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Functions in Newsletter 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
newsletter_update_7100 ./newsletter.install Add field to newsletter_list to support lists configurable on roles.
newsletter_update_7101 ./newsletter.install Remove role field from newsletter_list since this feature goes in its own module.
newsletter_update_7102 ./newsletter.install Add a text_with_summary field to use with newsletter_template.
newsletter_update_7103 ./newsletter.install Attach a text_with_summary field to newsletter_template and newsletter_newsletter.Remove obsolete database fields.
newsletter_update_7104 ./newsletter.install Update entityreference fields with new entityrefence specs.
newsletter_update_exposed_tids ./newsletter.module Since there is no hook_field_schema_alter() we will have to update the exposed lists tid manually. See #691932. 2
newsletter_user_insert ./newsletter.module Implements hook_user_insert().
newsletter_variable_info ./newsletter.module Implements hook_variable_info().
newsletter_views_api ./newsletter.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
newsletter_views_data includes/views/ Implements hook_views_data().
newsletter_views_default_views includes/views/ Implementation of hook_views_default_views().


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