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public function NgLightboxTest::testAdminPathSetting in NG Lightbox 7

Test that the lightbox is disabled on admin paths.


tests/ng_lightbox.test, line 107
NG Lightbox tests.


@file NG Lightbox tests.


public function testAdminPathSetting() {

  // Create an admin user and a test node.
  $account = $this
    'bypass node access',
    'access content overview',
    'view the administration theme',
  $node = $this
  variable_set('ng_lightbox_patterns', 'node/' . $node->nid . '/edit');

  // Skip the admin paths, there should be no lightbox in the admin.
  variable_set('ng_lightbox_skip_admin_paths', TRUE);
  $anchor = $this
    ->xpath('//li[@class=:class]/a', array(
    ':class' => 'edit first',
  $class = implode(' ', (array) $anchor[0]
    ->assertNotContains('ng-lightbox', $class, 'Edit link in admin does not have NG lightbox.');

  // Now disable the setting and try again.
  variable_set('ng_lightbox_skip_admin_paths', FALSE);
  $anchor = $this
    ->xpath('//li[@class=:class]/a', array(
    ':class' => 'edit first',
  $class = implode(' ', (array) $anchor[0]
    ->assertContains('ng-lightbox', $class, 'Edit link in admin is NG Lightbox enabled.');