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include-slideshows.html in Node Gallery 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.3 help/include-slideshows.html


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  Because of Node Gallery's flexible architecture, there are several possibilities how to include slideshows for your image galleries. 
  The easiest will probably be to install the dedicated <a href="" target="_blank">Node Gallery Slideshow</a> module,
  which will automatically add a slideshow similar to the one shown in the screenshot below to your gallery pages.
<div align="center">
  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="&path&images/node_gallery_slideshow_example.jpg" alt="Example Node Gallery Slideshow" /></a>
  The alternative solution is to use one of the views based slideshow modules available, such as <a href="" target="_blank">Views Galleriffic</a>.
  You can find a comparison of similar modules on this <a href="" target="_blank"> handbook page</a>.