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introduction.html in Node import 6


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<p class="help">
The <a href="">Node import module</a>
for Drupal 6.x allows you to import content from tabular text files,
such as <abbr title="Comma Separated Values">CSV</abbr> or <abbr title="Tab
Separated Values">TSV</abbr> files. Possible uses include importing content
from other systems into your site or importing large list of contacts or

<h3>What can it import?</h3>

The <em>Node import</em> module for Drupal 6.x is not limited to importing
<strong>Node content</strong> (of any content type), but it can import
<strong>Taxonomy vocabularies</strong>, <strong>Taxonomy terms</strong>
and <strong>Users</strong> as well.

<p class="warning">
This feature was not available on Drupal 5.x or earlier and is still in

Imports are not limited to the administrator of the site, but the
permission can be deligated to other users as well. Note however that
users can only import content if they can create the content. This
means that for example users will need the <em>create page content</em>
permission to import <em>Page</em> content or the <em>administer
users</em> permission to import <em>Users</em>.

<h3>File format</h3>

The <em>Node import</em> module accepts a <abbr title="Comma Separated
Values">CSV</abbr>, <abbr title="Tab Separated Values">TSV</abbr> or any
<strong>Delimiter Separated Values</strong> file as input. These files
can be generated using most spreadsheet programs such as
<a href=""> Calc</a> or Microsoft

Preparing your file for import is an important task:

<li>the first row should contain field names for each column,</li>
<li>make sure you save your file in UTF8 character set,</li>
<li>some fields may require a special format.</li>

You can find more information on the supported content fields and whether
they require some special format in the documentation.

<h3>You can</h3>

<li>manage imports at <a href="&base_url&admin/content/node_import">Administer &raquo; Content &raquo; Import content</a>,</li>
<li>import content at <a href="&base_url&admin/content/node_import/add">Administer &raquo; Content &raquo; Import content &raquo; New import</a>,</li>
<li>administer permissions at <a href="&base_url&admin/user/permissions">Administer &raquo; User management &raquo; Permissions</a>.
Users with the <em>administer imports</em> permission can configure the
module and manage the imports of all users, while users with the
<em>import content</em> permission can only manage their own imports,</li>
<li>file issues, read about known bugs, and download the latest version on <a href="">the <em>Node import</em> project page</a>.</li>