nd.fields.test in Node displays 6.2
Same filename and directory in other branches
Tests for Node displays (fields)
tests/nd.fields.testView source
* @file
* Tests for Node displays (fields)
class NodeDisplaysFields extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Implementation of getInfo().
function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => t('ND fields'),
'description' => t('Tests for ND fields.'),
'group' => t('Display suite'),
* Implementation of setUp().
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('ds', 'ds_ui', 'nd');
* Test styles
function testNdStyles() {
$admin_user = $this
'administer nodes',
'access display suite',
'administer styles',
'administer nd',
'configure layout for nd',
'export and import settings',
'revert overridden settings',
'use PHP in custom fields',
// Setup styles.
$edit = array(
'ds_styles' => 'test-class|Test class',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/styles', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$page_node = $this
// Save layout and assert class is default.
$edit = array(
'title[full][region]' => 'middle',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertNoRaw('test-class', t('Normal class'), t('Styles tests'));
// Save layout and assert class is .
$edit = array(
'title[full][region]' => 'middle',
'title[full][css-class][]' => 'test-class',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertRaw('field-title test-class', t('Test class found class'), t('Styles tests'));
* Test custom fields.
function testNdCustomFields() {
$admin_user = $this
'administer nodes',
'access display suite',
'administer nd',
'configure layout for nd',
'export and import settings',
'revert overridden settings',
'use PHP in custom fields',
// Fields
->drupalGet(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields');
// Test being empty.
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertEqual(array(), $fields, t('Fields are empty'), t('Fields.'));
// Valid field.
$edit = array(
'code_key' => 'test_field',
'code_title' => 'Test field label',
'code_code' => '<?php echo "test"; ?>',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields', $edit, t('Save code field'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertTrue(array_key_exists('test_field', $fields), t('test_field exists'), t('Fields'));
->assertEqual($fields['test_field']['title'], $edit['code_title'], t('Title equals Test field label'), t('Fields'));
->assertEqual($fields['test_field']['properties']['code'], $edit['code_code'], t('Code equals <?php echo "test"; ?>'), t('Fields'));
// Try to add the same custom field, must fail.
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields', $edit, t('Save code field'));
->assertText(t('This field already exists.'), 'Key already exists', t('Fields.'));
// Update field.
$edit = array(
'code_title' => 'Test field label 2',
'code_code' => '<?php echo "test"; ?>',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/edit/test_field', $edit, t('Save code field'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertEqual($fields['test_field']['title'], $edit['code_title'], t('Label equals Test field label 2'), t('Fields'));
->assertEqual(count($fields), 1, t('Only 1 field'), t('Custom fields'));
// Add new field.
$edit = array(
'code_key' => 'test_field_two',
'code_title' => 'Test label 3',
'code_code' => 'My code',
'code_exclude[page]' => TRUE,
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields', $edit, t('Save code field'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertEqual($fields['test_field_two']['title'], $edit['code_title'], t('Title equals Test label 3'), t('Fields'));
->assertEqual(count($fields), 2, t('2 custom fields found'), t('Custom fields'));
->drupalGet(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page');
->assertNoRaw('Test label 3', t('Custom field excluded on page node type'), t('Custom fields'));
->drupalGet(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/story');
->assertRaw('Test label 3', t('Custom field available on story node type'), t('Custom fields'));
// Delete field.
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/delete/test_field_two', array(), t('Delete'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertFalse(array_key_exists('test_field_two', $fields), t('test_field_two removed'), t('Fields'));
->assertEqual(count($fields), 1, t('Only 1 field'), t('Custom fields'));
// Override field.
$edit = array(
'code_title' => 'Override read more',
'code_code' => '<?php echo "test"; ?>',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/edit/read_more', $edit, t('Save code field'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertEqual($fields['read_more']['status'], DS_FIELD_STATUS_OVERRIDDEN, t('Read more is overridden'), t('Fields'));
->assertEqual($fields['read_more']['title'], $edit['code_title'], t('Label equals Override read more'), t('Fields'));
->assertEqual(count($fields), 2, t('2 fields'), t('Custom fields'));
// Reset overridden field.
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/delete/read_more', array(), t('Reset'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertFalse(array_key_exists('read_more', $fields), t('read_more removed'), t('Fields'));
->assertEqual(count($fields), 1, t('Only 1 field'), t('Custom fields'));
// Invalid key.
$edit = array(
'code_key' => 'test_key moehaha',
'code_title' => 'Test label',
'code_code' => 'test code',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields', $edit, t('Save code field'));
->assertText(t('The machine-readable name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and underscores.'), 'Key is not valid', t('Fields'));
// Add new field and test with real code :)
$edit = array(
'code_key' => 'test_field_real',
'code_title' => 'Real field',
'code_code' => '<?php echo "Day: ". date("d", $object->created); ?>',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields', $edit, t('Save code field'));
// Create page.
$page_node = $this
// Let's do another one..
$edit = array(
'title[full][region]' => 'header',
'test_field_real[full][region]' => 'middle',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));
// See if it's rendered.
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertText('Day: ' . date("d", $page_node->created), t('Custom field executed.'), t('Fields'));
->assertRaw('field-test-field-real', t('Custom field uses default class'), t('Custom fields'));
// Change same field and see if it's changed (cached fields clear test);
$edit = array(
'code_title' => 'Real field',
'code_code' => '<?php echo "Day month: ". date("d M", $object->created); ?>',
'code_class' => 'custom-class',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/edit/test_field_real', $edit, t('Save code field'));
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertText('Day month: ' . date("d M", $page_node->created), t('Custom field executed and changed (cached fields is cleared).'), t('Fields'));
->assertRaw('custom-class', t('Custom field uses default class'), t('Custom fields'));
// Test with token module (if available).
$token = drupal_get_filename('module', 'token');
if (!empty($token)) {
$edit = array(
'code_title' => 'Real field',
'code_code' => 'Day: [d]',
'code_token' => FALSE,
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/edit/test_field_real', $edit, t('Save code field'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertNoText('Day: ' . date("j", $page_node->created), t('Custom field not executed with token support.'), t('Fields'));
$edit = array(
'code_title' => 'Real field',
'code_code' => 'Day: [d]',
'code_token' => TRUE,
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/edit/test_field_real', $edit, t('Save code field'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertText('Day: ' . date("j", $page_node->created), t('Custom field executed with token support.'), t('Fields'));
* Test custom block fields.
function testNdCustomBlockFields() {
$admin_user = $this
'administer nodes',
'access display suite',
'administer nd',
'configure layout for nd',
'export and import settings',
'revert overridden settings',
'use PHP in custom fields',
->drupalGet(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields');
// Valid field.
$edit = array(
'block_key' => 'test_field',
'block_title' => 'Test field label',
'block_block' => 'user|3',
'block_render' => DS_BLOCK_TEMPLATE,
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields', $edit, t('Save block field'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertTrue(array_key_exists('test_field', $fields), t('test_field exists'), t('Block fields'));
->assertEqual($fields['test_field']['title'], $edit['block_title'], t('Title equals Test field label'), t('Block fields'));
->assertEqual($fields['test_field']['properties']['block'], $edit['block_block'], t('Code equals user|3'), t('Block fields'));
->assertEqual($fields['test_field']['properties']['render'], $edit['block_render'], t('Code equals ' . DS_BLOCK_TEMPLATE), t('Block fields'));
// Create a node and set some fields.
$page_node = $this
$edit = array(
'title[full][region]' => 'header',
'test_field[full][region]' => 'middle',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page', $edit, t('Save'));
// Block rendering through template.
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertText('Who\'s online', t('Block title found'), t('Block fields'));
->assertText('There are currently 1 user and 0 guests online.', t('Block text found'), t('Block fields'));
->assertRaw('block-user-3', t('Block ID found'), t('Block fields'));
// Block rendering without template.
$edit = array(
'block_title' => 'Test field label',
'block_block' => 'user|3',
'block_render' => DS_BLOCK_TITLE_CONTENT,
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/edit/test_field', $edit, t('Save block field'));
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertText('Who\'s online', t('Block title found'), t('Block fields'));
->assertText('There are currently 1 user and 0 guests online.', t('Block text found'), t('Block fields'));
->assertNoRaw('block-user-3', t('Block ID found'), t('Block fields'));
// Only block content.
$edit = array(
'block_title' => 'Test field label',
'block_block' => 'user|3',
'block_render' => DS_BLOCK_CONTENT,
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields/edit/test_field', $edit, t('Save block field'));
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertNoText('Who\'s online', t('Block title found'), t('Block fields'));
->assertText('There are currently 1 user and 0 guests online.', t('Block text found'), t('Block fields'));
->assertNoRaw('block-user-3', t('Block ID found'), t('Block fields'));
* Test custom field labels.
function testNdCustomLabels() {
$admin_user = $this
'administer nodes',
'access display suite',
'administer nd',
'configure layout for nd',
'export and import settings',
'revert overridden settings',
'use PHP in custom fields',
->drupalGet(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields');
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
// Add a new real field.
$edit = array(
'code_key' => 'test_field_real',
'code_title' => 'Real field',
'code_code' => '<?php echo "Output of a custom field"; ?>',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fields', $edit, t('Save code field'));
// Make sure we can use the fields for this test.
$edit = array(
'title[full][region]' => 'header',
'title[full][label][format]' => 'above',
'test_field_real[full][region]' => 'middle',
'test_field_real[full][label][format]' => 'above',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));
// Create page.
$page_node = $this
'title' => 'MyTitle',
// Check the value of the labels.
->assertText('Title', t('Title label is shown on page.'), t('Labels'));
->assertText('Real field', t('Custom field label is shown on page.'), t('Labels'));
// Change the label of this new real field.
// Note: run this patch on D6 to allow posts to hidden fields:
// http://drupal.org/node/488810#comment-1693662 .
$edit = array(
'title[full][label_value]' => 'New Title',
'test_field_real[full][label_value]' => 'Unreal field',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));
// See if the label values have changed.
$out = $this
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertText('New Title', t('The title label is changed.'), t('Labels'));
->assertText('Unreal field', t('The custom field label is changed.'), t('Labels'));
* Test fieldgroups.
function testNdFieldgroups() {
$admin_user = $this
'administer nodes',
'access display suite',
'administer nd',
'configure layout for nd',
'export and import settings',
'revert overridden settings',
'use PHP in custom fields',
->drupalGet(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fieldgroups');
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
// Add a new fieldgroup.
$edit = array(
'key' => 'test_group',
'name' => 'Test group',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_MODULES . '/nd/fieldgroups', $edit, t('Save fieldgroup'));
$fields = variable_get('nd_fields', array());
->assertTrue(array_key_exists('ds_group_test_group', $fields), t('test_group exists'), t('Fieldgroups'));
->assertEqual($fields['ds_group_test_group']['title'], $edit['name'], t('Title equals Test group'), t('Fieldgroups'));
// Make sure we can use the fields for this test.
$edit = array(
'title[full][region]' => 'header',
'title[full][label][format]' => 'above',
'ds_group_test_group[full][region]' => 'header',
'ds_group_test_group[full][label][format]' => 'above',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));
// Create page.
$page_node = $this
'title' => 'MyTitle',
// Title must be shown, test group not.
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertText('Title', t('Title is shown on page.'), t('Fieldgroups'));
->assertNoText('Test group', t('Test group is not shown on page.'), t('Fieldgroups'));
// Put title in the test group fieldset.
// Note: run this patch on D6 to allow posts to hidden fields:
// http://drupal.org/node/488810#comment-1693662 .
$edit = array(
'title[full][parent_id]' => 'ds_group_test_group',
->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));
// Title must be shown, inside the fieldgroup div.
->drupalGet('node/' . $page_node->nid);
->assertText('Title', t('Title is shown on page.'), t('Fieldgroups'));
->assertText('Test group', t('Test group is not shown on page.'), t('Fieldgroups'));
Name | Description |
NodeDisplaysFields | @file Tests for Node displays (fields) |