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about.html in Node Gallery 7

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  1. 6.3 help/about.html


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<h5>Module Overview</h5>
 Node Gallery enables users to create flexible and powerful image galleries that
 are fully integrated with Drupal's node system.
 At its heart, Node Gallery consists of one or more relationship types that associate
 a "Gallery" node content type to one or more "Item" node content types. By default,
 Node Gallery supports image uploads in the Item content type, but by changing the File
 Entity module configuration, it's possible to support other media types like video and
 Once a relationship between two content types is established, the admin can
 optionally change settings on a per-relationship basis, allowing greater flexibility.
 Users can then create galleries and upload media to those galleries.
 Because Items and Galleries are both node types, Node Gallery naturally
 integrates with Drupal core's taxonomy and comment module, and other powerful
 modules to enhance the gallery and its items (i.e. <a href="">Organic Groups</a>,
 <a href="">flag</a>, <a href="">fivestar</a>, etc.)
 If all this sounds complex, don't worry.  Node Gallery ships with everything you
 need to get started - 2 content types, a relationship type, 3 image style presets, and
 a handful of views.  All of this is configured to work together out-of-the-box
 with sane defaults so that many users of the module will never have the need to ever
 change these default settings. Just know that they're there if you need to change them.
<h5>Node Gallery Features</h5>
  <li>Uses <a href="">File Entity</a> for manging media display. This
  allows Node Gallery to seamlessly handle images, video, and other file types.</li>
  <li>Uses image styles to create image derivatives, allowing full customization of
      display resolutions and additional decorations.</li>
  <li>Tightly integrates with <a href="">Views</a> module for the retrieval
      and display of images and galleries, allowing easy customization of design and logic.  Node Gallery
      also ships with quite a few default views to make it easier on the admin.</li>
  <li>Integration with <a href="">plupload</a> module for
      easy bulk uploads using HTML 5, or Adobe Flash.</li>
  <li>Each gallery has a "Manage Images" tab that allows mass editing of user-configured fields on each image
      in the gallery to streamline workflow.</li>
  <li>Leverages Drupal's Batch API to operate on large amounts of images,
      guaranteeing high scalability and reliable operations.</li>
  <li>Engineered to be as effecient as possible with regards to memory and database load.  By utilizing caching
      methods, galleries with <em>thousands</em> of images still render quickly.</li>
  <li>An unlimited number of gallery relationships can be established, thus
      allowing administrators to setup both simple and complex galleries for
      their users to utilize.</li>
  <li>Token integration for customized file paths and links.</li>
  <li>Rules integration.</li>
  <li>Reliance on established modules provides automatic integration with the
      countless add-on modules for Views and other modules, such as
      <a href="">Filefield Paths</a> or
      <a href="">Views Galleriffic.</a>