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input-format.html in Node import 6


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Some documentation on how to construct a file to import. <!-- TODO -->

<h3>How to create a file to import</h3>


<h3>Column content</h3>

Some content fields can be preprocessed specially for the convience
of the user. For example it is more portable to specify a user by
name or e-mail address than by internal UID.

<a name="allowed-values"></a>
<h4>Allowed values</h4>

If you can select a value with a set of radio buttons, you can use
either <strong>the key</strong> or <strong>the value</strong> of the
set of options. For example, if the radio buttons read <em>One</em>
(with internal key <em>1</em>), <em>Two</em> (with internal key
<em>2</em>) and <em>Three</em> (with internal key <em>3</em>) you
can use any of following values to select <em>Two</em>:


<a name="book-reference"></a>
<h4>Book reference</h4>

Just like a <a href="#node-reference">Node reference</a>, a <em>Book
reference</em>, such as the <em>Book</em> of a <em>Book outline</em>,
can be specified by <strong>NID</strong> or <strong>Title</strong>
(case insensitive).

To specify that a page should not be added to a <em>Book outline</em>
you can specify <strong>&lt;none&gt;</strong>. To create a new
toplevel book specify <strong>&lt;new&gt;</strong>.

<a name="book-page-reference"></a>
<h4>Book page reference</h4>

Just like a <a href="#node-reference">Node reference</a>, a <em>Book
page reference</em>, such as the <em>Parent item</em> of a
<em>Book outline</em>, can be specified by <strong>NID</strong>
or <strong>Title</strong> (case insensitive).

<p class="warning">
You can not have a book page inside the same book with the same

<a name="boolean"></a>

A <em>Boolean</em> content field, for example <em>Published</em>, can
be specified by following <strong>True</strong> values (case insensitive):

On          - translated
Yes         - translated
True        - translated

or by following <strong>False</strong> values (case insensitive):

Off         - translated
No          - translated
False       - translated

<a name="date"></a>

If you map a <em>Date</em> content field, such as <em>Authored on</em>,
you will be presented with the option on how to interpret the data in
the file column.

For example, if you specify the <strong>Custom date format</strong> as
<em>m/d/Y</em>, dates need to be in the <em>12/23/2008</em> format,
while if you specify <em>d/m/Y</em> they need to be in the
<em>23/12/2008</em> format.

Dates in <strong>UNIX timestamp</strong> or the <strong>ISO format</strong>
(2008-12-23) will always be accepted.

<a name="filepath"></a>
<h4>File path</h4>

A field that reference a <em>File</em>, such as the <em>CCK FileField</em>,
<em>CCK ImageField</em> or <em>Core attachments</em> (of the <em>Upload</em>
module), need to contain a <strong>filepath</strong> relative to the
directory in which the files are stored.

You need to manually move the files to the correct location prior doing
the import.

For example, if you have an image <code>butterfly.jpg</code> that is
used in a <em>CCK ImageField</em> field which stores its files in a
configured directory <code>sites/default/files/butterflies</code> your
CSV file needs to contain <code>butterfly.jpg</code> as value and you
need to manually copy or FTP the image file to

<a name="input-format"></a>
<h4>Input format</h4>

An <em>Input format</em> field, for example of the <em>Body</em>, can
be specified by <strong>ID</strong> or <strong>Name</strong> (case
insensitive). For example, on a default Drupal installation, following
values will be accepted for <em>Filtered HTML</em>:

Filtered HTML
filtered html

<a name="node-reference"></a>
<h4>Node reference</h4>

A <em>Node reference</em>, such as the fields defined by the <em>Node
reference</em> module, can be specified by <strong>NID</strong> or
<strong>Title</strong> (case insensitive). For example, a node
<em>Hello world!</em> with NID <em>574</em> can be specified as:

Hello world!
hello world!

<a name="user-reference"></a>
<h4>User reference</h4>

A <em>User reference</em>, such as <em>Authored by</em>, can be specified
by <strong>UID</strong>, <strong>Username</strong> (case insensitive) or
<strong>E-mail address</strong> (case insensitive). For example, a user
<em>Joe Doe</em> with e-mail address <em></em> and UID
<em>42</em> can be specified as:

Joe Doe
joe doe

<a name="weight"></a>

A <em>Weight</em>, such as for <em>Book outline</em>, can be specified
as an <strong>Integer</strong> only. The following are all valid
