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public function NgLightbox::isNgLightboxEnabledPath in NG Lightbox 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.x src/NgLightbox.php \Drupal\ng_lightbox\NgLightbox::isNgLightboxEnabledPath()

Checks whether a give path matches the ng-lightbox path rules. This function checks both internal paths and aliased paths.


\Drupal\Core\Url $url: The Url object.

Return value

bool TRUE if it matches the given rules.


src/NgLightbox.php, line 74






public function isNgLightboxEnabledPath(Url $url) {

  // No lightbox on external Urls.
  if ($url
    ->isExternal()) {
    return FALSE;

  // If we don't want to enable the Lightbox on admin pages.
  if ($this->config
    ->get('skip_admin_paths') && $this->adminContext
    ->isAdminRoute()) {
    return FALSE;

  // @TODO, decide whether we want to try and support paths or to adopt routes
  // like core is trying to force us into.
  $path = strtolower($url

  // We filter out empty paths because some modules (such as Media) use
  // theme_link() to generate links with empty paths and we filter out paths
  // that do not start with a /, such as #hash-only URLs.
  if (empty($path) || $path[0] !== '/') {
    return FALSE;

  // Remove the base path.
  if ($base_path = \Drupal::request()
    ->getBasePath()) {
    $path = substr($path, strlen($base_path));

  // Check the cache, see if we've handled this before.
  if (isset($this->matches[$path])) {
    return $this->matches[$path];

  // Normalise the patterns as well so they match the normalised paths.
  $patterns = strtolower($this->config

  // Check for internal paths first which is much quicker than the alias lookup.
  if ($this->pathMatcher
    ->matchPath($path, $patterns)) {
    $this->matches[$path] = TRUE;
  else {

    // Now check for aliases paths.
    $aliased_path = strtolower($this->aliasManager
    if ($path != $aliased_path && $this->pathMatcher
      ->matchPath($aliased_path, $patterns)) {
      $this->matches[$path] = TRUE;
    else {

      // No match.
      $this->matches[$path] = FALSE;
  return $this->matches[$path];