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15 calls to node_gallery_api_get_relationships() in Node Gallery 7

NodeGalleryBehaviorHandler::galleriesGetDiff in plugins/entityreference/behavior/NodeGalleryBehaviorHandler.class.php
Get the difference in group audience for a saved field.
NodeGalleryBehaviorHandler::load in plugins/entityreference/behavior/NodeGalleryBehaviorHandler.class.php
Act on loading entity reference fields of entities.
node_gallery_api_file_view in ./node_gallery_api.module
Implements hook_file_view().
node_gallery_api_node_insert in ./node_gallery_api.module
Implements hook_node_insert().
node_gallery_api_node_update in ./node_gallery_api.module
Implements hook_node_update().
node_gallery_api_rules_condition_item_in_gallery in ./
Rules condition for checking if a gallery item is in a gallery.
node_gallery_api_rules_gallery_get_items in ./
Rules action retrieving all gallery items from a gallery.
node_gallery_api_rules_gallery_set_cover in ./
Rules action for setting the cover item of a gallery.
node_gallery_api_rules_item_get_galleries in ./
Rules action retrieving all galleries from a gallery item.
node_gallery_api_rules_item_remove in ./
Rules action for removing a gallery item from a gallery.
node_gallery_api_rules_item_set_weight in ./
Rules action for setting the weight of a gallery item in a gallery.
node_gallery_api_set_gallery_cover_item in ./
Sets the cover image in the DB if necessary.
node_gallery_api_tokens in ./node_gallery_api.module
Implements hook_tokens().
_node_gallery_api_item_view in ./node_gallery_api.module
Attaches the image navigator to the image node's content.
_node_gallery_api_update_entity_fields in ./node_gallery_api.module
Update the field values in the entity, to reflect the membership.