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function mvf_handler_sort_mvf::query in Measured Value Field 7

Called to add the sort to a query.

Overrides views_handler_sort::query


views/, line 13
Definition of mvf_handler_sort_mvf class.


Base Views Sort Handler for field types defined in MVF module.


function query() {

  // Loading the field info, we will need the information about db columns.
  $field = field_info_field($this->definition['field_name']);

  // First of all, right now we are able to sort only MVF based on the
  // measures that use linear conversion of Units module. We are gonna have
  // something like:
  // ORDER BY mvf_value * [factor of the unit in which value is measured]
  $measure = units_measure_machine_name_load(reset($field['settings']['unit']['handler_settings']['target_bundles']));
  if ($measure->converter != 'linear') {

    // Whooups... We can't sort MVF on a non linear measure. We show an error
    // message, log it to watchdog and halt.
    drupal_set_message(t('Measured Value Field cannot sort fields based on measures non linear conversion, such as %measure. Please, change sort settings of the view %view.', array(
      '%measure' => entity_label('units_measure', $measure),
      '%view' => $this->view
    )), 'error');
    watchdog('mvf', 'Measured Value Field cannot sort fields based on measures with non linear conversion, such as %measure. Please, change sort settings of the view %view.', array(
      '%measure' => entity_label('units_measure', $measure),
      '%view' => $this->view

  // We are going to join the {units_unit} table because it contains the
  // knowledge of factors.
  $units_unit_alias = $field['field_name'] . '_units_unit';

  // @todo: figure out whether it matters here if it is FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT or
  $storage = reset($field['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT']);
  $unit_units_entity_info = entity_get_info('units_unit');
  $join = new views_join();
    ->construct('units_unit', $this->table, $storage[mvf_subfield_to_column('unit')], $unit_units_entity_info['entity keys']['id'], array(), 'INNER');
  $units_unit_alias = $this->query
    ->add_relationship($units_unit_alias, $join, $this->table_alias, $this->relationship);
  $orderby_expression = $this->table_alias . '.' . $this->real_field . ' * ' . $units_unit_alias . '.factor';
    ->add_orderby(NULL, $orderby_expression, $this->options['order'], 'mvf_orderby');