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NoAutoCompleteAdminSettingsFormTest.php in No Autocomplete 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\no_autocomplete\Functional;

use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Test the module configuration form.
 * @group no_autocomplete
class NoAutoCompleteAdminSettingsFormTest extends BrowserTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * Tests the configuration form, the permission and the link.
  public function testConfigurationForm() {

    // Going to the config page.

    // Checking that the page is not accesible for anonymous users.

    // Creating a user with the module permission.
    $account = $this
      'administer no_autocomplete',
      'access administration pages',

    // Log in.

    // Checking the module link.

    // Going to the config page.

    // Checking that the request has succeeded.

    // Checking the page title.
      ->elementTextContains('css', 'h1', 'No Autocomplete');

    // Check that the checkboxes are unchecked.

    // Form values to send (checking checked checkboxes).
    $edit = [
      'no_autocomplete_login_form' => 1,

    // Sending the form.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'op');

    // Verifiying the save message.
      ->pageTextContains('The configuration options have been saved.');

    // Getting the config factory service.
    $config_factory = $this->container

    // Getting variables.
    $no_autocomplete_login_form = $config_factory

    // Verifiying that the config values are stored.
      ->assertTrue($no_autocomplete_login_form, 'The configuration value for no_autocomplete_login_form should be TRUE.');

    // Form values to send (checking unchecked checkboxes).
    $edit = [
      'no_autocomplete_login_form' => 0,

    // Sending the form.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'op');

    // Getting variables.
    $no_autocomplete_login_form = $config_factory

    // Verifiying that the config values are stored.
      ->assertFalse($no_autocomplete_login_form, 'The configuration value for no_autocomplete_login_form should be FALSE.');



Namesort descending Description
NoAutoCompleteAdminSettingsFormTest Test the module configuration form.