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8 string references to 'node_authlink.settings' in Node authorize link 8

NodeAuthlinkNodeForm::buildForm in src/Form/NodeAuthlinkNodeForm.php
Form constructor.
node_authlink_check_authlink in ./node_authlink.module
Check if a node has access to a node via authlink and grant it the query parameter is correct.
node_authlink_create in ./node_authlink.module
Generate and save auth key for the new node.
node_authlink_cron in ./node_authlink.module
Implementation of hook_cron().
node_authlink_form_node_type_form_alter in ./node_authlink.module
Alter of node_type_form.
node_authlink_form_node_type_form_alter_submit in ./node_authlink.module
Submit for node_type_form.
node_authlink_node_delete in ./node_authlink.module
Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete().
node_authlink_node_is_enabled in ./node_authlink.module
Checks if a node is enabled for node_authlink