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node_gallery.install in Node Gallery 6.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.3 node_gallery.install
  2. 6 node_gallery.install
  3. 7 node_gallery.install

Node gallery install file.


View source

 * @file
 * Node gallery install file. 

 * Implementation of hook_schema()
 * @return unknown
function node_gallery_schema() {
  $schema = array();
  $schema['node_galleries'] = array(
    'fields' => array(
      'gid' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
        'description' => t('Gallery node id.'),
      'nid' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
        'description' => t('Image node id.'),
      'fid' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
        'description' => t('Image node file id.'),
      'weight' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'small',
        'not null' => FALSE,
        'default' => 0,
      'is_cover' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
    'primary key' => array(
  return $schema;

 * Implementation of hook_requirements()
function node_gallery_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();
  $t = get_t();
  switch ($phase) {
    case 'install':
      $error = FALSE;

      // If ImageCache is not installed already, node_gallery.install code will fail and the system will be in a 'broken' state.
      if (!module_exists('imagecache')) {
        $requirements['node_gallery'] = array(
          'title' => $t('Node Gallery requires'),
          'value' => $t(' ImageCache module to be pre-installed. If ImageCache is now installed, please enable Node Gallery again.'),
          'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
  return $requirements;

 * Implementation of hook_install()
function node_gallery_install() {
  $ret = drupal_install_schema('node_gallery');

 * Implementation of hook_uninstall()
function node_gallery_uninstall() {
  global $conf;
  $types = node_get_types();
  foreach (array(
  ) as $content_type) {
    if (in_array($content_type, array_keys($types))) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The !content_type content type is still present.  You may !delete_link.', array(
        '!content_type' => $content_type,
        '!delete_link' => l(t('delete it'), 'admin/content/node-type/' . str_replace('_', '-', $content_type) . '/delete', array(
          'attributes' => array(
            'target' => '_blank',

  // Remove our imagecache presets
  foreach (array(
  ) as $preset_name) {
    $preset = imagecache_preset_by_name($preset_name);
    if ($preset['presetid']) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The !preset_name imagecache preset is still present.  You may !delete_link.', array(
        '!preset_name' => $preset_name,
        '!delete_link' => l(t('delete it'), 'admin/build/imagecache/' . $preset['presetid'] . '/delete', array(
          'attributes' => array(
            'target' => '_blank',
  $ret = drupal_uninstall_schema('node_gallery');
  foreach ($conf as $key => $value) {
    if (strpos($key, 'node_gallery') === 0) {
function _node_gallery_install_type_create() {

  // During install profiles, node and user modules aren't yet loaded.
  // Ensure they're loaded before calling node_get_types().
  include_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/node.module';
  include_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'user') . '/user.module';
  $types = node_get_types();
  $types = array_change_key_case($types, CASE_LOWER);
  if (!in_array('node_gallery_gallery', array_keys($types))) {

    // Create the comment content type.
    $node_gallery_node_type = array(
      'type' => 'node_gallery_gallery',
      'name' => t('Gallery'),
      'module' => 'node',
      'description' => t('This is a gallery (album). This will be the parent of your individual images.'),
      'title_label' => t('Gallery Name'),
      'body_label' => t('Description'),
      'custom' => TRUE,
      'modified' => TRUE,
      'locked' => FALSE,
    $node_gallery_node_type = (object) _node_type_set_defaults($node_gallery_node_type);
    drupal_set_message(t('Node type "Gallery (Node Gallery)" created.'));
  if (!in_array('node_gallery_image', array_keys($types))) {

    // Create the comment content type.
    $node_gallery_image_node_type = array(
      'type' => 'node_gallery_image',
      'name' => t('Gallery Image'),
      'module' => 'node',
      'description' => t('This is an individual image that will be linked to a gallery. This should not be accessed via node/add/node_gallery_image'),
      'title_label' => t('Title'),
      'body_label' => t('Caption'),
      'custom' => TRUE,
      'modified' => TRUE,
      'locked' => FALSE,
    $node_gallery_image_node_type = (object) _node_type_set_defaults($node_gallery_image_node_type);
    drupal_set_message(t('Node type "Gallery Image (Node Gallery)" created.'));
  if (!in_array('node_gallery_gallery', array_keys($types)) || !in_array('node_gallery_image', array_keys($types))) {
function _node_gallery_install_default() {

  /* Set the defaults for a node_gallery relationship */
  $default = array(
    'gallery_type' => 'node_gallery_gallery',
    'image_type' => 'node_gallery_image',
    'name' => 'Node Gallery Default',
    'gallery_directory' => '',
    'default_cover' => '',
    'number_uploads' => '5',
    'display_fields' => array(
      'title' => 'title',
      'body_field' => 'body_field',
    'content_display' => 'image',
    'view_original' => '0',
    'view_original_text' => 'Download the Original Image',
    'lightbox2' => 'node-gallery-display',
    'image_size' => array(
      'cover' => 'node-gallery-cover',
      'thumbnail' => 'node-gallery-thumbnail',
      'preview' => 'node-gallery-display',
    'teaser' => array(
      'gallery_display_type' => 'thumbnails',
      'thumbnails_num' => '6',
      'lightbox2_gallery' => 'node-gallery-display',
      'image' => 'node-gallery-thumbnail',
    'upload_limits' => array(
      'general' => array(
        'file_extension' => 'jpg jpeg gif png',
        'file_resolution' => '0',
        'file_max_size' => '1',
        'user_max_size' => '2',
      'roles' => array(
        3 => 'editor',
      'role_3' => array(
        'role_name' => 'editor',
        'file_max_size' => '1',
        'user_max_size' => '2',
    'gallery' => array(
      'gallery_display_type' => 'thumbnails',
      'lightbox2_gallery_preset' => 'node-gallery-display',
  variable_set('node_gallery_node_gallery_gallery', $default);
  variable_set('node_options_node_gallery_image', array(
function _node_gallery_install_imagecache_presets() {

  // First, build an array of all the preset names so we do not make duplicates
  // Set the argument to TRUE to reset the cache
  $presets = imagecache_presets(TRUE);
  $preset_names = array();

  //If there are any presets
  if ($presets != '') {
    foreach ($presets as $preset) {
      $preset_names[] = $preset['presetname'];

  // Prepare to install ImageCache presets
  $imagecache_presets = array();
  $imagecache_actions = array();

  // We are checking to make sure the preset name does not exist before creating
  if (!in_array('node-gallery-thumbnail', $preset_names)) {
    $imagecache_presets[] = array(
      'presetname' => 'node-gallery-thumbnail',
    $imagecache_actions['node-gallery-thumbnail'][] = array(
      'action' => 'imagecache_scale_and_crop',
      'data' => array(
        'width' => 100,
        'height' => 100,
      'weight' => 0,
  if (!in_array('node-gallery-cover', $preset_names)) {
    $imagecache_presets[] = array(
      'presetname' => 'node-gallery-cover',
    $imagecache_actions['node-gallery-cover'][] = array(
      'action' => 'imagecache_scale_and_crop',
      'data' => array(
        'width' => 150,
        'height' => 150,
      'weight' => 0,
  if (!in_array('node-gallery-display', $preset_names)) {
    $imagecache_presets[] = array(
      'presetname' => 'node-gallery-display',
    $imagecache_actions['node-gallery-display'][] = array(
      'action' => 'imagecache_scale',
      'data' => array(
        'height' => 1500,
      'weight' => 0,
    $imagecache_actions['node-gallery-display'][] = array(
      'action' => 'imagecache_scale',
      'data' => array(
        'width' => 600,
      'weight' => 1,

  // Need to install preset, id will be returned by function,
  // Then install action add presetid to action prior to install:
  foreach ($imagecache_presets as $preset) {
    $preset = imagecache_preset_save($preset);
    foreach ($imagecache_actions[$preset['presetname']] as $action) {
      $action['presetid'] = $preset['presetid'];
    drupal_set_message(t('ImageCache preset %id: %name and corresponding actions saved.', array(
      '%id' => $preset['presetid'],
      '%name' => $preset['presetname'],
function _node_gallery_set_imagecache_permissions() {
  $query = db_query("SELECT rid, perm FROM {permission} ORDER BY rid");
  while ($role = db_fetch_object($query)) {
    $role->perm .= ', view imagecache node-gallery-cover, view imagecache node-gallery-thumbnail, view imagecache node-gallery-display';
    update_sql("UPDATE {permission} SET perm = '{$role->perm}' WHERE rid = {$role->rid}");

 * Implementation of hook_update_N()
 * Directly installing the default imagecache presets
function node_gallery_update_6100() {
  $ret = array();
  return $ret;

 * Implementation of hook_update_N()
 * Updating the database for the changing options for "view original"
function node_gallery_update_6101() {
  $ret = array();
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {ng_gallery_config} WHERE 1");
  $t = drupal_unpack(db_fetch_object($result));
  while ($t = drupal_unpack(db_fetch_object($result))) {
    if (!empty($t)) {
      $relationship = new gallery_config($t);
      if (!$relationship->lightbox2) {
        $relationship->lightbox2 = 'node-gallery-display';
      if (!$relationship->view_original_text) {
        $relationship->view_original_text = '';
      if ($relationship->view_original == '1') {
        $relationship->view_original = 'default';
  return $ret;

 * Implementation of hook_update_N()
 * Updating the database for the changing options for "view teaser"
function node_gallery_update_6102() {
  $ret = array();
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {ng_gallery_config} WHERE 1");
  $t = drupal_unpack(db_fetch_object($result));
  while ($t = drupal_unpack(db_fetch_object($result))) {
    if (!empty($t)) {
      $relationship = new gallery_config($t);
      if ($relationship->teaser['gallery_display_type'] == '0') {
        $relationship->teaser['gallery_display_type'] = 'cover';
      elseif ($relationship->teaser['gallery_display_type'] == '1') {
        $relationship->teaser['gallery_display_type'] = 'thumbnails';
      $relationship->gallery = array(
        'gallery_display' => 'thumbnails',
        'lightbox2_gallery_preset' => 'node-gallery-display',
  return $ret;

 * Implementation of hook_update_N()
 * Updating the database so we can custom select the number of uploads
function node_gallery_update_6103() {
  $ret = array();
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {ng_gallery_config} WHERE 1");
  $t = drupal_unpack(db_fetch_object($result));
  while ($t = drupal_unpack(db_fetch_object($result))) {
    if (!empty($t)) {
      $relationship = new gallery_config($t);
      $relationship->upload_settings = array(
        'number_uploads' => '5',
  return $ret;
function node_gallery_update_6201() {
  $ret = array();
  db_drop_primary_key($ret, 'node_galleries');
  db_add_primary_key($ret, 'node_galleries', array(
  return $ret;

 * Implementation of hook_update_N()
 * Alerting the users that we have potentially broken their views
function node_gallery_update_6202() {
  $ret = array();
  drupal_set_message(t('Node Gallery had to change some of our views code to <a href="">fix a bug relating to the "Gallery Operations" field</a>.  If you used this field, you may be required to rebuild any views using that field.  %broken.', array(
    '%broken' => l(t('Read this information on how to fix any broken views'), '', array(
      'fragment' => 'comment-2199342',
  )), 'warning');
  return $ret;
function node_gallery_update_6203() {
  $ret = array();
  drupal_set_message(t('Node Gallery Access has been removed from core, and migrated to it\'s own module - you may download the new version from !url.', array(
    'url' => l('', ''),
  $contribdir = drupal_get_path('module', 'node_gallery') . '/contrib/node_gallery_access';

  //Does the contrib node_gallery_access exist?
  if (is_dir($contribdir)) {

    //Is it enabled?
    if (module_exists('node_gallery_access')) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Node Gallery Access (contrib version) has been disabled, but your data is still there.  Simply download the new version after removing the old one, and everything will upgrade automatically.'));

    //We could go to the trouble to try a recursive delete, but most modules/* files aren't writable by Apache anyways.
    $ret['#abort'] = array(
      'success' => FALSE,
      'query' => 'Old contrib version of Node Gallery Access was found at ' . $contribdir . '.  Please remove that directory and all of it\'s subfolders then rerun ' . l('update.php', 'update.php'),
  return $ret;
function node_gallery_update_6204() {
  $ret = array();
  return $ret;


Namesort descending Description
node_gallery_install Implementation of hook_install()
node_gallery_requirements Implementation of hook_requirements()
node_gallery_schema Implementation of hook_schema()
node_gallery_uninstall Implementation of hook_uninstall()
node_gallery_update_6100 Implementation of hook_update_N() Directly installing the default imagecache presets
node_gallery_update_6101 Implementation of hook_update_N() Updating the database for the changing options for "view original"
node_gallery_update_6102 Implementation of hook_update_N() Updating the database for the changing options for "view teaser"
node_gallery_update_6103 Implementation of hook_update_N() Updating the database so we can custom select the number of uploads
node_gallery_update_6202 Implementation of hook_update_N() Alerting the users that we have potentially broken their views