You are here in Nivo Slider 7

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  1. 6
name = Nivo Slider
description = Provides a user interface for building a rotating banner powered by the Nivo Slider jQuery plugin.
core = 7.x

dependencies[] = block
dependencies[] = jquery_update
dependencies[] = libraries (2.x)

files[] = nivo_slider.test

configure = admin/structure/nivo-slider

View source
  1. name = Nivo Slider
  2. description = Provides a user interface for building a rotating banner powered by the Nivo Slider jQuery plugin.
  3. core = 7.x
  4. dependencies[] = block
  5. dependencies[] = jquery_update
  6. dependencies[] = libraries (2.x)
  7. files[] = nivo_slider.test
  8. configure = admin/structure/nivo-slider