public function Name_AdminTestCase::testAdminSettings in Name Field 7
The most basic test. This should only fail if there is a change to the Drupal API.
- tests/
name.test, line 317 - Tests for the name module.
- Name_AdminTestCase
- Tests for the admin settings and custom format page.
public function testAdminSettings() {
global $base_path;
// Default settings and system settings.
// The default installed formats.
$row_template = array(
'title href' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[1]/a/@href',
'title' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[1]/a',
'machine' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[2]',
'code' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[3]',
'formatted' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[4]',
'edit' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[5]/a',
'edit link' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[5]/a/@href',
'delete' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[5]/a',
'delete link' => '//tr[@id="name-id"]/td[5]/a/@href',
$all_values = array(
0 => array(
'title href' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/settings',
'title' => t('Default'),
'machine' => 'default',
'code' => '((((t+ig)+im)+if)+is)+jc',
'formatted' => 'Mr Joe John Peter Mark Doe Jnr., B.Sc., Ph.D. JOAN SUE DOE Prince ',
1 => array(
'title href' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/1',
'title' => t('Full'),
'machine' => 'full',
'code' => '((((t+ig)+im)+if)+is)+jc',
'formatted' => 'Mr Joe John Peter Mark Doe Jnr., B.Sc., Ph.D. JOAN SUE DOE Prince ',
'edit' => t('Edit'),
'edit link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/1',
'delete' => t('Delete'),
'delete link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/1/delete',
2 => array(
'title href' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/2',
'title' => t('Given'),
'machine' => 'given',
'code' => 'g',
'formatted' => 'Joe JOAN Prince ',
'edit' => t('Edit'),
'edit link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/2',
'delete' => t('Delete'),
'delete link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/2/delete',
3 => array(
'title href' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/3',
'title' => t('Family'),
'machine' => 'family',
'code' => 'f',
'formatted' => 'Doe DOE ',
'edit link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/3',
'delete link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/3/delete',
4 => array(
'title href' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/4',
'title' => t('Title Family'),
'machine' => 'formal',
'code' => 't+if',
'formatted' => 'Mr Doe DOE ',
'edit link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/4',
'delete link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/4/delete',
5 => array(
'title href' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/5',
'title' => t('Given Family'),
'machine' => 'short_full',
'code' => 'g+if',
'formatted' => 'Joe Doe JOAN DOE Prince ',
'edit link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/5',
'delete link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/5/delete',
foreach ($all_values as $id => $row) {
foreach ($row as $cell_code => $value) {
$xpath = str_replace('name-id', 'name-' . $id, $row_template[$cell_code]);
$raw_xpath = $this
if (!is_array($raw_xpath)) {
$results = '__MISSING__';
elseif ($cell_code == 'delete' || $cell_code == 'delete link') {
$results = $raw_xpath[1];
else {
$results = current($raw_xpath);
->assertEqual($results, $value, "Testing {$cell_code} on row {$id} using '{$xpath}' and expecting '" . check_plain($value) . "', got '" . check_plain($results) . "'.");
$raw_xpath = $this
$results = $raw_xpath ? current($raw_xpath) : '__MISSING__';
->assertEqual($results, t('Edit'), "Testing edit on row 0 using '//tr[@id=\"name-id\"]/td[1]/a' and expecting 'Edit', got '{$results}'.");
$raw_xpath = $this
$results = $raw_xpath ? current($raw_xpath) : '__MISSING__';
->assertEqual($results, $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/settings', "Testing edit link on row 0 using '//tr[@id=\"name-id\"]/td[1]/a/@href' and expecting {$base_path} . '?q=admin/config/content/name/settings', got '{$results}'.");
// Fieldset rendering check.
->assertRaw('<legend><span class="fieldset-legend">Format string help</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">', 'Testing the help fieldgroup');
$default_values = array(
'name_settings[default_format]' => 't+ig+im+if+is+kc',
'name_settings[sep1]' => ' ',
'name_settings[sep2]' => ', ',
'name_settings[sep3]' => '',
foreach ($default_values as $name => $value) {
->assertField($name, $value);
// ID example.
->assertFieldById('edit-name-settings-sep1', ' ', t('Sep 3 default value.'));
$post_values = $default_values;
$post_values['name_settings[default_format]'] = '';
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/settings', $post_values, t('Save configuration'));
->assertText(t('Default format field is required.'));
$post_values['name_settings[default_format]'] = ' ';
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/settings', $post_values, t('Save configuration'));
->assertText(t('Default format field is required.'));
$test_values = array(
'name_settings[default_format]' => 'c+ks+if+im+ig+t',
'name_settings[sep1]' => '~',
'name_settings[sep2]' => '^',
'name_settings[sep3]' => '-',
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/settings', $test_values, t('Save configuration'));
->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'));
foreach ($test_values as $name => $value) {
->assertField($name, $value);
// The default installed formats and the updated default format.
$xpath = '//tr[@id="name-0"]/td[3]';
->xpath($xpath)), 'c+ks+if+im+ig+t', 'Default is equal to set default.');
->assertRaw('<legend><span class="fieldset-legend">Format string help</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">', 'Testing the help fieldgroup');
$values = array(
'name' => '',
'machine_name' => '',
'format' => '',
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/add', $values, t('Save'));
foreach (array(
t('Machine-readable name'),
) as $title) {
->assertText(t('!field field is required', array(
'!field' => $title,
$values = array(
'name' => 'given',
'machine_name' => '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_',
'format' => 'a',
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/add', $values, t('Save'));
->assertText(t('The name you have chosen is already in use.'));
->assertNoText(t('!field field is required', array(
'!field' => t('Format'),
->assertNoText(t('!field field is required', array(
'!field' => t('Machine-readable name'),
$values = array(
'name' => 'given',
'machine_name' => '%&*(',
'format' => 'a',
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/add', $values, t('Save'));
->assertText(t('The machine-readable name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.'));
$values = array(
'name' => 'given',
'machine_name' => 'given',
'format' => 'a',
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/add', $values, t('Save'));
->assertText(t('The machine-readable name you have chosen is already in use.'));
$values = array(
'name' => 'given',
'machine_name' => 'default',
'format' => 'a',
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/add', $values, t('Save'));
->assertText(t('The machine-readable name you have chosen is reserved.'));
$values = array(
'name' => 'Test',
'machine_name' => 'test',
'format' => 'abc',
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/add', $values, t('Save'));
->assertText(t('Custom format Test has been created.'));
$new_rows = array(
6 => array(
'title href' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/6',
'title' => 'Test',
'machine' => 'test',
'code' => 'abc',
'formatted' => 'abB.Sc., Ph.D. ab ab ',
'edit link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/6',
'delete link' => $base_path . '?q=admin/config/content/name/6/delete',
foreach ($new_rows as $id => $row) {
foreach ($row as $cell_code => $value) {
$xpath = str_replace('name-id', 'name-' . $id, $row_template[$cell_code]);
$raw_xpath = $this
if (!is_array($raw_xpath)) {
$results = '__MISSING__';
elseif ($cell_code == 'delete' || $cell_code == 'delete link') {
$results = count($raw_xpath) > 1 ? $raw_xpath[1] : '__MISSING__';
else {
$results = current($raw_xpath);
->assertEqual($results, $value, "Testing {$cell_code} on row {$id} using '{$xpath}' and expecting '{$value}', got '{$results}'.");
$values = array(
'name' => 'new name',
'machine_name' => 'bob',
'format' => 'f+g',
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/6', $values, t('Save'));
->assertText(t('Custom format new name has been updated.'));
$new_rows = array(
6 => array(
'title' => $values['name'],
'machine' => $values['machine_name'],
'code' => $values['format'],
foreach ($new_rows as $id => $row) {
foreach ($row as $cell_code => $value) {
$xpath = str_replace('name-id', 'name-' . $id, $row_template[$cell_code]);
$raw_xpath = $this
if (!is_array($raw_xpath)) {
$results = '__MISSING__';
elseif ($cell_code == 'delete' || $cell_code == 'delete link') {
$results = count($raw_xpath) > 1 ? $raw_xpath[1] : '__MISSING__';
else {
$results = current($raw_xpath);
->assertEqual($results, $value, "Testing {$cell_code} on row {$id} using '{$xpath}' and expecting '{$value}', got '{$results}'.");
->assertText(t('The custom format could not be found.'));
->assertText(t('The custom format could not be found.'));
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/name/4', array(), t('Delete'));
->assertText(t('Are you sure you want to delete the custom format !title ("t+if")?', array(
'!title' => check_plain(t('Title Family')),
->drupalPost(NULL, array(
'confirm' => 1,
), t('Delete'));
->assertText(t('The custom name format !title was deleted.', array(
'!title' => check_plain('Title Family'),