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public function NodeCommentBlockWebTest::testAuthenticatedUsers in Node Comment Block 7.2

Test displaying the comments block for authenticated users.


./node_comment_block.test, line 46
Tests for node_comment_block.module


Functional tests for node_comment_block.


public function testAuthenticatedUsers() {
    'administer blocks',
    'post comments',
    'type' => 'article',

  // The comments form should be hidden by default with the module enabled.
    ->assertNoText(self::COMMENT_BLOCK_SUBJECT, 'The comment block is not visible.');

  // Place the node comments block into a region.
    ->drupalPost(self::BLOCK_CONFIGURE_PATH, array(
    'regions[bartik]' => 'sidebar_second',
  ), t('Save block'));

  // The comments form should now be visible in the block.
    ->assertRaw(self::COMMENT_BLOCK_HTML, 'The comment block is visible.');
    ->assertText(self::COMMENT_BLOCK_SUBJECT, 'The comment block subject is visible.');