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FMDiskFileSystem.php in N1ED - Visual editor as CKEditor plugin with Bootstrap support 8.2


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namespace Drupal\n1ed\Flmngr\FlmngrServer\fs;

use Drupal\n1ed\Flmngr\FileUploaderServer\lib\action\resp\Message;
use Drupal\n1ed\Flmngr\FileUploaderServer\lib\MessageException;
use Drupal\n1ed\Flmngr\FileUploaderServer\lib\file\Utils;
use Drupal\n1ed\Flmngr\FlmngrServer\model\FMDir;
use Drupal\n1ed\Flmngr\FlmngrServer\model\FMFile;
use Drupal\n1ed\Flmngr\FlmngrServer\model\FMMessage;
use Drupal\n1ed\Flmngr\FlmngrServer\model\ImageInfo;
use Exception;

 * Implements file system interface.
 * Provides an interface to access file system (local disc FS).
 * This is the correct module to replace if you want to implement
 * some custom file system support (i. e. network file system like Amazon S3).
class FMDiskFileSystem implements FMDiskFileSystemInterface {
  private $dirFiles;
  private $dirCache;
  function __construct($config) {
    $this->dirFiles = $config['dirFiles'];
    $this->dirCache = $config['dirCache'];
  function getDirs() {
    $dirs = [];
    $fDir = $this->dirFiles;
    if (!file_exists($fDir) || !is_dir($fDir)) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_ROOT_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST));
      ->getDirs__fill($dirs, $fDir, "");
    return $dirs;
  private function getDirs__fill(&$dirs, $fDir, $path) {
    $files = scandir($fDir);
    if ($files === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_UNABLE_TO_LIST_CHILDREN_IN_DIRECTORY));
    $dirsCount = 0;
    $filesCount = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
      $file = $files[$i];
      if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {
      if (is_file($fDir . '/' . $file)) {
      else {
        if (is_dir($fDir . '/' . $file)) {
    $i = strrpos($fDir, '/');
    if ($i !== FALSE) {
      $dirName = substr($fDir, $i + 1);
    else {
      $dirName = $fDir;
    $dir = new FMDir($dirName, $path, $filesCount, $dirsCount);
    $dirs[] = $dir;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
      if ($files[$i] !== '.' && $files[$i] !== '..') {
        if (is_dir($fDir . '/' . $files[$i])) {
            ->getDirs__fill($dirs, $fDir . '/' . $files[$i], $path . (strlen($path) > 0 ? "/" : "") . $dirName);
  private function getRelativePath($path) {
    if (strpos($path, "..") !== FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_DIR_NAME_CONTAINS_INVALID_SYMBOLS));
    if (strpos($path, '/') !== 0) {
      $path = '/' . $path;
    $rootDirName = $this
    if (strpos($path, "/" . $rootDirName) !== 0) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_DIR_NAME_INCORRECT_ROOT));
    return substr($path, strlen("/" . $rootDirName));
  function getAbsolutePath($path) {
    return $this->dirFiles . $this
  private function rmDirRecursive($dir) {
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
      return TRUE;
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
      return unlink($dir);
    foreach (scandir($dir) as $item) {
      if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') {
      if (!$this
        ->rmDirRecursive($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item)) {
        return FALSE;
    return rmdir($dir);
  function deleteDir($dirPath) {
    $fullPath = $this
    $res = $this
    if ($res === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_DIRECTORY));
  function createDir($dirPath, $name) {
    if (strpos($name, "..") !== FALSE || strpos($name, "/") !== FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_DIR_NAME_CONTAINS_INVALID_SYMBOLS));
    $fullPath = $this
      ->getAbsolutePath($dirPath) . "/" . $name;
    $res = file_exists($fullPath) || mkdir($fullPath, 0777, true);
    if ($res === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY));
  private function renameFileOrDir($path, $newName) {
    if (strpos($newName, "..") !== FALSE || strpos($newName, "/") !== FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_DIR_NAME_CONTAINS_INVALID_SYMBOLS));
    $fullPath = $this
    $i = strrpos($fullPath, "/");
    $fullPathDst = substr($fullPath, 0, $i + 1) . $newName;
    if (is_file($fullPathDst)) {
      throw new MessageException(Message::createMessage(Message::FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, $newName));
    $res = rename($fullPath, $fullPathDst);
    if ($res === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_UNABLE_TO_RENAME));
  public function renameFile($filePath, $newName) {
      ->renameFileOrDir($filePath, $newName);
  public function renameDir($dirPath, $newName) {
      ->renameFileOrDir($dirPath, $newName);
  public function getFiles($dirPath) {

    // with "/root_dir_name" in the start
    $fullPath = $this
    if (!is_dir($fullPath)) {
      throw new MessageException(Message::createMessage(Message::DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, $dirPath));
    $fFiles = scandir($fullPath);
    if ($fFiles === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_DIR_CANNOT_BE_READ));
    $files = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($fFiles); $i++) {
      $fFile = $fFiles[$i];
      $fileFullPath = $fullPath . '/' . $fFile;
      if (is_file($fileFullPath)) {
        try {
          $imageInfo = $this
          list($previewFormat, $previewFile) = $this
            ->getImagePreview($fileFullPath, 159, 139);
          $previewData = '';
          while (!feof($previewFile)) {
            $previewData .= fread($previewFile, 8192);
          $preview = "data:" . $previewFormat . ";base64," . base64_encode($previewData);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
          $imageInfo = new ImageInfo();
          $imageInfo->width = NULL;
          $imageInfo->height = NULL;
        $file = new FMFile($dirPath, $fFile, filesize($fileFullPath), filemtime($fileFullPath), $imageInfo);
        if ($preview != null) {
          $file->preview = $preview;
        $files[] = $file;
    return $files;
  private static function getImageInfo($file) {
    $size = getimagesize($file);
    if ($size === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(Message::createMessage(Message::IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR));
    $imageInfo = new ImageInfo();
    $imageInfo->width = $size[0];
    $imageInfo->height = $size[1];
    return $imageInfo;
  private function getRootDirName() {
    $i = strrpos($this->dirFiles, "/");
    if ($i === FALSE) {
      return $this->dirFiles;
    return substr($this->dirFiles, $i + 1);
  function deleteFiles($filesPaths) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($filesPaths); $i++) {
      $fullPath = $this
      $res = is_dir($fullPath) ? rmdir($fullPath) : unlink($fullPath);
      if ($res === FALSE) {
        throw new MessageException(Message::createMessage(Message::UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILE, $filesPaths[$i]));
  function copyFiles($filesPaths, $newPath) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($filesPaths); $i++) {
      $fullPathSrc = $this
      $index = strrpos($fullPathSrc, "/");
      $name = $index === FALSE ? $fullPathSrc : substr($fullPathSrc, $index + 1);
      $fullPathDst = $this
        ->getAbsolutePath($newPath) . "/" . $name;
      $res = copy($fullPathSrc, $fullPathDst);
      if ($res === FALSE) {
        throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_ERROR_ON_COPYING_FILES));
  function moveFiles($filesPaths, $newPath) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($filesPaths); $i++) {
      $fullPathSrc = $this
      $index = strrpos($fullPathSrc, "/");
      $name = $index === FALSE ? $fullPathSrc : substr($fullPathSrc, $index + 1);
      $fullPathDst = $this
        ->getAbsolutePath($newPath) . "/" . $name;
      $res = rename($fullPathSrc, $fullPathDst);
      if ($res === FALSE) {
        throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_ERROR_ON_MOVING_FILES));

  // $mode:
  // "ALWAYS"
  // To recreate image preview in any case (even it is already generated before)
  // Used when user uploads a new image and needs to get its preview
  // To create image only if it does not exist, if exists - its path will be returned
  // Used when user selects existing image in file manager and needs its preview
  // "IF_EXISTS"
  // To recreate preview if it already exists
  // Used when file was reuploaded, edited and we recreate previews for all formats we do not need right now, but used somewhere else
  // File uploaded / saved in image editor and reuploaded: $mode is "ALWAYS" for required formats, "IF_EXISTS" for the others
  // User selected image in file manager:                  $mode is "DO_NOT_UPDATE" for required formats and there is no requests for the otheres
  function resizeFile($filePath, $newFileNameWithoutExt, $width, $height, $mode) {

    // $filePath here starts with "/", not with "/root_dir"
    $rootDir = $this
    $filePath = '/' . $rootDir . $filePath;
    $srcPath = $this
    $index = strrpos($srcPath, "/");
    $oldFileNameWithExt = substr($srcPath, $index + 1);
    $newExt = "png";
    $oldExt = strtolower(Utils::getExt($srcPath));
    if ($oldExt === "jpg" || $oldExt === "jpeg") {
      $newExt = "jpg";
    if ($oldExt === "webp") {
      $newExt = "webp";
    $dstPath = substr($srcPath, 0, $index) . "/" . $newFileNameWithoutExt . "." . $newExt;
    if (Utils::getNameWithoutExt($dstPath) === Utils::getNameWithoutExt($srcPath)) {

      // This is `default` format request - we need to process the image itself without changing its extension
      $dstPath = $srcPath;
    if ($mode === "IF_EXISTS" && !file_exists($dstPath)) {
      throw new MessageException(Message::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_NOT_ERROR_NOT_NEEDED_TO_UPDATE));
    if ($mode === "DO_NOT_UPDATE" && file_exists($dstPath)) {
      $url = substr($dstPath, strlen($this->dirFiles) + 1);
      if (strpos($url, '/') !== 0) {
        $url = '/' . $url;
      return $url;
    $image = NULL;
    switch (FMDiskFileSystem::getMimeType($srcPath)) {
      case 'image/gif':
        $image = @imagecreatefromgif($srcPath);
      case 'image/jpeg':
        $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($srcPath);
      case 'image/png':
        $image = @imagecreatefrompng($srcPath);
      case 'image/bmp':
        $image = @imagecreatefromwbmp($srcPath);
      case 'image/webp':

        // If you get problems with WEBP preview creation, please consider updating GD > 2.2.4
        $image = @imagecreatefromwebp($srcPath);
      case 'image/svg+xml':

        // Return SVG as is
        $url = substr($srcPath, strlen($this->dirFiles) + 1);
        if (strpos($url, '/') !== 0) {
          $url = '/' . $url;
        return $url;

    // Somewhy it can not read ONLY SOME JPEG files, we've caught it on Windows + IIS + PHP
    // Solution from here:
    if (!$image) {
      $image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($srcPath));

    // end of fix
    if (!$image) {
      throw new MessageException(Message::createMessage(Message::IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR));
    imagesavealpha($image, TRUE);
    $imageInfo = FMDiskFileSystem::getImageInfo($srcPath);
    $originalWidth = $imageInfo->width;
    $originalHeight = $imageInfo->height;
    $needToFitWidth = $originalWidth > $width && $width > 0;
    $needToFitHeight = $originalHeight > $height && $height > 0;
    if ($needToFitWidth && $needToFitHeight) {
      if ($width / $originalWidth < $height / $originalHeight) {
        $needToFitHeight = false;
      else {
        $needToFitWidth = false;
    if (!$needToFitWidth && !$needToFitHeight) {

      // if we generated the preview in past, we need to update it in any case
      if (!file_exists($dstPath) || $newFileNameWithoutExt . "." . $oldExt === $oldFileNameWithExt) {

        // return old file due to it has correct width/height to be used as a preview
        $url = substr($srcPath, strlen($this->dirFiles) + 1);
        if (strpos($url, '/') !== 0) {
          $url = '/' . $url;
        return $url;
      else {
        $width = $originalWidth;
        $height = $originalHeight;
    if ($needToFitWidth) {
      $ratio = $width / $originalWidth;
      $height = $originalHeight * $ratio;
    else {
      if ($needToFitHeight) {
        $ratio = $height / $originalHeight;
        $width = $originalWidth * $ratio;
    $resizedImage = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
    imagealphablending($resizedImage, false);
    imagesavealpha($resizedImage, true);
    imagecopyresampled($resizedImage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $originalWidth, $originalHeight);
    $result = FALSE;
    $ext = strtolower(Utils::getExt($dstPath));
    if ($ext === "png") {
      $result = imagepng($resizedImage, $dstPath);
    else {
      if ($ext === "jpg" || $ext === "jpeg") {
        $result = imagejpeg($resizedImage, $dstPath);
      else {
        if ($ext === "bmp") {
          $result = imagebmp($resizedImage, $dstPath);
        else {
          if ($ext === "webp") {
            $result = imagewebp($resizedImage, $dstPath);
          else {
            $result = TRUE;

    // do not resize other formats (i. e. GIF)
    if ($result === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_PREVIEW_IN_CACHE_DIR, $dstPath));
    $url = substr($dstPath, strlen($this->dirFiles) + 1);
    if (strpos($url, '/') !== 0) {
      $url = '/' . $url;
    return $url;
  function moveDir($dirPath, $newPath) {
    $fullPathSrc = $this
    $index = strrpos($fullPathSrc, "/");
    $name = $index === FALSE ? $fullPathSrc : substr($fullPathSrc, $index + 1);
    $fullPathDst = $this
      ->getAbsolutePath($newPath) . "/" . $name;
    $res = rename($fullPathSrc, $fullPathDst);
    if ($res === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_ERROR_ON_MOVING_FILES));
  function copyDir($dirPath, $newPath) {
    $fullPathSrc = $this
    $index = strrpos($fullPathSrc, "/");
    $name = $index === FALSE ? $fullPathSrc : substr($fullPathSrc, $index + 1);
    $fullPathDst = $this
      ->getAbsolutePath($newPath) . "/" . $name;
    $res = $this
      ->copyDir__recurse($fullPathSrc, $fullPathDst);
    if ($res === FALSE) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_ERROR_ON_MOVING_FILES));
  private function copyDir__recurse($src, $dst) {
    $dir = opendir($src);
    while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
      if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
        if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) {
          $res = $this
            ->copyDir__recurse($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file);
          if ($res === FALSE) {
            return FALSE;
        else {
          $res = copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file);
          if ($res === FALSE) {
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  private static function endsWith($str, $ends) {
    return substr($str, -strlen($ends)) === $ends;
  private static function getMimeType($filePath) {
    $mimeType = NULL;
    $filePath = strtolower($filePath);
    if (FMDiskFileSystem::endsWith($filePath, '.png')) {
      $mimeType = "image/png";
    if (FMDiskFileSystem::endsWith($filePath, '.gif')) {
      $mimeType = "image/gif";
    if (FMDiskFileSystem::endsWith($filePath, '.bmp')) {
      $mimeType = "image/bmp";
    if (FMDiskFileSystem::endsWith($filePath, '.jpg') || FMDiskFileSystem::endsWith($filePath, '.jpeg')) {
      $mimeType = "image/jpeg";
    if (FMDiskFileSystem::endsWith($filePath, '.webp')) {
      $mimeType = "image/webp";
    if (FMDiskFileSystem::endsWith($filePath, '.svg')) {
      $mimeType = "image/svg+xml";
    return $mimeType;
  public function getImagePreview($fullPath, $width, $height) {
    $hash = md5($width . $height . filesize($fullPath) . filemtime($fullPath));
    if (!file_exists($this->dirCache)) {
      if (!mkdir($this->dirCache)) {
        throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY));
    $fileCachedPath = $this->dirCache . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $hash . '.png';
    if (!file_exists($fileCachedPath)) {
      $image = NULL;
      switch (FMDiskFileSystem::getMimeType($fullPath)) {
        case 'image/gif':
          $image = @imagecreatefromgif($fullPath);
        case 'image/jpeg':
          $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($fullPath);
        case 'image/png':
          $image = @imagecreatefrompng($fullPath);
        case 'image/bmp':
          $image = @imagecreatefromwbmp($fullPath);
        case 'image/webp':
          $image = @imagecreatefromwebp($fullPath);
        case 'image/svg+xml':
          return [
            fopen($fullPath, 'rb'),

      // Somewhy it can not read ONLY SOME JPEG files,
      // we've caught it on Windows + IIS + PHP
      // Solution from here:
      if (!$image) {
        $image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($fullPath));
      if (!$image) {
        throw new MessageException(Message::createMessage(Message::IMAGE_PROCESS_ERROR));
      imagesavealpha($image, TRUE);
      $imageInfo = FMDiskFileSystem::getImageInfo($fullPath);

      // Ratio thumb.
      $ratio_thumb = $width / $height;
      $xx = $imageInfo->width;
      $yy = $imageInfo->height;

      // Ratio original.
      $ratio_original = $xx / $yy;
      if ($ratio_original >= $ratio_thumb) {
        $yo = $yy;
        $xo = ceil($yo * $width / $height);
        $xo_ini = ceil(($xx - $xo) / 2);
        $xy_ini = 0;
      else {
        $xo = $xx;
        $yo = ceil($xo * $height / $width);
        $xy_ini = ceil(($yy - $yo) / 2);
        $xo_ini = 0;
      $resizedImage = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
      imagecopyresampled($resizedImage, $image, 0, 0, $xo_ini, $xy_ini, $width, $height, $xo, $yo);
      if (imagepng($resizedImage, $fileCachedPath) === FALSE) {
        throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_PREVIEW_IN_CACHE_DIR, $fileCachedPath));
    $f = fopen($fileCachedPath, 'rb');
    if ($f) {
      return [
    throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST));
  function getImageOriginal($filePath) {
    $mimeType = FMDiskFileSystem::getMimeType($filePath);
    if ($mimeType == NULL) {
      throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_FILE_IS_NOT_IMAGE));
    $fullPath = $this
    if (file_exists($fullPath)) {
      $f = fopen($fullPath, 'rb');
      if ($f) {
        return [
    throw new MessageException(FMMessage::createMessage(FMMessage::FM_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST));
  function getDirZipArchive($dirPath, $out) {

    // TODO: Implement getDirZipArchive() method.



Namesort descending Description
FMDiskFileSystem Implements file system interface. Provides an interface to access file system (local disc FS). This is the correct module to replace if you want to implement some custom file system support (i. e. network file system like Amazon S3).