 *   not made.
 *   Defaults to FALSE.
 * - \b "has_hierarchy" : Boolean. Whether the field value is a
 *   hierarchy. Typical examples can be found in taxonomy or
 *   menu hierarchies.
 *   Defaults to FALSE.
 * - \b "hierarchy_separator" : String. There are two ways to specify
 *   hierarchy values for a field:
 *   -# either the user maps more than one file column to the same
 *      field,
 *   -# or he maps one file column wants to split that with a
 *      separator.
 *   By default Node import will present the user with an option
 *   to set the separator, but you may set a suggested separator
 *   here (such as "/" for path aliases instead of the
 *   default ">>").
 *   Defaults to variable_get('node_import:hierarchy_separator', '>>').
 * - \b "hierarchy_reverse" : Boolean. If a hierarchical value is
 *   mapped to more than one file column (option 1 above), normally
 *   the order of hierarchy is "parent >> child" which means that
 *   the "parent" needs to be mapped to an earlier file column
 *   than the "child", eg:
 *     @code
 *     parent, child
 *     @endcode
 *   If this boolean is set to TRUE then this order is reversed
 *   and so a file like:
 *     @code
 *     child, parent
 *     @endcode
 *   will still be mapped to a "parent >> child" hierarchy.
 *   Node import will allow the user to set this on the options
 *   page.
 *   Defaults to FALSE.
 * - \b "allowed_values" : Array of ($key => $title) of the
 *   allowed values for the field. A mapped value from the file
 *   can either be $key or $title. If the mapped value is in
 *   the list, $key will be assigned as value for the field.
 *   If set, the node_import_check_values() preprocessor will
 *   be automatically added to the preprocessor list.
 *   Defaults to array().
 * - \b "allow_empty" : Boolean. Whether an empty value ('') is
 *   allowed for this field. If the mapped value is empty,
 *   normally node_import will not consider this as a valid
 *   value, but will rather use the default value in that
 *   case. If set to TRUE, a empty mapped value ('') will be
 *   used and not the default value.
 *   Defaults to FALSE.
 * - \b "preprocess" : Array of callback functions. Each of the functions
 *   can preprocess the mapped value. This is a way to validate and
 *   preprocess the input. These preprocess functions can
 *   be used in companion with the hook_node_import_values_alter().
 *   The signature of the callback is:
 *     @code
 *       $return = $function(&$value, $field, $options, $preview);
 *     @endcode
 *   and it should alter the $value passed. Note that if the field
 *   "has_hierachy", the value passed will be an array (grandparent,
 *   parent, child).
 *   The $return value should be FALSE if there is an input error,
 *   NULL if there was not, but not a valid value could be found or
 *   TRUE if a valid value could be found and so other preprocess
 *   functions can be skipped.
 *   See @ref node_import_preprocess for examples.
 *   Defaults to array().
 * \par Multiple and hierarchical fields
 * When a field is both "has_multiple" and "has_hierarchy" the
 * user can map multiple columns to the field, but if he does, the
 * has_multiple will take precedence.
 * If the user maps the field to exactly one column, the expected
 * format is:
 *   @code
 *   "parent1 >> value1 || parent2 >> value2"
 *   @endcode
 * If the user maps the field to more than one column, it is expected
 * that each column contains a value (which can be hierarchical), so:
 *   @code
 *   "parent1 >> value1" , "parent2 >> value 2"
 *   @endcode
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_fields($type) {

 * Change the list of available fields for given content type.
 * A typical example for use of this function is in
 * supported/ where the 'title' field that is
 * supplied in supported/ is altered to change whether it
 * is required and what the default value for it is.
 * @param $fields
 *   Array of fields as returned by hook_node_import_fields().
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @return
 *   Just like with any Drupal drupal_alter() hook, you need to change the
 *   array passed to this function directly and not return anything.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_fields_alter(&$fields, $type) {

 * List the FAPI elements to set the default values for each field.
 * Use this hook to allow users to set the default value for each
 * of the content fields. You can also use this hook to set some
 * static default values for each object by returning a form
 * element like:
 * @code
 *   $form['some field'] = array(
 *     '#type' => 'value',
 *     '#value' => 'some value',
 *   );
 * @endcode
 * See hook_node_import_values() for an alternative way to set
 * static (or dynamic) default values.
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @param $defaults
 *   Array of the currently filled in values for the defaults page.
 * @param $fields
 *   Array of fields available for this type.
 * @param $map
 *   Array of how the file columns are mapped to the fields.
 * @return
 *   Array of form elements.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_defaults($type, $defaults, $fields, $map) {

 * Change the FAPI elements to set the default values for each field.
 * @param $form
 *   The form array to change.
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @param $defaults
 *   Array of the currently filled in values for the defaults page.
 * @param $fields
 *   Array of fields available for this type.
 * @param $map
 *   Array of how the file columns are mapped to the fields.
 * @return
 *   Just like with any Drupal drupal_alter() hook, you need to change the
 *   array passed to this function directly and not return anything.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_defaults_alter(&$form, $type, $defaults, $fields, $map) {

 * List the FAPI elements to set the options for each field.
 * Use this hook to allow users to set additional options for each
 * of the content fields.
 * Some field options such as multiple separator and hierachical
 * separator are added automatically.
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @param $options
 *   Array of the currently filled in values for the options page.
 * @param $fields
 *   Array of fields available for this type.
 * @param $map
 *   Array of how the file columns are mapped to the fields.
 * @return
 *   Array of form elements.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_options($type, $options, $fields, $map) {

 * Change the FAPI elements to set the options for each field.
 * @param $form
 *   The form array to change.
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @param $options
 *   Array of the currently filled in values for the options page.
 * @param $fields
 *   Array of fields available for this type.
 * @param $map
 *   Array of how the file columns are mapped to the fields.
 * @return
 *   Just like with any Drupal drupal_alter() hook, you need to change the
 *   array passed to this function directly and not return anything.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_options_alter(&$form, $type, $options, $fields, $map) {

 * List the (static) values to use to create the content type.
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @param $defaults
 *   Array of the currently filled in values for the defaults page.
 * @param $options
 *   Array of the currently filled in values for the options page.
 * @param $fields
 *   Array of fields available for this type.
 * @param $preview
 *   Boolean. TRUE if we will create a preview with these values,
 *   FALSE if we will create the node with these values.
 * @return
 *   Array of values to submit to the form.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_values($type, $defaults, $options, $fields, $preview) {

 * Change the list of values to use to create the content type.
 * @param $values
 *   Array of values as will be passed to the create function. This
 *   does not only contain the values of hook_node_import_values()
 *   but the already mapped values as well.
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @param $options
 *   Array of filled in options.
 * @param $preview
 *   Boolean.
 * @return
 *   Just like with any Drupal _alter() hook, you need to change the
 *   array passed to this function.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_values_alter(&$values, $type, $defaults, $options, $fields, $preview) {

 * This hook is invoked after the form to create the $type has been
 * submitted. You can use this hook to do stuff after the node has
 * (or has not) been created, eg use the nid to store some additional
 * information in the db tables.
 * @param $type
 *   String. The content type as returned as a key by
 *   hook_node_import_types().
 * @param $values
 *   Array of the submitted values.
 * @param $options
 *   Array of filled in options.
 * @param $preview
 *   Boolean.
 * @return
 *   Nothing.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_postprocess($type, $values, $options, $preview) {

 * This hook is invoked when a task is loaded, inserted, deleted,
 * resumed or suspended.
 * It allows other modules to act on these events.
 * @param $task
 *   Task object or task ID (for 'delete').
 * @param $op
 *   Operation. One of: 'load', 'insert', 'delete', 'continue', 'pause'.
 * @return
 *   Nothing.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_task($task, $op) {

 * This hook allows users to change some of the options the user is
 * presented with on the wizard form.
 * @param $op
 *   String.
 *   - \b 'record separators'
 *   - \b 'field separators'
 *   - \b 'text delimiters'
 *   - \b 'escape characters'
 *     Extend the options presented on the "Set file options" page.
 *   - \b 'file formats'
 *     Extend the available file formats.
 *   - \b 'date input formats'
 *     Builtin date formats.
 * @return
 *   For all $ops except 'file formats' you need to return an array
 *   ($key => $title).
 *   For the 'file formats' $op you need to return:
 *   ($key => $info) where $key is a unique key to identify the predefined
 *   file format and $info is an array with following keys:
 *   - \b 'title' : Human readable form. Required.
 *   - \b 'record separator' : The $char to use as record separator.
 *   - \b 'field separator' : The $char to use as field separator.
 *   - \b 'text delimiter' : The $char to use as text delimiter.
 *   - \b 'escape character' : The $char to use as escape character.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_format_options($op) {

 * Change the format options.
 * @param $formats
 *   Return value of hook_node_import_format_options().
 * @param $op
 *   See hook_node_import_format_options().
 * @return
 *   Just like with any Drupal _alter() hook, you need to change the
 *   array passed to this function.
 * @ingroup node_import_hooks
function hook_node_import_format_options_alter(&$formats, $op) {


Namesort descending Description
hook_node_import_defaults List the FAPI elements to set the default values for each field.
hook_node_import_defaults_alter Change the FAPI elements to set the default values for each field.
hook_node_import_fields List the available fields for given content type.
hook_node_import_fields_alter Change the list of available fields for given content type.
hook_node_import_format_options This hook allows users to change some of the options the user is presented with on the wizard form.
hook_node_import_format_options_alter Change the format options.
hook_node_import_options List the FAPI elements to set the options for each field.
hook_node_import_options_alter Change the FAPI elements to set the options for each field.
hook_node_import_postprocess This hook is invoked after the form to create the $type has been submitted. You can use this hook to do stuff after the node has (or has not) been created, eg use the nid to store some additional information in the db tables.
hook_node_import_task This hook is invoked when a task is loaded, inserted, deleted, resumed or suspended.
hook_node_import_types List the available content types.
hook_node_import_types_alter Change the list of available content types.
hook_node_import_values List the (static) values to use to create the content type.
hook_node_import_values_alter Change the list of values to use to create the content type.